12. 𝚜𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜

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"ALRIGHT I'VE GOT ONE WORD FOR YOU."  Mr. Shue announced Brittany immediately raising her hand, "Is it love?"  As Mr, Shue nodded his head, Brittany pumper her fist in the air celebrating, "I'm totally gonna graduate now!"

Ignoring the girl, Mr. Shue continued, "Valentine's Day is comin' up, so for this week's lesson I want you guys to pick a partner because you're gonna sing to them what you think is the world's greatest love song."

While most of the kids cheered in excitement, there were some singles like Olivia and Mercedes who simply groaned hating this week's lesson. "Find a song that communicates all the things that love means to you. - Now, partner up."

As soon as he said that, Olivia's dread doubled, every second becoming more painful as she watched everyone pair up.  

Puck and Lauren. Is that even legal?

Brittany and Artie.  Ew.

Quinn and Sam. Double ew.

Tina and Mike.  Actually sorta sweet but today, ew.

However, luckily for Olivia she quickly spotted Mercedes just as grossed out as she was and quickly made her way up to the girl.   "Hey Mercedes, I was wondering if-"

"Yes." Mercedes cut off without a thought, "I would love to sing a duet with you."

"Oh thank god." Olivia sighed, "I thought I might have to pull a Kurt and sing a one woman duet."

"That definitely would be all kinds of awesome." Mercedes replied playfully as Olivia nodded her head in response.

"But me and you singing together would be triple awesome." Olivia smiled.

Grinning widely, Mercedes let out a laugh replying, "Couldn't have said it better little Abrams."  With that the two began to let out giggles both of their valentine's getting that much better.

Sadly, before the two girls could continue to converse, Finn cut everybody off as he walked to the front of the choir room announcing, "Mr. Schue? Can I say something? I just wanted to point out that, for the first time an entire week has gone by without any one of us getting Slusheed." Finn said proudly as the glee club began to applaud, "I think the fact that I led the football team to a conference championship might have something to do with it."

At this Olivia scoffed raising her eyebrow, "Excuse me, that was a team effort.  And lets not forget that kickass touch down I scored."

"Facts." Artie stated supporting his sister as the majority of the glee club nodded their heads in agreement to the girl

However Finn seemed unfazed continuing, "Fact is that I'm the closest thing that this Glee Club has to a celebrity right now and, just like a famous athlete, I wanna give to a charity. You guys."

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