Chapter 15

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Woods near Hummel house

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Woods near Hummel house. 1862.
We start walking to the Hummels.
"Bethy, I have to go to Aunt March's. Do you mind if I stay for a few then leave?" I ask her.
"Oh. It's fine." She sighs.
"I know I said I would go and I still am. I just need to cut it short." I explain.
"What is it for?" She questions.
I sigh,"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone."
"I pinky promise." Beth promises.
I latch my pinky with hers as we pass the church,"Aunt March wants me to get married."
She gasps,"oh my! I can't believe it! Do you know who she wants you to get married to?"
"No. She won't tell me. I find out today. That's why she invited me over." I reveal.
She looks at me," Oh. It's going to be alright. You can always just find another man."
I laugh,"Bethy, you have too much faith in my flirting abilities."
She laughs,"I'm sure I don't."
Our laughs get cut short when I hear a panicked, sick cry. It's coming from a baby.
         I look and see the Hummers house is not too far. I start to run over as does Beth. 
        I knock on the door as Beth comes to a stop behind me. The door opens to reveal an ill looking Mrs. Hummel.
        I quickly take the baby from her arms. My basket is now on the table. Beth is ushering Mrs. Hummel to bed.
        "A high fever and a red rash." I observe on the baby."I've read a book about this illness."
       I'm talking to myself but Beth overhears me.
      I gasp,"Scarlett Fever."
      I quickly turn around,"Beth! Come here!"
     She comes over to me,"what?"
    "They have Scarlett Fever. You've never had Scarlett Fever. I have. You can't be around them. Go unpack the pie. I'll get them situated." I explain.
       She nods as I go and talk to Mrs.Hummel.
       "Mrs. Hummel. It seems as if you and your baby have Scarlett Fever." I tell her.
       "Will my baby be okay?" She asks me.
        "It's hard to tell. There is no cure as of now. From what I know is that Scarlett Fever is very contagious. Only people who have had it before don't get it again. It is rare if you do." I begin.
       She nods and I continue,"My sister, Beth, hasn't had it so she's going to keep her distance. Scarlett Fever is short term unless you are really infected. It does not look that way so you should be okay. You need to rest. It will resolve in days to weeks. Where are your other children?"
       "They're at a friends house." She replies.
        "Good. Can you make arrangements that they stay there?" I ask her.
       She nods.
       "Now remember to stay in bed. I must be off. Beth, are you going to be leaving soon?"
      "Yes. I'm just going to finish unpacking the pastries." She says.
       I nod,"good. Now remember to keep your distance, Beth."
      She nods as I turn around to the door. 
       "Bye! love you!" I yell and then the door closes.
       I sigh and prepare myself for Aunt March.
"You're late!" Aunt March yells from the door as I run up her lawn.
      "I'm sorry." I apologize as I make it to the door.
     "You're filthy. Go upstairs and change before meeting my guests." Aunt March orders.
       I laugh,"Anything for you, Aunt March."
       She rolls her eyes and walks to the parlor. I run upstairs and to my room. It has my finest dresses.
        I open my wardrobe and look through it. I can't believe out of all people, I have a suitor. Or a possible suitor, at least. I'm so embarrassed.
          Once I finish getting dressed, I go downstairs. I walk into the parlor where I saw Aunt March go.
        I see Aunt March alone,"Aunt March, if this is another intervention, I swear I still don't lick swing-"
        Aunt March clears her throat and looks behind me. I close my eyes and slowly turn around with a sheepish smile.
         "So those swing sets? Did they taste alright?" John asks, pouring a drink.
        "John!" I yell as he puts his drink down.
We hug like old friends. He picks me up and spins me around. I really did have a special  connection with him and his brother.
"Where is-"
"James?" John finished my question.
"Aww, darling. You missed me?" I hear someone from behind me.
I smile brightly and jump into his arms,"Of course I did."
He smiles and lets go of me.
Aunt March looks bewildered. I laugh.
"It's seems you all know each other." Aunt March says.
"Oh yes ma'm." James chuckles.
We are all facing her with me in the middle. I look between them and smile.
"How?" She asks bluntly.
"Oh. Well my brother and I were attending a ball. Annie Moffat's ball." John begins.
"Oh yes. Remember, Aunt March? Meg got invited and let me tag along." I grin.
"Well, there I saw a pretty lady and asked her to dance. She denied so I asked Mary to dance." He teases.
             I hit him in the arm,"You're a liar."
          "You're right. That pretty lady was you. Little did I know, she was a damsel in distress." James continues.
       I snort,"I was not a damsel in distress." I turn to Aunt March, "He was quite the show off when dancing."
         "Yes, he was. Mary looked like she needed some saving from him so I interjected." John chimes in.
        "And then they told me they were brothers and I had to get a drink so I left." I finish.
           "She's a runner." James jokes.
           "Am not. I was thirsty." I argue with a smile.
          "Ahh. Very well." Aunt March approves.
            "So you guys found my aunt?" I question with a cheesy smile looking between them.
        "Actually no, our grandfather did." John clarifies.
        James blushes and I laugh,"That's so sweet and cheesy of him."
         We all laugh. We all talk for awhile, before I make an excuse to leave. Huh, maybe I am a runner.
          "Well this was nice but I must go home. I have to make lunch." I tell them.
           "Well, why don't they escort you home? You can walk or take my carriage." Suggests Aunt March.
        "Oh!" I exclaim,"Let's walk!"
          John chuckles,"why?"
         "I can show you the beautiful scenery." I say  in a obvious voice.
         "Well, why not?" James says and gets his coat.
         He gives me my coat as John gets his and we all walk out.

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now