Chapter 7

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Home. 1862.
     We all waltz in. Beth is playing with her dolls and Amy is sitting and reading, suspiciously quiet.
"Jo, can you go get my notebook?"I ask her.
I see Amy shift in her chair when I say that. I narrow my eyes.
Jo nods and sprints upstairs," Meg you're a million times better than she was - although she was a terrific fainter!"
"I wonder how she managed to turn white as she did?" Meg muses.
"Ugh, that Mr. Brooke, could he be any more... obsequious?" Jo stated, more like a question.
What does obsequious even mean? I'll never be as smart as Jo.
" I thought he was very well-mannered." Meg gushes.
"Of course, you did!" I tease.
"Hold on, let me just get this idea down then I'll bring your notebook." Joe yells.
"Beth, what's your favorite eye color?" Meg asks her.
"Purple." Beth says quickly.
Meg barely paying attention,"Mr. Brooke has blue eyes and an old soul which is much more important than money."
"Is no one going to comment on how she said purple?" I ask and look around.
Jo comes back in, walking slowly. No notebook in her hand.
"I thought I asked for you to get my notebook." I huff and go upstairs to get it.
"Has anyone taken my novel?" I can hear Jo from downstairs. I quickly go to where Jo and I put our writing, just hours before.
Nothing is there. I move around all the clothes but there are no signs of it. I sprint back downstairs.
Beth looks over, " No, why?"
Amy starts reading even more intently than before.
I cross my arms, "Alright then who took my notebook and Jo's novel?"
Jo narrows her eyes at Amy,"Amy... you've got it."
" No I haven't." Any denies.
"That's a lie!" Jo says grabbing her shoulder.
My eyes start to tear up. My note book- I put so much effort and time. And..... WHAT IF AMY READ IT?
She's a snitch. She would tell Laurie what I've written about him.
"It isn't! I haven't got it - I don't know where it is and I don't care." Amy sneers.
I go and pull her hair, "Amy! Give the notebook and novel back!"
"Tell me or I'll make you!" Jo threatens.
    Amy stays silent with a twisted smile. I jump on her and Jo joins.
Meg tries and hold us back, "Girls, don't! MARMEE!"
  "You wicked girl! You wicked, wicked girl! I can never write it again! I'll never forgive you as long as I live!" Jo screams.
"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! You brat! Never speak to me again!" I yell while hitting her.
"Fine but I'll speak to Laurie! How he's so different! How when you met him, you didn't wanna follow the rules!" She mocks.
She read my diary. That little demonic chit! I start to hit harder.
We are fighting, full-out fighting, as our sisters and Marmee attempt to stop us.
          Jo is weeping and I am holding her. My tears landing on her head.  Beth holds my hand and Meg holds Jo's hand.
     Marmee enters with Amy, who looks penitent. Marmee nods at her, as if to say "go ahead".
    "I'm sorry, Jo." She turns to me, "I'm sorry, Mary."
      I stay silent. Nothing she could say is gonna make me forgive her.
      Amy rushes her words together, "It's just that the only thing you care about is your writing so it's not as if I could hurt you by ruining one of your dresses. And I really did want to hurt you."
      She then again turns to me,"And you pour your heart into that notebook. I wanted to look for the easiest yet most painful way to hurt you. I read it then burnt it."
      "I am the most sorry for it now. I'm so sorry." she apologizes.
    Marmee approaches the bed,"Don't let the sun go down on your anger. Forgive her. Help each other, and you begin again tomorrow."
     Jo runs out,"She doesn't deserve my forgiveness. I will hate her! I will hate her forever!"
       They turn to me as Amy apologizes one more time,"I am really sorry. "
        This time, I look up,"I'm sure you are, but it doesn't change what you did. You have to learn that your actions have consequences."
       I hear my voice. It sounds broken like I've been sobbing, which I have. I'm not just angry that she burnt it. I'm angry she read it. That she teased me about it.
        I follow Jo's lead and leave the room. I don't want to be around that brat any longer than I have too.
         I go find Jo in our room. She's curled up on the bed, crying. I go over and hug her. She turns and rests her head on my shoulder.
       Amy March, the villain of our family, will never receive my forgiveness.

            Jo and I make our way down the stairs. We both look like hell. Her eyes are puffy and red. My cheeks are stained with dried tears and my skin looks raw.
          We sit down. Beth is across from me. Meg across from Jo nd Jo beside me. Jo grabs a apple and chomps on it as I get a pastry.
        We hear Amy skip down the stairs. It's gets tense, very fast. Amy takes a seat near Jo. Jo doesn't acknowledge her. She just gets up and moves to the chair on the other side of me.
        Amy sighs and looks at me. I look at her and shake my head. Laurie bursts open the back door, unaware of all the trouble.
      "Good morning ladies! It's brisk and
brilliant and I think the last day for the river. Mary, get your ice skates!" He says inviting me to skate.
       I spring up, thrilled to have something to do. But then I look over at Jo. I can't just leave her here with the devil incarnate.
       "Yeah! Jo, do you wanna come?" I ask as Teddy looks over at me, confused.
      I pinch his side and Jo looks up, " Yeah, wait one second! Go down, and I'll be right there!"
      Laurie starts to leave and I get my coat. Jo is almost out the door.
    "I want to come too! Last time you promised I could go!" Amy speaks up.
    Jo, not acknowledging her, grabs her skates and races out.
   "Meg invited you last time, not us. Don't bother following." I say coldly.
     I follow Jo out and see them, waiting for me at the beginning of the river bank. I run over and Laurie takes my hand.
       We start to skate and I'm having trouble. Jo skates further and further away.
       "Hello! Wait for me!" I hear Amy yell.
     "Stay near the edge, it's not safe in the middle." Dore yells, Jo turns around and gives him a thumbs up.
       I hesitate for a moment, and look at Amy, who struggles with her skates. It's not clear whether or not she heard Laurie. 
       I turn to go over to Amy but then remember last night. I shake my head and grab Laurie's hand. The anger in my heart has made me small and mean.
       Laurie doesn't see Amy,"Ready?"
       I take off down the ice, jumping the gun, Laurie is racing after me. I almost catch up to Jo, but she sees me and goes faster.
     Laurie catches up to her, passing me. He sticks his tongue out and I laugh.
    Farther along the river, Laurie and Jo are trying tricks and spins. I try to do a spin and it's successful. Jo and Laurie applaud.
       Laurie and Jo start skating farther down,when I suddenly feel a pang of guilt, but i shove it down and race to catch Laurie.
     I plow into Laurie, toppling him. Jo watches us fall down which makes her unsteady. She falls and Laurie laughs.
       I stop laughing right when I hear a 'CRRAACCCKKK.' The sound of ice splitting. And a high pitched scream,"HELP! HELP!"
      Laurie and Jo freeze and look at each other. I get up and start skating towards her,"Amy! It's AMY!"
      Jo and Laurie scramble up following my lead.
We race back, Jo sending up a breathless prayer, an incantation, a pleading with the universe,"Oh god, oh god, dear god please..."
   I find Amy surfacing and screaming and then going back under. I stay still, terrified,"No... no..."
      Laurie has leapt to action,"Jo! Get a branch!"
     Jo obeys quickly, blindly, using the incredible strength that is available to people in times of crises - Jo drags a large branch over to Laurie. He grabs me and I stretch it over to Amy,"Grab on!"
    She does, and we all lie flat on our stomachs so as not to disturb the ice, as we all pull together.
     I pull on the branch so hard. The effort making my own hands bleed. We all give one last pull and Amy is back on firm ground.
      I see tears on Jo's face as she pulls Amy towards her,"My sister, my sister, dear God,thank you for my sweet sister."
     She wrap her clothes around Amy as I just stand there. I'm so angry at myself and at Amy.
       Dore looks at me after checking up on Amy. He comes over and pulls me into a hug. That's all I needed before I start to burst out crying.
       It was all ugly sobs. I dig my nails into my already bleeding hands so I wouldn't end up punching Laurie.
All I want to do is hit something. I said those cruel words to Amy and she still didn't get the hint. She followed us.
And as much as I want to blame it all on her, I am to blame too. And that hurts me so bad.

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now