Chapter 13

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    "Are you sure you wanna do this, Jo?" I ask Jo

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    "Are you sure you wanna do this, Jo?" I ask Jo.
     "I'm sure." Jo nods and walks into the store.
      I follow after her,"We can just ask Aunt March for money."
      "I can't bare to ask her for money. She'll just be like 'oh yes I forgot you were poor'." She mocks aunt March.
        Jo takes a seat on the chair and a person gets scissors. I look down. I wish I could do something.
       The only thing I own is this locket. I could sell my teeth but that's too much pain. I could try and sell my hair buts it's nowhere near as long as Jo's.
          That only leaves me with one option.
        "I'll give you 20." The store clerk says to me.
       I raise my eyebrows,"It's worth at least 30."
       "It's old!" He yells.
        "Vintage!" I argue.
         He rolls his eyes,"Fine. 25. " He gives me my money and takes my locket. "Get out!"
       I laugh and run back to where Jo is selling her hair.
       I hear Marmee from inside the house,"While I'm gone, Hannah is in charge- and please remember to check on the Hummel's, it will be a difficult winter for everyone..."
       At just that moment, I swing the door open, and we rush in. Jo places money in mother's hand.
    "Will this be enough for the train and food?" Jo asks.
   "Fifty five dollars! That isn't like Aunt March to be so generous." Marmee gasps.
       "I-" she spares a glance at me and corrects herself,"We didn't go to Aunt March, couldn't bear to."
Marmee looks up at us,"Where did you get the money?"
"We only sold what was our own." Jo says as she links arms with me.
     She removes her hat, and beneath, all of her beautiful long hair is gone - now it's just a short, blunt crop.
Everyone gasps.
"Your hair!" Beth exclaims.
"Oh Jo, how could you?" Meg questions.
"Now your hair is off." Beth observes.
"Your one beauty!" Amy gasps rather rudely.
"You look like a boy." Hannah says with a whine.
       "It doesn't affect the fate of the nation, so don't wail." Jo remarks.
      Marmee leans into Jo and grins,"I am so proud that you are my daughter."
       "I was crazy to do something for Father. It'll be good for my vanity, anyway." Utters Jo.
      Jo runs to Laurie, hugging him. They now look like twin boys, and they both ruffle each other's hair.
       I smile as I see Laurie look over at me. He then turns back to Jo and pets her head. She smacks his arm.
       "My girls: I love you more than words can say. Be good to each other. Pray for Father's recovery. I will come back as soon as I can." Marmee announces.
      I look at the men. They watch us solemnly, more determined than ever to help us women that they care for so deeply.
      I roll my eyes. We can take care of ourselves. We run over to Marmee and give her one last hug before she leaves.
       She walks to her carriage and gets in. We all wave as the carriage starts moving. Dore, Jo, and I all look at each other.
      I smile and start running. Teddy catches up and passes me. Jo is about where I am. I go faster, still waving at Marmee, who is still looking out the back window.
      I slowly start to stop as her carriage goes further away from the house. Dore is already stopped. Jo right next to him. I stop next to them and I blow one last kiss at Marmee as she leaves my sights.
       Jo turns away and starts walking back. Teddy looks over at me and holds out his arm for me to take. I laugh and flick his head. He looks at my neck and turns his head to the side.
       I quicken my pace and turn my head away from him. My hand touches the empty place on my chest. My eyes water up. Teddy grips my wrist before I can make it into the house.
      "What's wrong?" He asks me.
       I look away from him and sniffle a bit, "Nothing."
      "Don't play dumb with me." He demands,"What's wrong?"
       I shake my head and look down. My hair covering my face. He loosens his grip on my  wrist.
       He sighs,"Does this have anything to do with that locket that was on your neck?"
        I wipe my tears and nod, "I'm just being a baby. Don't worry about me."
He pulls me into his arms, "Shhh. It's okay."
       My tears flow from my cheek to his shoulder. He pets my head with his hand.
      "Where is your locket?" He questions me.
       I pull away from him,"I sold it."
        He grabs my face,"Why would you do that?"
       "Marmee needs the money. We all do." My voice is barely above a whisper.
      "You need money but that doesn't mean you sell the only thing you love." Teddy caresses my cheek.
"That's not the only thing I love." I mutter.
"Well, you can't sell people you love so it is the only object you love." Dore responds.
        I lean away from him,"You don't understand, do you?"
       He frowns and hesitates ,"Yes-"
       "No. You don't. That's okay though. It's not your fault. You don't have to worry about money. Your grandfather supports you." I breathe out a laugh.
       "That's not fair." Teddy starts.
        "You're right." I look up at him."I get everything handed to me too. My Aunt March spoils me. This is the one time I made money that wasn't from Aunt March."
         Teddy stuffs his hands into his pockets. His face is solemn.
        "This was the one thing I had and I'm glad I sold it for my family. They struggle and I struggle with them. I love them. You don't understand the hardships of being poor." I sigh. "And I know you were just trying to comfort me but don't say you understand when you don't."
        He nods,"Anything else?"
        "Nope." I shrug and push past him to get inside.
       He stands there and stares at my retreating figure. I look back before I go inside. He waves and I ignore it.
Thank you all so much for reading this lame book!!! It took forever to do and I was scared to post it, but it seems like maybe you guys enjoy so... I know it's not a lot, but to me, it means so much.

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now