Chapter 11

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           After I am definitely done dancing, I go upstairs

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           After I am definitely done dancing, I go upstairs. Sleeping in that comfy bed sounds wonderful right now.
         My feet hurt but that's what I get for dancing the night away. I go to my room that's shared with Meg.
        She's still downstairs. Everyone adores her. She was made for the spotlight. I was made to sleep.
        I sit at the vanity and undo my braid crown. I take out the pins and the braid comes flowing down.
        I undo the braid when I hear a knock. I look over at the door, confused. Meg wouldn't knock. It's her room.
       Annie and Sally would just barge in here. Who could it be? Maybe I should stop asking myself and go answer the door.
        I laugh at my joke and go to the door. I open it and see Dore.
        "Oh hi!" I greet with a smile.
        He's leaning on the door frame with a smile. It does look kinda forced though. I go back and sit at the vanity.
         "Who was that guy you were dancing with earlier?" Teddy asked me.
       I sigh with a smile, "Just a boy who asked me to dance."
       "Doesn't seem like just a boy." he mutters.
        I laugh, "nothing happened between us. He doesn't even know my last name."
He smiles, "oh. I was just wondering. He looks familiar."
"He does. Doesn't he?" I say remembering that his grandfather is a very well known man.

Meg and I are coming home after a week away. I can't wait to see my sisters. I missed them so much.
The carriage is pulling up to the house. I look at it and see Jo running outside.
Laurie follows her. He came home after the ball. I sigh in content as Meg pulls me to sit down.
Once the carriage stops, I step out and stretch my legs.
Laurie quickly gives me a big hug. Jo comes over and pushes him off of me," My turn!"
I laugh and hug Jo back. Beth comes out and gives me a small hug. Jo goes over to Meg who is with Marmee.
I go over and hug Hannah. She grabs my face and pinches my cheeks. I look at Amy and give her a nod.
We are still in a fight because of what she did. I know holding a grudge is stupid especially against my sister.
But those writings in my notebook were my private thoughts. She made fun of them. She made fun of how I felt.
I clear my head and go hug Marmee. She hugs me tight," Let's go inside."
She keeps her arm wrapped around me as I look back. I see Laurie carrying my bags. I smile and mouth a thank you. He nods.
We all take a seat in the living room except Laurie and Mr.Brooks who take our stuff upstairs.
I look at Meg with a raised eyebrow. She shrugs with a smile.
"What was it like?" Amy questions excitedly.
I sigh, "Amazing. Annie was so nice. The dancing was beautiful."
"The music?" Beth looks up.
"The music was just ..... spectacular. The dresses were elegant and the boys were dashing." I wink.
"Laurie! I told you not to let her fall in love!" exclaims Jo.
" I didn't let her!" He claims throwing his hands up as if to say 'I'm innocent'.
"Who were these boys, Laurie?" Jo asks him because she knows I won't tell her.
"Must have been the boys she was dancing with." He declares.
I hit his arm and Jo comes barrelling towards me.
I shriek as she lands on me. I laugh as she tells me," no boys."
Laurie got up when Jo jumped on me so Jo took his seat.
"Anyway it was amazing. I only wish my family could've been there." I say sentimentally.
"Speaking of family, evil Aunt March sent us a letter. It's addressed to you." she goes to the table and picks up a white envelope with red wax.
She hands it to me and I get curious. Why would Aunt March give me a letter? She has never sent me one before. I'm going to see her in like a week. So why?
"are you gonna open it or are you just going to stare?" questions Meg.
I look up and notice everyone's eyes on me. I can tell they're curious too.
I open the envelope and take out the letter.
Dear Marilyn March,
A man has asked about you. He's the grandson of one of my friends. He's looking for a wife.
You two shall meet up. He is coming to my house in a few weeks.
Be on your best behavior when you show up. This man is very wealthy and handsome. He seems to have taken a liking to you. Only lord knows why.
I'm joking, Mary. Wear the plaid dress I bought you. It makes you look pretty. Also, I am expecting an engagement soon.
Aunt March
I stare at the letter with wide eyes. Engagement. It's not possible. No. Why would some man ask about me?
"are you okay? You seem to be staring at that letter for a long time." Jo laughs.
I clear my throat, "Yes. Aunt March just wants me to pay her a visit alone."
Jo sighs, "hmm. That's odd. Must be the curse of being the favorite."
I grab a pillow and throw it at her, "I'm not the favorite."
She laughs as I fold up the letter and place it back in the envelope. I make sure to keep it in my hand.
"Would you guys like to accompany me to the beach next week?" Laurie speaks up.
We all look at Marmee who nods. I smile at him, "That sounds fun."
"Great. You'll be able to meet Fred and his sister." Laurie says.
Amy's head perks up. I laugh and turn to Laurie, "is he cute?"
Laurie picks up a pillow and throws it at me. I catch it and throw it back.
"Sorry, Amy. I tried." I wink at her.
         I hold the letter from Aunt March in my hand. What do I do with it? How do I hide this? I don't even know why I have to hide this. I look out the window of the attic.
         The sun is slowly going into darkness. The trees shake very slightly. You can tell there is a slight breeze. Right now, all I want is for that breeze to take me away.
          I plop down on the bed and look down. The envelope in my hand is giving me a feeling of uncertainty.
        Whomever I want to marry is my choice. I just don't want to let down Aunt March. She's given me everything I could ever want.
         I wouldn't like to repay her back like that. I want her to be proud of me. But I know that's too much to ask if I don't follow her rules.
         What do I do? What do I do? What do I-
         I hear a knock on the frame of my door. I quickly drop the letter and kick it under the bed with my foot before turning around.
       "oh! Hey, teddy!" I sound overly happy. Is that suspicious?
        "Hey Mary." Teddy says.
         "Is there something you need?" I ask him, politely.
        "Actually, Jo thinks that you should come downstairs." he tells me.
         I'm so happy Jo thinks for herself but I don't need her to think for me. I guess I never really say anything about it though.
           "Well, if Jo thinks that then why didn't she come to tell me?" I ask him with crossed arms.
         "Because I was hoping to get a hug before you go downstairs." he says in an innocent way.
         My arms fall to my side, "Oh."
        He walks to me slowly and I wrap my arms around him, "Teddy I was only away from you for three days."
        He wraps his arm around my waist, "That's way too long."
        I laugh, "You're such a big softie."
        I lose my balance and we both fall on the bed. His head is on my chest. My arms are still wrapped around him.
        "only for you."
        I stop laughing and look down at him. I smile softly and kiss the top of his head, "I missed you too Teddy."

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now