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- Shaun

The other team swings right off the platform, and the guillotine cuts them down.


The other team's screaming stops shortly when they hit the hard concrete ground below.

Conner lets go of the rope and falls on the ground - causing a domino effect, making Emilia fall and the rest of the people behind.

"Oh my god, I thought we were goners!"

"We would have been if Vector didn't sacrifice his entire team for us." Conner says.

What? Is he serious?

"He did?"

"Yes. I saw him tell his team to step forward. He pulled them all the way down the platform and to their deaths."

"What the fuck?! Why?"

"To save us. He didn't wanna see us die. It looked like he wanted us to live over him."

"Do you think he could be alright?"

Emilia turns around and points at Tim, at the very back of the line.

"I think Tim is the only person who needs some help over here."

Tim is leaning over the edge, puking his guts out.

"God, I really don't recommend doing that over the platform."

"It's okay, I got him. Conner gets his cuffs taken off by the guards and he helps Tim onto the elevator."

"What do we tell David, Conner?"

"David?... Oh, right. I... I'm sure he'll understand. He didn't know him before this."

I lean on the side of the elevator and cross my arms.

"David might not even still be alive. Come on. Just care that you're still breathing."

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