Part 1

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The unlikely duo stop looking at the horizon. The light was taking them over and becoming too bright to stare into. "Do you think it will hurt," Bonnie asked over the sound of the wind picking up threatening to carry them away.

"I don't kn"- Damon's words were cut off as the white light engulfed them. Damon heard a shrill cry in his ear and felt jerked against his mattress. He shot up gasping for air just as Bonnie did the same. They looked over at each other and smiled slightly relieved that they were alright and together. But there was still the crying and to take care of the sound. They looked on the other side of Damon at the baby monitor. Bonnie gasped and Damon groined. They both got out of bed and followed the sound into the next room.

Damon opened the door and inside was a little girl screaming at the top of her lungs. Bonnie let out a sigh just as Damon closed the door and opened it again. "Damon," Bonnie yelled going into the room. They walked the same pace to the girl unsure of what to do.

"Check in its collar maybe it has a name?" Damon said looking at the little girl.

"My guess is that it's Sarah," she said pointing to the pink and purple letters over the girl's crib.

Damon shrugged and looked around the room. He saw a picture of him with the baby in the hospital cutting her umbilical cord. Then there was one of the three of them. And one of Rudy holding her. "Um we have a problem," Damon said as he picked up the picture of the three of them.

"She has a fever," Bonnie said not caring what he had to show her.

"Well what are we supposed to do? I can't give it my blood cause," he checked his mouth. "Uh nope-no fangs," he yelled scared to death.

"There's medicine over there thank god, get it."

"It says ask a doctor before use in children two and under," Damon said.

"She'll be fine," Bonnie said taking the bottle and giving the girl the medicine.

That made the little girl freak out and start crying again at the horrible taste in her mouth. She was done with Bonnie and reached for Damon to save her. He looked terrified as she pushed Bonnie away trying to get him. "I don't know what to do."

"You could hold her for a second so I can get her some apple juice she might have an upset stomach too," Bonnie said giving Sarah to Damon.

The girl settled upon contact with Damon. She played with Damon's face and she tried to get him to do something. "Bonnie what's taking so long? This thing is trying to take off my face," he yelled trying to avoid biting the little girl's fingers which were now in his mouth.

"She's cranky when she's sick just like her mother," Rudy said coming into the room without Bonnie.

"Mr. Hopkins," Damon said surprised to say the least.

"Mr. Hopkins?" he laughed. "What happened to Grampy?" he said taking Sarah.

"I uh-tried I guess. Where's Bonnie?" he asked.

"She's talking to Shelia about the party. It's in two hours and you guys still don't have any decorations up," he said shaking his head. "I honestly don't know what you kids would do without Grampy," Rudy said to Sarah.

"I'll be right back."

Damon ran down the steps to see Bonnie in tries having a heart to heart with Sheila. That was all fine and well but he needed answers.

"What the hell is going on?"

"And you still think this is "at peace"?" Bonnie said to Grams looking at Damon.

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