7. 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚋𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚞𝚝𝚎

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KURT WAS BEAMING AT HIS ACCOMPLISHMENT OF GETTING A SUB AFTER MR. SHUE CAUGHT A CASE OF ASIAN BIRD FLU.  "Wait so do you know anything about the sub?" Finn asked as he and Olivia walked through the halls.

"She seemed pretty cool in Spanish." Olivia replied thoughtfully, "I mean, it definitely was an interesting class."

Finn however just cocked his head asking, "What does that mean."

Olivia stayed quiet for a bit unsure how to respond simply shrugging, "You'll see."  The timing was perfect because just then they reached the choir room.  But before they walked in, the two suddenly halted as they looked down and saw Puck working harder than Olivia had ever seen in her life.  

Raising his eyebrow, Finn crossed his arms asking, "Dude, what are you doing?"

"Kurt got us a substitute, so I'm buttering the floor." Puck shrugged as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Nodding her head in approval, Olivia complimented, "Classy."

"Thought you'd say that." Puck smirked taking another butterstick out of his backpack, "Figured you may want to join."

"Hell yeah!" Olivia grinned only for Finn to pull her back wisely bringing her to sit with the rest the New Directions.

That's when Rachel strutted into the room saying, "Um, did I hear something about a substitut-"  But before she could even finish her sentence, Rachel slipped out the floor with a loud thump as Puck pumped his fist in the air victoriously saying, "Yes! It works!"

As soon as Olivia helped her up, Rachel flattened her dress sucking in a breath before saying, "Well, at least I didn't fall and break my talent."

With that, the teens went to go sit down just in time for the sub to walk in sliding smoothly across the buttered floor.

"Oh, what the hell?" Artie asked as Olivia widened her eyes in pleasant shock.

"Hola, clase." The blonde sub introduced, "Nothing says "bienvenidos" quite like a buttered floor. Let's start with some introductions. My name is holly Holliday. What's yours? Go."

Immediately, Puck slumped his back saying in a dopey voice, "I'm Finn Hudson. I'm quarterback of the football team."

"I'm Rachel Berry, his loud, loud girlfriend."

"I'm Mike Chang." Brittany said unknowingly ruining the whole joke as Mike just nodded his head in approval.

But sadly, the prank was done for anyways, Holly simply saying, "Those aren't your names. You know why I know that?"

"You're psychic?"

"I know this because I recently watched a video of you guys performing at regionals, where you came in last." Holly corrected, "Maybe it's because the songs were about 30 years old, but..."

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