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"Even if the world crumbles apart,
Even if the sky falls,
Just take my hand and hold it tight forever"
~ Jungkook (Euphoria)

Jungkook POV

Panting heavily, i finally reached her floor. I barged in her studio only to see a beautiful angel sleeping. I sighed in relief.

I went to her to see all her facial features which i never noticed before. She has natural brown hair. Her big doe eyes that resemble a small newborn baby with a few freckles near the bopy nose of hers.

In short, she is a hiperfection. I was admiring her face until my eyes fell on her kissable lips. I wonder how would they feel on my lips-

What the heck am i thinking!? I slapped myself to break me out of the trance. I took out my phone from my jeans pocket to call Cha Soo noona to tell her that Chung ja is safe.

After i called her, rap mon hyung took her phone and threatened me to bring her to the dorm. Like, how? I cant lift her! She must be so heavy! I will die for god's sake.

I tried to tell hyung to send taehyung-ah also, but hyung wont listen and instead threatened me that he will shave my eyebrows.

I groaned and started to wake her up. After numerous tries, I checked for her breathing if she is still alive.

She was breathing and i dont know if i should celebrate it or be frustrated over it.

I crouched down in front of her with my back facing hers and slowly but gently pulled on her arms and made her wrap arms around my neck. I slowly stood up after holding her legs.

She stirred in her sleep. I growled when she squeezed me so bad, thinking i am her plushie.

'Holy mother of heaven and earth...what does she eat!?'

She was almost gonna fall down until i held her from the back of her thighs close to my waist. My cheeks were burning and with a sigh, i slowly walked towards the dorm.

With her cheek pressed against mine and her whole body relying over to me, I suddenly started hating gravity so much. As the dorm wasn't as far away from the company, we reached there in a matter of 10 minutes.

After reaching our floor, I saw both of our dorms' doors open. I went to her dorm and went inside to see the noonas and the hyungs sitting or standing.

The whole room silenced as soon as they noticed the sleeping girl on my back. I walked to her room quietly while i could see everyone's eyes on us from the back.

I layed her on the bed and tucked her in the warm blanket. I went out and closed the door as silently as i could. They all looked at each other and nodded as if they just discussed something important.

I raised my eyebrows at them but Jin-hyung straight dragged me to the dorm.

"Yah! Hyung what happe-" I tried asking but he cut me off.

"Go to sleep for now, Jungkook," he said.

I bet there was something wrong he never calls me by that but by ggukie or kookie or maknae unless he is stressed or not in the mood to talk. I walked away to my room muttering a small 'okay'.

I plopped down on my bed and went to deep slumber within seconds as exhaustion took over me.

TIME SKIP ~~ in morning

Chungja POV

I woke up in my bed. Wasn't i in the studio though? I shrugged and rolled over to the other side of the bed to look for my phone. I picked it up from the nightstand and checked the time.

A Cute Idol Rushed In My Life | J.Jk (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now