18. 𝚋𝚘𝚛𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚢

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ALL OF THE NEW DIRECTIONS WERE CURRENTLY IN THE AUDITORIUM GETTING READY FOR WHAT MR. SHUE CALLED BOOTY CAMP.  "All right, guys." Mr. Shue announced, " Nationals are just a few weeks away, and it's time to bear down. Okay, your singing at Regionals was amazing, but your dancing...It's booty camp time."

Olivia, who was standing right next to Sam leaned over whispering, "Seriously?  Bootcamp was the best he could come up with? So plain and obviously has it's own set of potty-related problems."

Sam just replied with a chuckle replying, "Couldn't agree with you more.  But honestly, I'd rather just not be here at all."

"Are you joking?" Olivia asked, "I get a front row ticket to watching Finn's dancing.  This is awesome."

The two teens began to laugh but sadly, before they could continue the conversation anymore Mr. Shue cut them off continuing, "So let's get it going! Five, six, seven, eight." With that the music started and all the teens began to dance, albeit not that well.

"Push yourselves, guys. Vocal Adrenaline takes no prisoners." Mr. Shue encouraged as everyone began to try a bit harder all wanting to get better before nationals.

Someone who was trying really hard was Finn, his long arms spazzing all over the place.  Olivia didn't really mind at first but before she knew his huge hand was swinging in front of her.  

Fortunately, Sam quickly saw and grabbed the girl's waist pulling her away just in time.  But sadly, that didn't mean there weren't any repercussions.  

Right behind Olivia was Rachel and just like that, Finn's arm swung right in the poor girl's face an audible bone crack filling the room.  Just by the force alone, Rachel fell to the ground,  cradling her nose in pain.

Everyone in the room immediately stopped dancing going to crowd around the girl.  "Oh! I'm so sorry." Finn apologized profusely, immediately going with Olivia to get Rachel on her feet.

"Are you okay?" Will asked Rachel concern all over his face.

"What do you think Sherlock?" Olivia asked sarcastically, helping Finn carry her friend to the nurse's office. 


"MY DADS WILL BE HERE IN FIFTEEN MINUTES."  Rachel sighed quietly, "You guys don't have to stay."

"No, I want to wait and hear what the doctor says." Finn replied surely, "I feel terrible."

Nodding her head Olivia continued, "Same, I'll stay. If Sam hadn't pushed me out of the way you wouldn't have gotten hurt.  I feel really, really bad."

"That's so sweet and caring of Sam." Rachel swooned, "Why won't you go out with him again?"

"That's what I keep saying." Finn smirked, "Sam's totally whipped and they aren't even dating."

Rolling her eyes, Olivia slumped in her chair, "You just broke your nose and you want to talk about my non existent love life with Sam?"

𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ☞s. evansWhere stories live. Discover now