Chapter 19

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March House

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March House. 1862.
Father took James into his office to talk to him. Mr. Laurence and Laurie went home after dinner. Mr. Brooke is still here with Meg.
They're going to go in to talk to father next. Meg told me they are asking for permission to get married.
As much as I wanna eavesdrop on father and James' conversation, I don't. Just because I don't, doesn't mean my sisters don't.
"I can't hear them." Amy complains.
"Wait I think I hear something." Jo says and presses her ear even more."They said your name, Mary."
"Obviously, they said her name. The whole conversation is probably about her." Meg assumes.
I'm trying to fight the urge to go over and listen to what they are saying.
"James is nervous. His voice is shaking." Beth hears.
"Oh, that's it. Move over!" I whisper yell and press my ear to the door.
I hear Father get up,"I give you my approval but ultimately it's my daughter's decision."
No. It couldn't possibly be.
"Thank you, sir." James says.
I hear footsteps coming to the door. I quickly get up and pull Jo and Beth up with me. Meg gets Amy and we all sit in the living room.
Meg looks at me with wide eyes. I look down as Father's office door opens.
Father clears his throat and shakes James' hand," it was nice meeting you."
James smiles, "you too, sir."
Father closes his office door and James looks around the room. I look up as his eyes land on me. I smile.
"I guess I'll walk you out." I stand up.
He smiles at me. Everyone stares at us. I hear Meg knock on Father's office door behind me.
"I was wondering if you'll come visit me tomorrow at your Aunt's? It's just that it gets extremely boring and the only people I could talk to was John and Amy. Although, they would mostly talk to each other." James says.
He gets in front of me and takes my hand,"Please? Amy's gone and John is annoying. So please keep me company, Marilyn?"
I smile,"of course I would."
He stares into my eyes and I stare into his. He has blue eyes that sorta look grayish. His blonde hair is darker than usual in the moonlight.
He looks down at my lips and I simply know what's going to happen. He's going to kiss me. I'm going to kiss him.
Wow shocker. But instead of him kissing me, he dips me. Just like the first night we met. I guess you can say I almost fell for him.
He connects his lips with mine. I put my hand on his face. I suddenly realize that we were still in my house and Father would not appreciate this.
I pull away from him and laugh,"Maybe not where my father will see. I'm sure he'll tell Mother and she will tease me forever."
He laughs,"well I better get going."
"You should." I smile.
I pull him towards me and kiss him one more time,"one for the road."
He smiles and exits out the door. I close the door and lean against it with a sigh. I can't believe that I never kissed him before.
Was I dumb? Probably.
     I head over to Aunt March's house. This time I can't be late. There was no time specified time. So she can't yell at me.
     It's been about a year after James came to visit my father. We have gotten closer. I visit him a lot at Aunt March's. He officially started courting me  awhile ago and to my sister's displeasure, I am with him almost everyday.
        "You're late!" Aunt March tells as I approach her house.
         I stand corrected. Apparently, I can be late when there was no time set.
         "You should really get used to that." I tell her.
        Aunt March smiles. Like actually smiles. I can see her teeth. I'm horrified.
        "It doesn't matter. Get in here!" She yells.
         I quickly rush inside. She drags me up to my room and changes me. I feel like a doll.
        Once I'm done getting ready for... well I don't really know what I'm getting ready for. But once I'm done, Aunt March drags me to the parlor.
        I go in and pour myself a drink. Aunt March quickly takes it from me and sets it down.
        "Really?" I say, deadpanned.
          She rolls her eyes,"James is waiting for you in the garden."
         I smile brightly,"okay."
          I start to head outside but Aunt March stops me,"Wait! Straighten out you dress."
          "Yes, Aunt March." I do as she says and straighten out my dress.
         I go outside to the garden. There is a beautiful array of flowers everywhere. Blue flowers in the trees. Yellow flowers on the ground.
        I would love to paint it but I can't right now. I see James waiting for me. I go over and stand beside him. He's looking out at the lake.
         He turns to me,"I've never been out here yet it is the most beautiful."
         "I beg to differ. I find the library the most beautiful." I tell him.
        "The library is perplexing. Not beautiful. It has gold rims and gargoyles. Not to mention that chandelier." James argues.
           I laugh, "I find the library charming and everything in it is so interesting. I wish to have a library like that some day."
          "Wish granted." He says looking over at me.
          I look away from the lake to him and laugh,"You'll make me a perplexing library?"
         "I'll make you anything you want." He says.
         My face softens as I smile. James continues to talk,"Mary, we have known each other for awhile now. I can gladly say that I find you endearing and intriguing. I never want to stop learning about you. Which I is why-" he gets on one knee,"will you, Marilyn Beatrice March, marry me?"
         I gasp as he holds out this beautiful, big, diamond ring. It's to die for. I look around. How do I answer this? I see Aunt March looking at us through the window of her house.
         I know my answer. My whole life has been about pleasing my family. Mostly Aunt March. Marriage is very complicated as is love. You never really know.
        I love James Vanderbilt. He's a amazing man and I believe that I could be happy with him.
        "Yes. James Vanderbilt, I will be your wife." I say with a smile.
         James smiles and puts the ring on my finger. I look at his face. He looks up at me and kisses me.
        I squeal and jump into his arms. I hear Aunt March in her house, cheering.
       Maybe this is how the story is supposed to end.
The overwhelming amount of support is crazy. Honestly, I live for your inputs in my rendition of this story, so please comment or dm me. Thanks and I hope you like the chapter.

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now