Part 7

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Damon met Lexi outside of Stefan’s hospital room. “Did anything change?” Damon asked as he looked in on his brother.

“No,” Lexi said. “Where’s Bonnie?”

“Kathrine got her drunk. They’re both past out at my place,” he said.

Lexi let out a frustrated groan. “So what are we going to do?”

“I took care of it. Qetsiyah is going to help him,” he said just as the witch appeared.

“I hope you pulled me out of bed for a good reason,” she said walking toward Lexi and Damon.

Damon spent the better half or the next two hours giving Qetsiyah the rundown of their situation. He was sure he broke a million rules by telling her he, Lexi, Bonnie, and Stefan weren’t supposed to be in their universe. He left out as much as he could about her creating the other side and making Bonnie the anchor, but she seemed well versed in how all of that would work. She was working on something mixing medicine and herbs. “So in this other world were you’re really from you and Bonnie hate each other?” Qetsiyah questioned with a smirk.

They were in the kitchen of the hospital after Damon compelled the staff out. Lexi was keeping watch on Stefan who was conscious after Qetsiyah’s spell. It hadn’t healed him completely. “Yeah I’m actually the one with Elena,” he laughed.

“So you say,” Qetsiyah was skeptical of his story, with reason. He sounded crazy. “I’ve seen how you looked at Bonnie before you came here and you love her.”

“And you think she loves me,” he laughed.

“Not every answer is as clear as the first, but it doesn’t make it wrong,” she smiled at him.

“Well it’s not real. Here that’s what you guys expect from us so that’s who we are around you,” he smiled.

“Seems like you’re not trying to convince me,” she said turning back to the boiling pot before her.

“I don’t think I’m in love with Bonnie,” he said with a wince at the lie that left his lips. Qetsiyah merely snorted laughed and poured her potion into a container. “Look things are complicated. We were both in love with other people. We couldn’t stand one another, and then we died together. The next thing I know there’s a two year old screaming in my ear, and Bonnie’s confessing her love for me, and I kissed her. That was so stupid,” he yelled at himself.

“Did it feel stupid when it happened?” Qetsiyah said walking towards the door.

“No,” Damon confessed his voice barely above a whisper. “But I just don’t know if it was really me, it was instinct.”

“Then it must have been you,” Qetsiyah said as they walked into the elevator. “Instincts are one of those things you can always trust. There our way of doing what we feel without worrying about why we feel it.”

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