14. 𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚑𝚘𝚕

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"I'M SORRY LIV.  I DIDN'T THINK YOU WOULD HAVE SAID NO."  Santana said as she and Olivia talked near her locker.  Olivia had just told Santana about what happened last week with her and Sam.

"No, it's fine." Olivia sighed, "Honestly, I kinda surprised myself by saying no.  Earlier that day I would've said yes in a heartbeat."

Smiling sadly at the girl, Santana nodded her head comforting, "You did the right thing Liv.  It just wasn't the right time."

Staying silent for a bit, Olivia just gave the Latina a vague smile, "Yeah."

Fortunately for Olivia, their depressing conversation was cut off by a buzzing of Santana's phone.  As Santana picked up the phone, Olivia waited patiently wondering what the call was about.

"It sounds terrible." Santana said through the phone, "Who's going?"

Olivia, still confused tapped the girl on the shoulder asking quietly, "Put it on speaker."

Santana, nodding her head did so, the conversation continuing, "Me, Artie and Brittany." Mercedes replied. 

Olivia, who still didn't know what party they were talking about asked, "Wait who's party is this?"

"Berry's."  Artie clarified, "Are you and Santana going?"

"Only if there is alcohol." Santana stated, "Because a party at Rachel Berry's is not something I can do sober."

"But it's alcohol awareness week." Brittany pointed out but only got an unconcerned shrug from Santana who replied, "Exactly, and I am aware that alcohol is much more fun."

"You know who always has alcohol..." Olivia trailed off as she got a unanimous answer from everyone, "Puckerman."

"I'll put him on." Mercedes said quickly adding the boy to the call.

"You're a go for Puck." 

"You did not just address yourself in third person." Olivia stated rolling her eyes.

But before the boy could respond Mercedes quickly cut in getting to the point, "Noah,  can yous core us some wine?"

"No, but his fake i.d can." Puck replied cockily.

"Well, it's finalized then.  The Rachel Berry trainwreck extravaganza is a go."



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