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"Oh my god Y/n, can you believe this!? We're being asked to dinner by two good looking dudes! Now I can finally take that off of my bucket list" Iris said to you, still excited from Felix's kind offer. "I know, I'm lowkey excited for this" you said to her, telling her your honest feelings at the moment. "But remember, they're just doing this to thank us nothing more than that." you reminded Iris. "Alright alright, you party pooper" Iris said back, saying the last part more silently.

"We have arrived ladies" Felix said excitedly. When we came inside the cafe, I sat in front of Felix, while Iris sat in front of Chan. "What would you like? Felix and I will order for all of us" Chan kindly offered. "Oh that's really nice of you, but you really don't have to." Iris said to them, being beyond grateful to them. "Please let us. We insist on doing, it's the least we can do to thank you for being so helpful in finding my cookbook" Felix said.

"It's really fi-" "Ummm I would like the chocolate crepe cake and Y/n would like the strawberry shortcake please" Iris told them, cutting you off. "Iris!" you said angrily to her. "We're here to eat with them, yes. But that doesn't mean that we need to use their money for it!" You said and glared at Iris. "But think about it this way," Iris tried to explain to me. "if we said no to them, they would feel really bad right? So let's just accept this so they'll be able to sleep tonight." she continued.

Three weeks later

POV Chan
''Felix hurry. I wanna see Iris.'' I said to Felix, who was still combing his hair. ''As if I don't wanna see Y/n. I wanna look good for her just like you wanna look good for Iris.'' Felix replied. I just looked at him and sighed. I'm probably being impatient, but I think that's normal when you're in a relationship. At least I hope it is.

POV Iris
''Bondi Beach here we come.'' I said excitedly. ''When will the guys be here?'' Y/n asked me. ''Chan texted me and said that they'll be here in five. So let's pick a good spot to sit.'' I replied to her question.

''By the way, why aren't you a thing with Felix yet?'' I asked her as we sat down. Y/n looked at me. ''We're just taking it slow, unlike you. You men slicer!'' she said. ''NO I'M NOT AND YOU KNOW THAT!'' I defended myself. ''I know. I was just teasing you.'' she then said and she stuck her tongue out at me. I playfully hit her. ''Oh look there they are.'' I said as I saw Chan and Felix walking towards us. I waved at them.

''I'LL CATCH YOU CHRISTOPHER!'' Iris yelled at Chan while he was running towards the water. ''And there the lovebirds go.'' Felix said. ''They're cute.'' you said and smiled at the sight of Iris splashing Chan with water. ''You're cuter.'' he suddenly said and looked at you. You looked at him for a second and then turned your head away from him because you were starting to blush.

''What happened here? WOW Y/N YOUR FACE IS REALLY RED!'' Iris said as she came to check up on Felix and me. ''YAH IRIS I'LL KILL YOU!'' you yelled at her, being slightly embarrased about her pointing out that you were blushing. You chased her as she ran towards Chan to protect her from you.

POV Felix
''I really wish that you guys could stay longer.'' I said to Y/n and Iris. ''Yeah well, school isn't letting us so we really can't.'' Iris replied. ''Mate, don't be too sad. They're leaving tomorrow so you still have the whole day to spend with them.'' Chan said. ''When are you guys leaving?'' Iris asked. ''In two days, so we'll get busy again.'' I sighed. ''Yeah, we're all gonna be busy but we'll stay in touch, right?'' Y/n asked Chan and I. ''Yeah of course.'' Chan and I both replied.

The next day


We really enjoyed every day with Chan and Felix. You still can't believe that Iris and you actually fell in love in your summer break. It really flew by fast but luckily, we'll all keep in touch with each other. You're really excited about hearing Iris complain about missing Chan.... Of course you aren't. And with Felix, you're still crushing on him so who knows what Felix and you will be after some time.

You looked out the window of the airplane. ''Goodbye summer love. I hope to see you soon again.'' you whispered as the plane took off.




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