3. The unexpected guests

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"if u live to be hundred, I want to live to be hundred minus one day so i have to never live WITHOUT you"
-Winnie The Pooh


Chung-ja P.O.V

After reaching home, we all went to our rooms without saying a word as we were tired.

I fell in a deep slumber that I didnt realise someone was trying to wake me up.

I woke up. Checked time. I slept for two hrs. Great.

As I was hungry I went to call Cha soo unnie to make me food because I was grounded from kitchen for 1 week for stealing the food Jihee bought.

Then I found a note near kitchen

(A/N- I wrote this letter using an app- EasyNotes)

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(A/N- I wrote this letter using an app- EasyNotes)

I rolled my eyes.

She is sooooo cringy and polite when she texts or writes stuff and she even called me a bunny!!!!!! She can really be a bipolar sometimes. I thought.

Then a doorbell rung. I looked at the time to see 5:49 pm. They have ten mins to come. I shrugged the thought off by thinking they must have finished earlier.

I was wearing this:

I was wearing this:

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I opened the door.

"What took you so lon-" I opened my eyes only to see 7 men widening their eyes, followed by me and i closed the door instantly.

I ran back to my room and changed to casual clothes.

Great now whole bangtan has seen me in a nighty. I thought.

I wore this:

(A/N- ignore the fact that she is lisa and think that she is you

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(A/N- ignore the fact that she is lisa and think that she is you. 🤭🤭)

I opened the door and greeted them with the bow.

"Hi I am sorry I thought you were my bandmates." I said. They also bowed and said hi

"Come in please" I said acting all innocent and sweet girl.


Author's Note-

Hi!!! Thank you for bearing with me and my story. Hope you are still enjoying it.

Dont worry the person you were waiting for has come and the real story will begin from now.

Stay tuned to read what happens to the embarrassed girl 🤭🤭

If you liked the chapter please share it with other ARMY, vote and comment.

Do comment my spell and grammar mistakes 😉

Thank you. Will upload chapter as soon as possible. Byee!!

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