Chapter 14

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March House

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March House. 1862.
I hear whimpering. It's like a person trying to keep quiet while sobbing. I pat the space next to me in bed. It's empty. I get up.
I see Jo sit alone in the hallway, quietly weeping to herself. She tries to make as little noise as possible.
I quickly go to comfort her. I wrap my arms around her which startles her.
"Shh. I know. I know. I know it hurts." I try and soothe her.
Her sobs are muffled by my shirt. I start to tear up, too.
She gets up, still bawling,"why are you crying?"
I place my hand at my neck feeling the absence of my locket, "My- My locket."
I whimper as Jo looks at me with tears in her eyes. She looks confused. Her gaze going between my neck and my face.
She gasps with realization,"You sold your locket?"
I nod and she embraces me. We both are silently crying. It's actually comforting to not cry by yourself.
We hear a door behind us open. Amy stoops down to comfort us while we are crying.
"Oh, Jo, Mari. Is it Father?"She questions.
"No..." she pauses before crying more,"It's my hair."
"My locket." I cry.
Amy wraps her arm around me. Jo sobs into my arms as I sob into Amy's.
        "Oh. You sold your locket?" Amy asks me.
        I nod as Amy holds me.
Amy starts getting emotional ,"I would feel the same way."
"I know you would." Jo states.
We all sit and comfort each other.
Amy has her foot in a bucket of plaster, working on making a mold. Meg is reading a letter, smiling to herself. Jo writes a story. Beth finishes a pair of slippers for Mr. Laurence.
I sit at the table, writing in my notebook.
I'm very upset. Teddy hasn't apologized for it yet. I always get mad at him.
He always apologizes. Now I feel bad. He just was curious maybe. Boys are so confusing.
Dore is different though. He's always not just been a boy. He's been my best friend.
He's always been in love with Jo. He's always been apart of the family even if we didn't know him when the family was formed.
     I just don't understand how he flirts with us. He even flirted with Meg one time. Amy likes him. I know Jo might like him and he loves her. It's always been them.
But it's alright. I mean he is only ever going to be my best friend and I'm okay with that. I'm to get engaged to another man anyway.
I stop writing with a sigh. I look around the room.
The room is messy - we've let things slide since our mother has been gone. It was never a neat house, but now it definitely isn't. The inmates are running the asylum.
"I'm making a mold of my foot for Laurie to remind him I have nice feet." Amy says while sticking her hands in the mold.
I snort,"Why would he care about your feet?"
Amy shrugs and sticks her tongue out.
"Mr. Brooke writes that Father is still very weak, but improving. Mr. Brooke also says Mother is the best nurse a man could have..."Meg trails off.
Jo is annoyed,"I wish all the letters were from Mother, and not Mr. Brooke."
Meg, with careful attention, places the letter away and starts working on an errands list, "I'm grateful for any letters."
"I think the deep purple is very fitting for Mr. Laurence, do you agree Amy?" Beth asks.
Amy glances over,"Quite. And the design is very cunning."
Amy returns to her task.
"I think it's very dashing. I'm sure he'll cherish it." I tell Beth.
Beth blushes,"I had to thank him somehow for allowing me to play the piano at his house all the time."
"Oh! Maybe I should make a pie? He's so kind for letting me borrow books." I suggest.
"I'll go into town for groceries -Jo, can you go look into getting more firewood?" Meg requests.
"You all haven't been to see the Hummel's. We should go." Beth suggests.
"Oh Bethy, we barely have enough to
feed ourselves. Besides, I have to finish this story." Jo explains.
"Marmee said that we-"
Beth gets cut off by Amy,"Marmee said so many things, we can't possibly do them all."
"But I always go by myself and you haven't been keeping up with your tasks..." Beth complains.
"We work!"Jo barks.
"Don't worry sweet girl, we'll find a time." Meg says, softly.
"But it's been weeks." Claims Beth.
"We'll go soon." Jo compromises.
OUT!" Amy interrupts.
Jo laughs and tries to help her pull her foot out, while Beth's little face turns stubborn. She doesn't like this...
"Fine, I'll go myself." She mutters yo herself.
I put my hand on her shoulder,"I'll go with you."
I get up early to bake a pie for the
Laurences. Everyone is still asleep except for Beth. She's putting the finishing touches on the shoes for Mr.Laurence.
"Bethy, how are those shoes coming along?" I ask her.
"They look good. I hope he likes them." She says.
I look over at her,"Well, be sure to finish them quickly. My pies will be done soon."
"Pies? I thought you were only making one." She assumes.
"Oh no. I thought I could make some for the Hummels. They might enjoy it. I also made some pastries." I inform her.
"Oh that is so good. They're going to be so happy." Beth exclaims.
I nod and take the pies out of the oven.
"Done!" Beth smiles while looking at her work.
I put the pies down to cool. I go over a pick up a shoe. I run my fingers, delicately on the material.
        "What are you guys doing up so early?" I hear a groggy Jo.
           I turn around to see her in the doorway. I put down the shoe and go back to the kitchen.
          "We are going to make some errands." I tell her.
       Beth gets up and takes the shoes,"I'm gonna go place these in a package."
        I nod and Jo rubs her eyes. She sits at the table and watches me put the pies into the baskets.
          "Are one of those for Aunt March?" She asks me.
        I chuckle," No. Why would it be?"
         "Because you're going to visit her, aren't you?" Questions Jo.
         "What made you have such an idea?" I reply.
         "Because It's been 2 weeks since you got Aunt Marchs letter. Didn't she say she wants you to pay her a visit?" Jo reminds.
          I gasp and smack my forehead. Of course. How could I have forgotten about the engagement.
          "Yes, actually. Thank you for reminding me. I seem to have forgotten." I tell Jo.
          She nods and grabs a pastry before heading upstairs. I sigh and look down.
        Beth comes skipping down the stairs,"I'm ready to go!"
        "Okay." I grab the basket and we head to the Laurences house.
         It's not very far so there is no small talk. Beth knocks on the door and their servant opens it.
         "Hi. Can you give this to Mr. Laurence? Tell him it's from Beth." She says sweetly.
         He takes the box,"Anything else?"
         "Oh yes. I made two pies. I would like to give one to you. And the other for the rest." I tell him.
        He looks up and smiles at me,"That is very kind of you, miss?"
        "Oh Marilyn. Just call me Mary though." I suggest.
         "Well Miss Mary. I appreciate this." He tells me.
        I smile,"Have a good day."
        He closes the door as I grab Beth's hand.

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now