Chapter 23

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Paris, France

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Paris, France. 1868
"Mary!" Amy yells while running up the stairs to my room. "Can I bother you for a second?"
"You bother me all the time but, sure." I shrug as I put down my book.
I scoot over. Amy comes in and sits on the bed.
Amy looks me in the eyes,"I need to tell you something serious."
I furrow my eyebrows,"You're scaring me a little bit?"
"It's only bad news if you take it as bad news." Amy adds.
My eyes widen, " Ok?"
"Laurie's here."
I quickly stand up,"He's here like in this house?"
"No." Amy shakes her head,"He's here as in he's in Paris. I also invited him to the news year party."
"How do you know?" Is all I can ask.
"I saw him. He told me he was going to meet me at a hotel but then he didn't show up. So when I saw him, I was shocked." May explains, quickly.
I snap my head towards her,"What do you mean he told you that he would be meeting you at a hotel?"
Amy looks down and stays quiet.
"You've been writing to him, haven't you?" I yell at her.
"Well," she pauses,"Yes."
"Amy!" I shout and jump on her,"How could you? You saw me crying. I told you how I felt and you were secretly conversing with him behind my back."
         I start to hit her as she hits me back, " It's not my fault he doesn't want to talk to you! You shouldn't have broken his heart."
         I sit back and let that sink in,"I guess you're right." 
         I leave my room and the house. Amy was harsh about it, but she's right. I broke his heart. I shouldn't be upset.
          "Laurie?" I hesitate as I recognize the man sitting down.
         He looks up,"Mary."
         I look at the book in his hands. We are outside of the library. He's sitting on a bench as I walk down the steps.
         "What are you doing here?" He asks me.
          "Aunt March is taking Amy and me on a trip around Europe, remember?" I state the obvious.
"Oh, yes. I remember that day vividly well." Laurie smiles and then mutters,"No matter how hard I try to forget."
"Well, Amy told me that you were going to the news years party." I try to change the subject.
"Yes, I am. Are you going?" He asks, awkwardly.
"Perhaps. I'm not very sure about how I feel about parties anymore." I shrug.
              "If I remember correctly, Mary, you used to love parties." Laurie chuckles.
             "A lot can change in three years." I laugh, nervously. "I should probably go. I'm supposed to be studying the 'nightingale principles'."
             "Oh, You're studying to be a nurse?" Laurie asks.
             "I am. Anyway, I'll tell Amy that you're excited about the party." I tell him as I walk past him.
            There is never a dull moment in my life, apparently. All I felt in that whole interaction was awkward. Just plain sweaty, nervous, and awkward. Is that how you're supposed to feel when you bump into a guy you rejected three years ago?
"Amy!" I yell while running to her painting room.
A shout from somewhere else stops me, "Mary! We are in the parlor."
I shrug and walk back over there. I see food in the parlor and automatically go towards it. All that walking made me very hungry. I grab a apple and bite it.
While still looking at the table and chewing, I speak,"Why are we in here?"
"Well, this is where we go when we have guests." Amy replies with a smirk.
My eyes widen. Guests? I quickly turn around.
"Hello, Mary. It's good to see you." Says John.
          I choke on my apple and start coughing. I get my water and sip it while avoiding eye contact with James. John opens his arms and I run to him. He spins me around and then I go back to the table.
"What is today? Bump into your ex's day?" I mutter under my breath.
       Amy presses her lips together to not laugh. Nobody says anything. I turn back to the drinks and get a wine bottle. I pour myself a glass. Getting set drunk seems like my best option right now.
        "Why don't we all get washed up for dinner?" Aunt March suggests.
          I nod and start to walk away.
          "Mary, show them to their rooms please." Amy requests.
        I turn to look at her and glare, "My pleasure."
        I advert my gaze to James.  It's been awhile since I've seen them and they have sure grown up. James' hair is much darker than the dirty blonde it used to be. His demeanor is a lot more serious than it was back then.
       I observe John, who is obviously amused by this situation. His hair is longer and he's growing out his facial hair. Unlike his brother though, he looks like he still has his playfulness. I can see it in his eyes.
I nod at them to follow me and I walk upstairs, "How long are you guys staying?"
James clears his throat, "A few weeks. Dad went back to the states and your aunt said we could stay here until our business was done."
"Well, James, you can stay in here." I move to the door next to him and open another door, " And John, you can stay in here."
"Thanks, Mary." John smiles.
I move out of the way and they go into their rooms. John sets his bag on his bed and comes out of his room. John and I wait by James' door for him to get settled in.
Amy comes upstairs and walks past us, "If you guys need anything, Mary's room is right next to you guys."
I snap my head in her direction and grit my teeth, "Of course. I'd be happy to help."
John chuckles, "That's great. I was wondering where the parties are."
"Well, that's more of Amy things now. I'm not the party girl I used to be, but I know that there is going to be a New Years party." I tell him.
Amy comes out of her from when she hears me, "Yes, and everyone will be there."
"And when she says everyone, she does mean everyone." I scoff, thinking about how she invited Laurie.
"You are totally welcome to come. It's formal wear." Amy invites.
James walks towards us and closes his door on his way out.
"That sounds fun." John nods.
Amy smiles, "You're invited, too, James."
"Parties aren't really where I go to have fun anymore." James says, politely.
"Oh, so you upgraded from parties to Gentleman's clubs?" I joke.
"Oh, dear no." James chuckles, "I'm more into the library."
           "Me too." I reply with a smile.
            It seems as James and I have matured we are more compatible now. As these three long years have gone on, I think I'm ready to get married. Now, it's only a matter of finding someone I love that is suitable for Aunt March.
          I know both James and Laurie said they would wait for me, but who knows if that offer still stands? And even if it did, who would I choose? It's like it's 3 years ago and all the drama is rushing back.
        I picked James and then I picked myself. If they loved me still, I would be worried. It must be hard to love someone who you let break you once. I know that I broke myself by making everything more complicated.
         Now, I found myself. I'm mature and me. I feel as if I'm not pressured to do anything I don't want to, so that's how I know I'm ready.
         "John, put me down!" I scream as he runs down the stairs with me.
          He carrying me like a sack of potatoes. Fred is laughing as Amy chases after him.
           "Not unless we actually do something fun." John whines.
          "Yeah!" Fred yells.
           I roll my eyes, "Reading is fun."
            John scoffs, "Sure, if you're the most boring person alive. Oh, wait."
          "Take that back." I yell as I hit John's back.
           "Fred give me back my paint brushes." Amy shouts.
           Fred laughs, "Yes, darling."
            He hands them to her as she smiles with a blush.
           "Why can't you be polite like that, John?" I question.
           "Because I'm not my brother." John responds.
            James walks in, "That you are not. John, put the lady down, won't you?"
           John rolls his eyes and puts me down, "You're a fun killer."
            "Honestly, in two years, you would think that you guys would grow up." James chuckles.
           "Well, not everyone has your ability to bring the mood down in a room by just walking into it." I argue.
           He raises a eyebrow at me, "Well, I'm sorry that after you, I realized that I don't have time for silly children."
         I stomp towards him, "Are you calling me a silly child?"
          "Well, I'm sure not saying you aren't." He shoots back.
           I get up in his face, "I remember that two years ago you were in love with this silly child."
           Our faces are inches away and both of us nowhere near done taking cheap shots at each other.
          "It's like you could cut the sexual tension with a knife." James whispers to Fred and Amy.
           Both James and I snap our necks towards him. Our nostrils flaring.
       "There is no tension." James clarifies.
        I cross my arms, "I detest rude boys like him."
       "I dislike silly girls like her." He says and walks away.
        "That looks like love to me." Amy informs.
          I scoff, "You're delusional."
Ahh love hate relationships. My passion.

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 -𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 '𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎' 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎Where stories live. Discover now