Chapter 12

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        On a perfect spring day, Laurie, playing the host, makes the introductions of the British family to us

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On a perfect spring day, Laurie, playing the host, makes the introductions of the British family to us.
Laurie gestures to a handsome young man,"This is Fred Vaughn."
He then gestures to a prim and proper looking girl," and his sister Kate and of course, you know Mr. Brooke."
I look over at Meg and see her blush. Mr. Brook is only looking at Meg.
"and these are the March sisters. Meg, Jo, Mary, Amy, and Beth." Teddy introduces.
Jo tips her oversized hat. I smile.
"So pleased to meet you." Fred says in a British accent.
"Oh, how elegant!" Amy says then takes Fred's hand,"Remember the name 'Amy March'. I'm going to come to find you one day in London."
He blushes,"Oh, I certainly will!"
I laugh, "Hi. I'm Marilyn. You can just call me Mary."
"Oh. It's very nice to meet you." He emphasizes 'very'.
Then the activities commence. There's kites and badminton and a perfect view. The ocean looks beautiful. I play with my locket as I look out at the ocean.
"Mary!" I hear Laurie call.
I look over at him,"Yes, Teddy?"
"Come be my partner for badminton!" He hollers.
"Okay!" I look back at the ocean and sigh. I turn away and run towards Laurie.
A badminton game begins between Fred and Amy on one team and Teddy and me on the other while Beth cheers on both sides.
I look over and see Sallie tries to impress Kate and flirt with Fred. I laugh as Katie rolls her eyes. She looks over at me and smiles.
Fred tries to flirt with me. I kick Fred and run away. I am already meeting a new man. I don't need another.
We all fly kites. Laurie said his was going to go the highest but mine did. I stick out my tongue at him and Meg laughs.
He drops his kite and starts running after me. I drop my kite and try to run away. I run into the ocean. Laurie follows. I run out of the ocean but he's too fast and catches me by my waist.
I laugh and look over at Amy,"Give me one second."
He nods and strolls to Fred.
Amy is settlers in a chair with a sketchpad. I look to see what's she's drawing. It's Laurie. Oh.
"Hey." I say and take a seat next to her.
"Hi." She says quickly and turns her sketchbook to where I can't see it anymore.
I take out my sketchbook and pencil and draw. I draw Meg, Jo, and Beth first. They're all next to each other with their arms wrapped around each other. Beth is in the middle.
I draw Mr.Brooke on the other side of Meg. She's looking at him and he at her.
I draw Laurie next. He is right next to Jo. I draw myself next. I draw myself next to Laurie who is in the center of the picture.
Next to me, I draw Katie. I can tell she's going to be a good friend. Amy is next to Katie. Fred is next to her.
I draw the sand and waves in empty spaces between our bodies. I draw the sky above us.
No matter what, this drawing is exactly how I'll remember this day.
"Amy.." i mutter.
She looks over at me and I hesitate,"I..I Uh... I miss you."
Her face softens and I continue,"I'm sorry I held a grudge. You're my sister and no matter how much I want to change that sometimes, I can't. So it's pointless to be mad at you."
She sniffs and pulls me into a hug,"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done anything that I did."
      The sudden movement tips our beach chairs. We fall on our sides still hugging. I look at her face and laugh.
We both get up and dust ourselves off. She goes to talk to Fred. I take a walk on the beach.
I look over at Mr. Brooke and Meg. They are talking and flirting and skipping stones and generally being adorable and having that look of intimacy.
Gross. Well who am I to say that? I'm expected to be engaged soon.
I walk over to Jo who's walking in the sand barefoot. She keeps looking over at Meg, who gazes at Mr. Brooke adoringly.
I can tell that this annoys Jo. I place my hand on her shoulder and she looks over at me. We both glance at Meg and Mr.Brooke.
Laurie sees us and comes up to us. He wraps his arms around us and whispers,"I know something you don't know."
"Tell us this second!" Jo whisper yells.
I jump up and down chanting,"Tell us! Tell us!"
Laurie smirks,"Has Meg perhaps mislaid a glove?"
We whip around to look at Laurie. I'm shocked and creeped out.
"Mr. Brooke has it?" Jo questions sharply.
Laurie nods. I look at him, confused, "How do you know?"
"Saw it." Laurie states simply and walks away from us.
I look at Jo and she looks at me. I look at her with a bewildered face. We both try and catch up with Laurie.
"Where?" she asks him
"All this time?" I ask Laurie.
"Yes, isn't it romantic?" Laurie stares at them, fondly.
"Try creepy." I say and jo nods with agreement.
"I thought you guys would be pleased." Laurie confesses.
"At the idea of anybody coming to take Meg away? No, thank you." Jo's upset.
"You'll feel better about it when somebody comes to take you away." Teddy says.
"I'd like to see anyone try it!" Jo yells.
"So would I!" Laurie yells back.
I look between them, "See I don't know if that was an insult or a suggestion."
They both look at me. I smile weakly at them.
    Teddy and I are walking through the field in between our houses. The same field that me and him were walking in during the winter.
      The same field that I realised he was my best friend.  I've never had a boy best friend before.
"Was Fred flirting with you at the beach?" Teddy asks.
He is leaning on a tree as I am slowly walking past him.
       "Maybe. Maybe not." I tell him.
He looks at me, deadpanned. He walks backwards, still facing me.
"Just tell me if he did or didn't." Teddy demands.
I laugh,"Why does it matter? It's not like I would ever go out with him."
"So he did flirt with you?" Teddy accuses.
I look at him and smile,"Yes, he did. But it's okay. He's not my type."
"I told him not to!" He scoffs.
"Why'd you do that?" I wonder.
His face softens and he looks at me in my eyes,"Because I don't want anyone taking you away like Jo said."
I wrap my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck.
"No one is ever going to take me away from you, Dore." I murmur in to his shoulder.
"Why? You'd miss me too much and comeback?" He utters.
"Most definitely." I snort.
We pull away from our hug. I take his hand and we walk through the field together. I look over and smile at him as he talks about Meg and Mr. Brooks.
He looks over at me and noticed I was staring. My cheeks heat up and I look down. My hand suddenly getting sweaty in his. He laughs and puts his arm around me.

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now