Chapter 5

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Aunt March's house

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Aunt March's house. 1862.
Aunt March dozes, poodle in her lap, while Jo stands by the bookcase and surreptitiously reads her own book.
        Aunt March employs Jo to read to her and me to sing for her or listen to her lessons about being lady like.
       I kept singing but softly after Aunt March fell asleep. Jo turns the page, trying to be as quiet as possible, but Aunt March wakes up.
    "JOSY-PHINE!" She yells."Is there a reason you stopped reading Belsham?"
     "I'm sorry, I'll continue."
    Aunt March turns towards me, "You can stop singing. Go get a drink for that voice of yours."
     Aunt March looks back at Jo,"You mind yourself, dearie, one day you'll need me and you'll wish you had behaved better."
     "Thank you, Aunt March, for your employment and many kindnesses, but I intend to make my own way in the world." Jo states.
        I personally agree with her but I do wanna get married.
      "No one makes their own way, not
really, least of all a woman. You'll need to marry well." Aunt March says back to her.
     "You are not married, Aunt." Counters Jo.
     She looks at Jo,"Because I was rich and made sure to keep my money."
     "So the only way to be an unmarried woman is to be rich." Concludes Jo.
     "Yes." Aunt March says as I take a seat next to Jo.
      "But there are precious few ways for women to make money." Jo argues. 
      "That's not true. You could run a cat house, or go on the stage. Practically the same thing." She disses actresses.
         This time, Jo stays silent.
        "Other than that, you're right, precious few ways for women. That's why you should heed me." Aunt March suggests.
       "So we can get married." Jo includes me.
      "No, so you can live a better life than your poor mother." Aunt march crosses her legs.
     " Marmee loves her life." Argues Jo.
      I turn towards her and shake my head. That is not a argument you're going to win.
     "You don't know what she loves. Your father cared more about educating freedmen's children than taking care of his family." Aunt March sneers.
   "Yes, but he was right." Jo argues again.
    "It is possible to be right and foolish." Aunt March says.
     I do agree. If you give away all your money for the greater good, you're poor. That's foolish. You let go as much as you can spare but not all of it. But that would be very bold if you did.
    "I don't think so." Jo argues.
    "Well, you're not paid to think."Aunt March remarks.
      Jo goes in to make a another comment but I cut her off, "For goodness sake, Jo, Hold your tongue."
       Aunt March's face softens a bit when I speak up,"I know you don't care much about marriage now. I can't say I blame you, but I intend to go to Europe one more time, and I need a companion or two. How would you like to be the people I take? Mary can translate for me and you can experience the world."
       "I'd like that more than anything!" Exclaims Jo.
        I nod excitedly, "yes. That would be lovely."
       "Then read and don't sneak around. I don't like sneaks." She says to jo and then turns to me, "and you. You have to learn 5 more etiquette lessons."
         I nod but internally I'm banging my head against a wall. They're so boring.
                Jo, Meg and I are walking home with latched arms. I see Laurie talking to Amy through the window. I could barely see them since we were so far away.
         She goes into his house and now I know we have to go over because I simply am curious. I want know what's going on.
        "Jo. Did you see Amy go into Laurie's house?" I ask her.
         She looks over at me with wide eyes,"We simply must go over, then"
       I laugh as she starts running, dragging me along. I drag Meg along.
        "Why are we running?" Meg asks.
        "I saw Amy go into Dore's house." I tell her.
        "Oh. How scandalous?!!?" Meg laughs.
        We knock on the door and hunch over to catch our breaths. I look up at Jo and lock eyes with her. We burst out laughing until the door opens.
       I quickly straighten out and look everywhere except Mr. Brooks who opened the door. Meg and Brooks are having this weird eye flirting thing.
       I look and see movement in the window of his house. It's Laurie. He's at the window, looking at us.
       Mr. Brooks clears his throat and leads us in without us saying a word,"She's in here..."
      Meg goes instantly to Amy, while Jo and I get distracted by all books. Laurie stands when we enter, "Lyn!"
       I go over and hug him,"Thank you for the letter. I missed you. I'm sorry. I was dramatic."
       He hugs me back before Jo speaks up,"What richness! Theodore Lawrence, you ought to be the happiest boy in the world!"
        I break the hug and look around,"Not even the happiest boy! The happiest person!"
       "A fellow can't live on books alone." Laurie replies.
    Jo and I look at each other before we both say, "We could."
     Laurie laughs at our similarities as I keep looking at the books.
     Meg is tending to Amy, and Mr. Brooke can't help but stare at Meg, completely flummoxed by her beauty and goodness.
     "What happened, little lamb?" Meg takes the soft approach.
      "What did you do?" Questions Jo.
       Amy smiles innocently,"Just a drawing and then... Mr. Davis hit me."
     Amy starts crying again, holds up her hand. Meg has taken off her gloves and put them on a side table while she examines her sister's outstretched hand.
    I see Mr. Brooke eye the gloves like he's drawn to the items so recently worn by Meg. Suddenly, I feel the need to upchuck.
   I roam the room and stop in front of a portrait of Mr. Laurence. Laurie follows my gaze. Jo comes up beside me.
   "Christopher Columbus, look at that." Jo gasps.
  "That's my grandfather. Are you scared of him?" Questions Laurie.
     "We're not scared of anyone! He looks stern, but my grandfather was much more handsome." Jo says, once again speaking for me.
       "Our Grandfather had all the ladies lined up for him but still chose my grandmother. That's true love. But you're right, Jo. Grandfather was much nicer looking." I repeat.
     Unfortunately, during this speech, Mr. Laurence entered with Marmee. Laurie stifled a laugh.
    "Jo! Mari! We do not compare grandfathers!" Yells Marmee.
    Jo and I spin around and see Mr. Laurence and our mother.
     "You think he's more handsome, hey?" Asks Mr. Laurence.
     "Oh, no. You are very handsome. I didn't mean..." Jo trails off.
   Mr. Laurences cracks a half smile,"I knew your mother's father. You've both got his spirit."
     "I hope we also got his looks." I joke.
       Marmee rolls her eyes as Mr.Laurence chuckles.
      "Thank you, sir." Jo gushes.
     Marmee tends to Amy,"You are not to attend that school any more."
    "Good, that man has always been an idiot." Jo agrees. 
     "Jo will teach you." Marmee states.
     "ME?! I already teach Beth!" Jo argues.
     "You're a good teacher." Meg compliments.
      "I will teach Amy. I don't mind." I tell Marmee.
       Marmee smiles at me, "Thank you dear."
    "Yes, women being taught at home is much more proper, I believe." Mr.Brooke says, mostly speaking to Meg.
      Meg turns to him,"Only because the schools for women are so poor."
    "Indeed, quite right." Mr.Brooke turns away.
     "I wish all the girls would leave his horrible school and that he would die." Amy says cruelly.
     "Amy." I scold. "We don't wish people would die."
     "So that's what Amy meant when she said you scrunch you're nose when you scold?" Dore semi-whispers in my ear.
      I pinch his side and stick out my tongue.
    "You did wrong, Amy, and there will be consequences." Marmee turns to Laurie,"Thank you so much for taking care of Amy. My girls do have a way of getting into mischief."
     Laurie bows his head,"So do I!"
Marmee smiles,"Then you should run over and we'll take care of you."
    "And please come here, whenever you'd like. And tell Beth to come too." Laurie says looking at me.
      "YES! Beth would adore the piano!" Jo exclaims.
      "Are you kidding? She'll adore the sheet music!" I also exclaim.
      " Is she the quiet one?"asks Mr.Laurence.
     "That's our Beth." Says Meg.
     "Tell the little girl to use our piano." Mr.Laurence says sternly.
     "Jo and Mary, borrow any book you'd like!" Laurie suggests.
      "Careful. Then you wouldn't have a library left." I tell him.
     "And may I come look at the paintings?" Amy questions.
     Mr.Brooks cuts off Amy, "There is also a lovely greenhouse.."
     "Oh. That's more of Meg's thing." I tease.
     She turns to me and glares. I stick out my tongue.
     Laurie laughs and puts his arm around my shoulder.
   "We must be going. Girls?" Marmee says as she starts to leave.
    "Thank you!" Jo calls out as she leaves.
     The rest of us follow in suit with:
     "Please come over!"
       "Much thanks!"
       "Bye dore, I'll be expecting your visit!"

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now