Chapter 9

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       Meg is saying goodbye to everyone as she sets off for her adventure to visit Annie Moffat

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       Meg is saying goodbye to everyone as she sets off for her adventure to visit Annie Moffat. She's bringing me along because Annie said she could.
       Annie adores me! It's lovely. I miss her so much. I met Annie when we were at a ball. Sallie was there too, but I don't care for her much. She was busting talking to boys.
      Mr. Brooke is carrying Meg's baggage. Hannah, our sisters, and Marmee are helping with odds and ends.
      I tug out my luggage from the house. Laurie is "boxing" with Jo until he sees me struggling.
        "Here, let me get this." He says to me.
         "That's not going to get me to forgive you." I cross my arms.
         "Do I have to have an alternative motive?" Teddy asks.
          I give him a look and walk faster towards Beth.
      Mr. Laurence is there in his proper, "over-seeing-things" kind of way.
      Laurie catches up and pokes my stomach after putting my luggage away. I poke him back.
       I take off his hat and put it on my head. He leans into me and I hug him.
     "Coming!" Laurie calls out before grabbing my hand and dragging me.
     "You know Amy? I'm leaving too." I comment.
       She rolls her eyes. I look over at Laurie and he's having a conversation with Jo. I see him salute her," Yes, Captain Jo!"
        Meg looks at mom,"It was so kind of Annie to invite me. Thank you for letting me go, Marmee."
        "Us go." I correct Meg.
      "Just be who you guys are, my sweet Meg and my brave Mary." She hands Meg a necklace."It was mine when I was your age."
     "Oh mother! Thank you!" Meg exclaims happily.
      "I've never understood saving jewelry until marriage - pretty things should be enjoyed." Marmee says.
        I look at the ring on my finger. I look at Laurie. I kneel. He looks shocked. I shake my head,"Yes, pretty things should be enjoyed." 
          I take off my ring and put it on Laurie's hand, "keep it safe. My aunt March spent a fortune on that ring."
        He laughed and nods. He kisses my forehead,"I will."
         Amy pouts,"Why does she get to go? I wish I could go to the debutante ball."
Mr.Brooke speaks up from beside her,"Do you think this is a good idea, them going away like this?
      "Girls have to go into the world and make up their own minds about things." Marmee states.
       Jo turns to Meg and me,"Don't forget about us."
       "I won't ,Jo, it's only a week!"  Meg exclaims.
       "I have a better chance of falling in love than forgetting you, Jo." I say to her.
         "Yeah, well, don't do that either." She says before looking behind her.
          I follow her gaze. She's looking at Teddy. Oh. That's odd. Oh. Does she-? I shake my head to rid myself of the thought. It's none of my business.
          Hannah hands shoes to Meg,"She needs to have some decent shoes."
      "Thank you again for the carriage, Mr. Laurence. I don't know how to repay you." Meg thanks.
      "Nonsense! Although, there is one thing." Mr.Laurence replies.
     "Anything!"Meg says quickly.
       "Don't say anything. He might force you to marry Laurie." I whisper to her.
       Laurie hears me," Hey! I would be a delightful husband."
       I stick out my tongue then focus on Mr.Laurence.
     For a second, Mr. Laurence's eyes flick to Beth - but then he directs his comments to Marmee.
      "It occurred to me today that my
daughter's piano suffers from want of use." He comments.
       "Does it?" Jo questions with a smirk.
         "Shhhh" Meg shushes Jo.
       We all know where this is going.
     "Wouldn't one of your girls like to run over, and practice on it now and then, just to keep it in tune? If they don't care to come, why, never mind." Mr.Laurence trails off.
      "Oh sir, they do care, very very much!" Beth bursts out.
       Mr.Laurence speaks to her softly,"Are you the musical girl?"
       "I love it dearly, and I'll come, if you are quite sure nobody will hear me, and be disturbed." She blushes from the attention.
     "Not a soul, my dear." Mr.Laurence tells her.
       Meg and I get in the carriage. Mr.Laurence looks to the driver,"Drive on, and keep her safe!"
     We are being pulled away by a carriage. I wave goodbye to everyone, they run down after us.
     Jo and Laurie being the fastest ones. I smile and blow a kiss.
      We arrive at a very grand, beautiful house. Meg suddenly starts messing with her clothes. I can tell she feels quite self-conscious in her clothes.
       I told her she could borrow one of my dresses aunt March got me. She denied. She's never selfish but always caring. I admire that.
      All the other girls are in their fabulous dresses, parading up the grand staircase. Annie looks at us and greets us,"I'm so glad you guys could make it. This will just be splendid!"
        "Oh. I hope so." Meg says in a very convincing voice.
      "Now what dress will you wear tonight, Meg?" Annie asks.
        Meg looks down and then back up,"I will wear this one."
       "That one? Can't you send home for another?" Annie questions.
      I bite my tongue so I won't say anything. Nothing good can come from me speaking my mind.
     "I haven't got another." Meg replies, scratching her arm.
     "Only the one? Oh, that's so funny." Sallie comments.
       Annie jumps in,"Not at all. There's no need of sending home, Daisy - I'm going to call you Daisy now - I've got a sweet pink dress laid away, and you will wear it to please me, won't you, Daisy?"
  Meg looks to see us all looking at her with pleading eyes,"If it's alright."
   "Of course!" Annie exclaims, happily.
    "What are you wearing, Mary?" Sallie asks.
     "Oh. You'll just have to wait and see." I say, making the other girls giggle.
      Meg and I get ready in a room together. She is at the vanity. She's already wearing Annie's dress. I know once she takes it off she's gonna miss it.
        Luckily, I brought extra dresses that are similar to Annie's. I open my luggage and Meg turns around. She sees everything I packed and gasps.
         "Did you pack this all for yourself ?" She says while walking over and picking up a dress.
        "Actually, I brought some more for you." I tell her.
       Her reaction was not what I expected,"I didn't ask you to! Why?! Is my normal dress not good enough for your standards?"
       "No. I didn't mean-" I try to says but she cuts me off.
      "Don't bother. I know how ashamed you are of our family. Stop acting like your better than us because Aunt March gives you everything you want." She says, pointing a finger at me.
        I look down and sit on the bed. Meg huffs and leaves the room. I look at my rose pink dress.

       I sigh and put it on

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       I sigh and put it on. Maybe, Meg is right. Have I been acting like a brat just because Aunt March buys me things? I was really just trying to help.
        I feel tears fall down my face. I quickly wipe them and look in the vanity. I put on some powder.
         I put my hair into a crown braid. I pin it up and join the other girls. I dig my nails into my palms trying not to cry as I see Meg.
        I look away and start talking to Sallie.

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now