Chapter 31

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Ben Barnes as Danny

         "Mary, I feel ridiculous

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"Mary, I feel ridiculous." Jo complains.
Meg laughs, "It feels like 8 years ago and we were getting ready for Annie's New Years party."
           "Oh, yes. Do you remember when Jo scorched Meg's hair?" Beth brings up.
           They all scream and laugh.
            "Meg thought she was spoilt like she still wasn't the prettiest girl at the party." Mary remembers.
          "That's where we met Laurie." Jo says.
          Beth sighs, "Did you guys also think that Laurie was going to marry one of us?"
          They all turn to her. They look at each other and nod.
          "I thought it was Jo." Meg admits.
            "I thought it was Jo at first and then, Amy, seeing as much as they hung out abroad." Mary shares, keeping secret about her relationship with him.
           "I thought it was you, Mary." Beth admits.
           Jo stays silent, thinking about Laurie, "Do you think he still loves me?"
           "What do you mean still loves you?" Meg questions.
           Jo spares a glance at Mary, "Well, a year before he told Mary about his feelings, he told me. His feelings made me uncomfortable, so I said no, but now, I'm lonely. I'm alone."
         Mary takes in all the information just thrown at her face. Again, she had felt second to Jo, but this time there was proof. I guess she shouldn't be upset, because she won the man, but it leaves her to wonder if Laurie only chose her, because Jo said no. She couldn't be his seconds choice again.
        Mary shakes her head from those thoughts. Laurie bought her the locket. Mary sighs and continues to pin her hair up. Meg rests a hand on her arm in a comforting way.
          "Oh, Jo. Don't mess with the poor boys feelings again." Meg chastises her.
Beth laughs, "Do you remember when John kept one of your gloves, Meg?"
"Talk about playing with a poor boys heart." Mary smiles.
Her sisters could always make her feel better. Beth is so excited for the ball tonight. Mary is happy that she did set it up. Her sister has always deserved the world. Everyone has always said so, but Mary can't get her the world, so she settled for a ball.
      "How about you Mary? Any guys?" Meg asks her sister.
       Mary smiles, "Just one."
"I bet Amy has one too." Jo smirks.
Mary looks away, "I think we should send Amy a letter. Tell her what's going on."
"We have been." Meg states.
Mary gives her a look, "You know what I mean. She should have the choice offered to her if she wants to stay in Europe or if she wants to come back home."
Beth sighs, "We mustn't worry her. She's enjoying herself. Let her. We all know if she comes back, she'll have a poker up her again."
They all look at Beth, shocked at what she said. They start laughing. The topic is forgotten as they keep getting ready for the night.
"Annie! It's so good to see you again." Meg greets as Mary walks by.
Many people from their childhood are showing up. Mary knows them all, but doesn't bother to greet them. She has been staring at Laurie and Jo, who are talking in close proximity of each other.
She narrows her eyes and fights the urge to go over there. She had told Laurie to keep the relationship a secret, but she was having a difficult time following her own rule. Then, again, she had barely ever kept anything from her sisters.
When she turns, she gasps in shock, "Danny?"
He had noticed her from the entrance of the ballroom, not far from where she was standing. She runs to him with a laugh. He lifts her as she jumps into his arms. It's like siblings reuniting after being away from each other.
"I thought you were still picking up the repercussions of the civil war in the south?" Mary asks him as she pulls away.
She had known him since her days of school. After learning to read and write, they had been separated. Mary started learning a different curriculum and eventually, left school. He, on the other hand, continued with his studies. He had continued talking to her throughout the years, but lost contact after he was dragged into the war.
Last that Mary had heard was that he was working as a spy for the north and when the war ended, he stayed in the south. She never thought she would see him again. When she was little, she never really thought he was her best friend, but now that she's older, she realizes that he was.
"I thought you were still in Europe, but then I heard about the party." Daniel tells her.
"I- What are you doing here?" She questions.
"Well, I came here to see you." Daniel admits.
Mary smiles, "Well, than I'm honored."
They continue to walk around through the multiple rooms that people are in. They catch up and talk. They don't take notice to the people smiling at them. They don't take notice of the people scowling at them. They just enjoy the others presence that brings back the feeling of childhood.
Daniel looks at the little woman in shock, "You're studying to be a nurse?"
"I was studying to be a nurse. Now, I am a nurse. I worked in a hospital back in Europe. I took care of a lot of sick patients. There were a lot of men I had to take care of that had broken bones or concerning amounts of blood loss." Mary explains.
"That's very impressive. I wish there was a woman there to take care of me when I get hurt." Daniel chuckles.
"If I remember correctly, then that woman would be overwhelmed, due to the amount of times you couldn't stay away from a fight." Mary remembers.
He scratches the back of his neck, "Well, you know me."
"I do know you. I also know that your bruised knuckles haven't gone away." Mary observes.
He shakes his head, embarrassed, "Just a product of the job."
Mary nods, smirking, as she keeps walking, "And what job would that be?"
Daniel clears his throat, "Has anyone ever told you that you were too smart for your own good?"
Mary shrugs, "Some people might have mentioned it."
"I would assume that you have a gentleman, due to the great beauty and intelligence you have grown up into." Daniel comments.
Mary looks away from him with red cheeks, "Well, I-"
She looks over at Laurie. He is still with Jo and they're talking with Marmee and Father. Marmee is happy that her Jo is back with someone, who makes her daughter so happy. Father is rolling his eyes, jokingly, at their playfulness.
She turns back to Daniel, who's staring at her with a smile, "Do you want to dance? I mean, like, with me?"
He looks over at where Mary was looking and sees Jo, who used to blame him for all of the broken chalk. He sets eyes on a familiar boy, Theodore Laurence. He is shocked that the Laurence boy is there.
Last he remembered, Jo and Mary used to hangout around the house, playing in the field. They would never stay after dark, due to how creepy the house can be at night, even outside.
Daniel nods his head, "I would very much enjoy that."

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now