Chapter 33

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"Go!" Mary yells as she pushes him towards her dad.
Laurie turns back to her and smiles, "For a moment there, I thought I was the man of the relationship."
They're still in the shadows of the ball that Mary threw. Everyone is staring at the quartet as they play their beautiful instruments. Mary's dad is next to Marmee, who is trying to keep him upright. He's a jolly drunk.
Mary shakes her head, ready with a joke, "Well, I'm glad you know better now, but if you want this relationship to last, go talk to my dad."
Laurie sighs with a nod, "You're lucky I love you."
"That is where you are wrong, sir. You are lucky that I love you." Mary teases.
Laurie stands up straight and leans in to kiss her, "You are damn right I'm lucky."
Again, she rolls her eyes, "You're an idiot."
His eyebrows furrow as she smacks her hand to his lips, "Ask my dad and I'll meet you tonight in your room."
Laurie groans and nods, following her orders. He makes his way over to her dad, striking up a conversation. Mary watches them for a minute and then moves over to her sisters, who are socializing with each other.
"What is Laurie doing with father?" Meg asks, suspiciously.
       "He's asking father to marry me." Mary stares at Laurie, dreamily, not realizing what she said.
        Meg gasps, "I knew there was something going on!" 
       "Are you serious?" Jo asks.
        Beth laughs, "I knew you guys would be together."
        Jo seethes with anger, trying to remember the wise words that Marmee had told her when she was mad at Amy. Her sister had found love, why should she be mad? She didn't love Laurie. She just wanted to be loved.
        "I-" Mary stutters, "Oh no."
         "You're so in your head about him that you didn't even know what you were saying." Meg gushes.
"I can't believe this." Jo says in complete shock.
       Mary's head, quickly, snaps to Jo, "Oh, Jo. I'm so sorry. I love him and we weren't gonna tell anyone until he could ask father, but you told me he loved you and-"
        Jo cuts off her sister, "It's okay. You don't have to explain your love to me."
         Jo means it in a sincere way, but can't stop the passive aggressiveness from her mouth. Mary nods and looks down. She is happy that her sister said it was okay, but sad that it may cause a bit of a rift.
        "This is wonderful, Mari." Meg exclaims.
          Beth nods along, "Are you guys gonna have a wedding?"
          That causes Mary's eyes to widen, "I- I guess we will. I'm not really sure about it."
          "Oh, please do. It would be great." Meg smiles.
         They all watch their father pull Laurie into another room. Laurie turns back to her and gives her a 'save me' look. Mary does a slight smile and shakes her head. Laurie raises his eyebrows and keeps following father.
        Meg and Jo both follow after. They try to hear the conversation in the room where Laurie and Father just went. Beth and Marilyn follow them in a slower pace.
        Beth grabs Mary's arm, making Mary stop in her tracks, "Promise me that even if I die you'll still marry Laurie."
        Mary shakes her head, "You're not gonna die anytime soon."
       Mary tries to reassure Beth, but is really reassuring herself. Beth sighs. She's trying to close up the loose ends of her life, knowing she won't make it much longer.
        "Mary, you have been my protector for my whole life, but this is the one thing you can't protect me from. Like you said, you can slow down death, but you can't stop it." Beth grabs Mary's hands.
       A tear slips from Mary's eye, "My great Beth, I'm so sorry."
        "It's okay. It's okay. Just get married for me. You love him and he loves you. He's Laurie. He's our Laurie, but he's always been more of yours. Lean on him. He'll be strong for you. I know he will." Beth advises her as Mary stares at her sister in sadness.
       "Bethy, you have my word." Mary smiles lightly.
       Beth hugs her sister for the last time, but neither of them know that. For how long Beth had been holding on, Mary held on longer. Beth had known that her sisters wouldn't be able to get through her death alone.
       She knew that her sisters would divide, but now, with help from outer parties, they might just make it. Maybe Amy won't blame Mary for Beth getting sick. Maybe Jo won't blame herself. Maybe Meg won't be so sad that she shuts down. Maybe Mary won't feel like she failed Beth.
       "And here I thought you were going to reject every man who wanted to marry you." Mary's father jokes.
        Mary was called into the other room after Laurie had left. She presses her lips together, nervous. Her dad's face holds a unreadable expression.
        "Well, I love him, Father." She smiles.
        Her father nods, "I have heard. All I'm here to ask is are you sure?"
         Mary tilts her head, "Is that a are you sure you want to get married or are you sure you want to get married to him?"
        "Both, my dear." He elaborates, "He has never worked a single day in his life. You have. He doesn't know what it's like to be poor. You do. In many ways, you have experienced more than him."
       "Father, he has worked. He worked for my love. I wouldn't love him if he wasn't the man he is. Even after we are married, I'm sure he'll still be working to make me happy everyday. I can say that maybe he doesn't have as much hardship as me, but he has been through a lot." Mary argues.
       "Sweetheart, if you love him, I don't see why you will need my permission. Go to him and be with him. He is a good man. Just tell him to stop making bald comments." Her father nods.
        Mary smiles, widely, and hugs her dad, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
        She hugs him for another second and then, she runs out of the room. She sees everyone waiting for her. There is quite the crowd. She sees Marmee, her sisters and then, the man she loves.
        He is watching her facial expression. When she breaks into a smile after spotting him, he sighs in relief. She runs to him and he opens his arms. With a satisfied smile, he wraps her up. Getting to hug the love of his life was much better than keeping it a secret, even if being sneaky was a fun experience.
      "I can't believe that you're my fiancé." He whispers in her ear.
       She pulls away with her hands still on his face and his hands still around her waist, "I have been your fiancé."
       "Well now, everyone knows." Laurie says as he looks over at a man.
         Mary follows his gaze and sees Danny, "I appreciate that your love for me is so much that you are upset at other men, but- but can you look at me?"
       She moves his face over to look at her, "We are getting married. You could spare me a glance."
       Laurie laughs as his eyes focus on her again, "You don't see it but I stare a lot at you while you're walking away."
        "That is very risky behavior for an unmarried man." She replies to him.
        Everyone is chatting amongst themselves about the new couple. Her family is watching the new couple and Laurie's grandfather is helping Beth walk over to them.
       "Well, I won't be unmarried for long."
        Beth laughs as she walks up, "I'm very happy for you both."
        "As am I. My grandson doesn't deserve you, Ms. March." Mr. Laurence whispers to her as he hugs her.
        "Oh, I know, but I would hate to wash away his ego." Mary teases.
        Laurie shakes his head, "Glad to know you will, at least, let me have my ego in this marriage."
        Mary leans over and whispers, "You can have anything when we get married."
Laurie coughs, violently, "Uhm- I'm going to walk over there."
Laurie walks away, swiftly. Mr. Laurence shakes his head at his retreating grandson. Beth smiles at her sister and leans over to her.
"He adores you." She comments.
Mary wraps her arm around her sister, "I know. I love him, even if he's immature, annoying, and too cocky."
"When you put it like that, your affection for him really shows." Mr. Laurence jokes.
I'm sorry okay? I deleted the app and forgot to redownload it. Don't hate me. I'm back. And I'm staying.

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now