19. 𝚛𝚞𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜

438 26 1

"Oh and another thing, Sam's not gay!"


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OLIVIA WAS CURRENTLY SITTING IN BRITTANY'S ROOM ALONGSIDE MERCEDES AND TINA WITH A HOT POT OF FONDUE ON THE COFFEE TABLE. They had all been invited to Brittany's new show which Olivia didn't really know much about. All she knew was that it involved fondue.

But luckily, Olivia didn't have to wonder much longer.  Brittany had started the live stream smiling into the camera, "Hi, I'm Brittany S. Pierce and this is my new Internet talk show Fondue for Two which combines the two things I like the most, hot cheese and talking to people." Brittany explained before shifting the camera to her guests, "My first three guests are the school's biggest gossips Mercedes Jones and Ms. Tina Cohen-Chang. Oh and Olivia, but she's not much of a gossip."

"Shouldn't it be Fondue for Three? Olivia asked dipping a piece of broccoli into the fondue pot only to get a shake of a head from Brittany who murmured, "No."

"Oh, my God, that is hot!" Mercedes let out covering her mouth as she dropped a piece of cheese covered bread back onto her paper plate.

"Okay, so let's get down to some hot dish." Brittany suggested ready to move on from small talk, "Um, I heard a rumor that Mr. Kidney the janitor walks around school drinking vodka out of a teapot."

"Is this really what they were doing in the '70s?" Tina asked before going forth to the camera announcing, "Hot mess Mr. Kidney aside, I want to talk about the rumor about Asian men. Not true."

"It's not even good." Mercedes complained sniffing the fondue.

"It tastes the way a baby's diaper smells." Olivia agreed.

Brittany, quick to get back on track continued, "Speaking of you Olivia I heard that you and Sam are secretly dating. Lord Tubbington told me that."

At that Olivia almost choked on the piping hot fondue wheezing, "What? No, no. That's not true. And I don't think your cat is a very reliable source."

But Brittany just ignored her carrying on, "Something else Lord Tubbington told me, "I heard a rumor that Santana plays for the other team and I can confirm that rumor- it's 100% true."

As Brittany went to grab her cat all of the girls widened their eyes, Olivia looking straight in the camera shaking her head not trying to discredit the rumour.

"Wait. What?" Mercedes asked shocked, "Brittany, are you serious?"

"Yes." Brittany replied before obliviously changing the subject, "Look. It's Lord Tubbington." Brittany announced holding up a ridiculously overweight cat, "Say hello to the camera. You want some cheese?"

As Brittany set down the cat, Tubbington immediately went to the pot of fondue dipping his entire head in it.

"That's disgusting." Mercedes gagged.

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