8. 𝚏𝚞𝚛𝚝

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"WAIT, SO WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH SAM AND QUINN?" Olivia asked as Finn closed his locker

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"WAIT, SO WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH SAM AND QUINN?" Olivia asked as Finn closed his locker.

"I was talking with Sam earlier and he said that he was going to propose-"

"Propose?" Olivia cut off feeling as if she was going to throw up her breakfast, "Is that even legal? I mea-"

"A promise ring." Finn finished slightly bemused by the girl's reaction. 

"Oh." Olivia sighed in relief, "But still, they've been dating for like a week.  It's still way too early."

"Well, it's just what he told me." Finn shrugged, "And if it helps Olivia, you're way too good for him anyways."

Blowing a piece of hair from her face Olivia laughed, "Thanks.   God, I can't believe I'm in a world where Rachel and you have a better relationship than I do."

Rolling his eyes Finn nudged her gently in the shoulder mumbling "Shut up."  As the two chuckled, Kurt suddenly ran towards them grabbing both of their arms without any words but the occasionally squeal of excitement.

Before either of the two confused teens could ask what was going on Kurt halted in front of a happy Ms. Hudson and Mr. Hummel.

 Finn cocking his head at his mom asked, "What's going on? Is this one of those interventions, 'cause...?"

"If it is, it's for the both of us." Kurt cut in, "They bombarded me and forced me to bring them to you.  Olivia was just a welcomed extra I happened to stumble upon" Kurt said as Olivia smiled at her friend's parents in supportive yet confused happiness.

The two adults returned that same joy ten fold Burt telling his girlfriend, "Okay, come on, tell 'em."

"No, no, no, you." Carole replied instantly, "Come on."

It went on like that for a while the three teens getting more anxious by the second when Burt finally broke, "All right, so you know how I drive Carole to work every Tuesday? Well, today I drove here, and we snuck into that classroom where Kurt introduced us...very romantic of me, I might add... And I..."

"He proposed!" Carole bursted showing her ring, "He proposed!"

Immediately Kurt and Olivia began to squeal, the latter getting closer to Finn's mom to marvel at the quite gorgeous ring.   However while the four were practically jumping up and down at the news Finn just staying still obviously still trying to process the information.

Being the wonderful mother she was Carole almost immediately noticed her son's stillness pointing out, "Finn, you-you haven't said anything."

"Come on, honey." Carole smiled as she lingered to Burt's arm, "Be happy for me."

Finally snapping out of it Finn nodded his head a true smile slowly but surely entering his face, "I am, Mom."

With that Burt turned to his son saying, "All right, now listen, Kurt, Mr. Wedding Planner, I want you to take care of one thing. I don't care about the food or the booze at this party, but I want one heck of a band. I've been eating right. I've been exercising. And I want to boogie with Carole at this wedding. And I will boogie.  And Olivia, stay close to him so he doesn't go all crazy and spend our entire life savings."

As everyone laughed Olivia nodded her head stating, "Will do sir."

Kurt, who still seemed like he was on cloud nine started, "All right. It's already taken care of, Dad. I'm going to hire the New Directions as your band. Right? It won't cost you a cent. They're cheap, they're available. Long story short...you're having a Glee wedding."



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"I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE PROBLEM IS." Santana shrugged as the two walked down the empty halls.

"He has a girlfriend." Olivia said in more emphasis.

"So?" Santana asked, "I mean if I'm being honest I'd much rather see you and Sam rather than him and Quinn who lets be honest look like their siblings."

"Yeah, well doppelganger or not, Finn told me that he gave her a promise ring so..."

Letting out a scoff Santana rolled her eyes saying, "Promise ring?  What is he five?"

Before Olivia could come to the boy's defense Santana suddenly shushed the girl peering into the choir room.

Following the Latina's eye line Olivia also caught sight of the rest of the glee girls in the choir room seemingly talking about something important.

"Are they meeting without us?" Olivia asked confused as Santana nodded her head replying in a low voice, "Not anymore they're not."  Before Olivia could even argue what that meant Santana pulled the doubtful girl's arm briskly walking into the solemn choir room.

"Why didn't you tell us that we were having a Glee girls meeting?" Santana asked crossing her arms as Olivia stood by the Latina's side watching.

"This is a meeting for Glee girls with boyfriends." Rachel replied crossing her arms, "We're going to make them stop Karofsky from bullying Kurt."

"Okay, I'm dating Puckerman." Santana argued raising an eyebrow.

But the girls weren't impressed Quinn whispering, "You're getting naked with Puckerman."  While some of the girls snorted Olivia looked down at Quinn's hand noticing there was no ring on either.  And even though she would never admit it, a rush of relief ran through her.

"Besides, Puck can't mess with Karofsky; He's on probation." Tina said, "If he gets in a fight with him, he'll be sent back to juvie."

"Mm-hmm." Rachel ended in a sassy voice, "Yeah, so now if you'll excuse us."

Rolling her eyes Santana stepped dangerously close to the girl threatening, "You're so on my list, dwarf."  Grabbing Olivia's hand once more the two girls stormed out.  As soon as they were out of the rest of the girl's ear shot Santana leaned closer to Olivia whispering playfully, "Did you notice no ring on Quinnie's hand.  You still got a shot little abrams."

"Shut up!"Olivia squealed the two girls breaking out into laughter.

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