11. 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚎 𝚜𝚢𝚕𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚏𝚏𝚕𝚎

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THE TWINS WERE DRENCHED IN SLUSHIE.  It was absolutely horrible.  One moment they were cruising down the halls minding their own business and before they knew it, they were surrounded by those jerk football players.  And despite, Artie's reasonable arguments to not attack people in wheelchairs or girls, they were obviously ineffective because here they were, on the walk of shame to the choir room.


"Olivia!" The teens yelled the second the soaked twins entered the choir room.

"It was awful." The two said in unity as Olivia deeply frowned continuing, "It's so... sticky."  

She felt so cold and Olivia couldn't help but let out a shiver.  Luckily, Sam quickly noticed handing her his letterman jacket.  While most of the teens rose their eyes at the questionable act of chivalry, Olivia was just so cold that she didn't even bat an eyelash.

"That's it. Screw rehearsal." Finn yelled, angry at how they treated the twins, "This ends here and now." Quickly, the rest of the boys followed him, Puck agreeing, "We're gonna go all Thunderdome on those guys."

But as soon as they reached the door, the people who they were after began to walk in.  "So this is what the ladies' lounge looks like on the inside." Karofsky laughed.

"This is the choir room." Sam corrected his anger taking over, "Now put up your fists because you and I are gonna do some dancing."  At that, Olivia let out the smallest cringe at the boy's attempt to be aggressive but she did appreciate it.

Luckily, before it could get anymore out of hand, Mr. Shue and Coach Beiste entered quick to simmer down the tension in the room.  After getting everyone to finally sit down, Mr. Shue began, "New Directions, let's give a warm welcome to the newest members of Glee Club."

And that was when hell broke loose again. While the footballers groaned and yelled in confusion, the New Directions yelled in rage.

"What? Oh, hell to the no, Mr. Schue."

"Are you serious?"

"Over my dead body!" Olivia screamed crossing her arms.

"How about under it?" One of the footballers yelled, Sam almost about to jump out of his seat to charge had Mike not pushed him back down.

"Mr. Schue, are you serious?" Finn asked furious, "These are the guys that made Kurt transfer."

"And there's no way that I am sharing the choir room with a known homophobe."  Rachel said giving a pointed look at Karofsky.  But Olivia, who knew the deal with Kurt and Karofsky simply turned to the boy beginning to give him kissing faces.  Yes, it was childish but hey, he deserved it.  Karofsky noticing the girl's antics, slouched back in his seat, Olivia having a proud smirk on her face.

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