Part 9

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Caroline woke with a jolt. She was in her room but it looked a bit immature for her current taste. She looked over and there was a picture of her and Tyler, on a boat, with their parents. Caroline had never seen her mom and dad so happy together. She put the picture down and headed for the front door. When she got to the living room she smelled pancakes.

"Leaving already?" Bill Forbes called to her.

"Daddy," she said as tears came to her eyes. She rushed over and hugged him. "I thought I never see you again."

"You and Tyler are only in New York. It's practically around the corner."


"You're a college girl now. Mom and I are glad you're extending your wings and flying."

"I... I need to find Bonnie," she said extremely confused.

"I'm sure the family will be at Shelia's for dinner after the charity golf game," Bill Forbes looked at his watch. "I'm actually running late for that."

"You should go I have to eat anyway," Caroline said with a bright smile.

"Okay hun," he kissed her forehead. "I'll be waiting on you to see me kick Lockwood's butt," he laughed.

"I wouldn't miss it."

Bonnie packed Sarah's things in her bag and gave Stefan his orders for her care. "If she gets fussy just give her a bit of apple juice with water. She might have an upset tummy. And please don't let that glimmer of innocence behind those blue eyes fool you, she is your brother's child." Bonnie grabbed a blanket and coat, "Just in case she gets cold."

"Bonnie it's the middle of summer and we are going to my parents' house for brunch before meeting you guys at the country club for this stupid town event."

"Aren't you glad death hasn't stopped the town council from coming up with these things," Bonnie laughed.

"I am. It's nice to be back in the swing of things," Stefan smiled. "It would be nicer if a certain vampire weren't sulking around the boarding house, but you win some."

Bonnie gave Stefan a stern look. "Your brother left of his own free will," she smiled.

"Is that so? He seems to think a certain witch doesn't want to live with vampires," he said frowning. "Do you know where he got that idea from?"

"Not a clue," she shrugged innocently.

"I'm sure you two can work something out."

"I don't think it's that simple."

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