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POV Jisung
I looked down from the clouds. ''Jisung, you have a mission again.'' an angel said. You looked back at him with a questioning look. ''It's about a wish from a passed one. Their uncle wanted an angel to protect his niece so that nothing bad could happen to her.'' he explained the mission. ''Wait so I'm going down? To the humans?'' I asked him. ''Yes, we fullfill wishes too Jisung. It's part of being an angel.'' he then said.

He gave me all the information I needed. Myong Y/N, she turned 18 not too long ago and was a high school senior. 'Wouldn't be too hard to protect her' I thought.

I went to the elevator, clicked on 'human grounds' and before I knew I was looking at the clouds above. 'Well let's go to Y/n then.' I thought and followed the directions that I got earlier.

You were eating you lunch since it was lunch break right now. Yunhee, your best friend was looking up. You looked up as well. ''What are we looking at?'' you then asked. ''Y/n-ah, do you think that there's something on the clouds? Like animals or something?'' she asked. ''Maybe birds would fly around there. I don't think you can stand on the clouds so living would also not be possible.'' you said. ''Besides wouldn't you see it if you were in an airplane.'' you then continued.

''But what if there's an invisible shield so we can't see the world above.'' Yunhee said. You looked at her. ''Yunhee, this is real life not a movie or a fairy tale.'' you said. ''Wouldn't it be awesome though, like think about it.'' she said. You rolled your eyes. The bell then rang. ''Well say bye to the clouds and the world there, we have class again.'' you said and stood up.
''You go first, I need to go to the toilet first.'' Yunhee said. You nodded and went down the stairs. Unfortunately someone ran into you and you lost your balance.

POV Jisung
I quickly caught her so she wouldn't fall onto the ground. She looked me in the eyes. I quickly let her go and made something else grab her attention. ''Y/n-ah, are you okay?'' a guy asked her. I left her there and went to the roof.

I made a mistake. I shouldn't have touched her. Wait but it wasn't for too long so maybe it'll be fine. She's not supposed to see me. I sighed.

''Yeah, I'm fine sunbae.'' you said. You turned around and the boy that saved you wasn't there anymore. You looked around a bit but he was really nowhere to be found. You decided to go to your classroom again.

You didn't pay attention to the teacher, you were drawing the guy that saved you. You remembered his face quite well. When you were done, you stared at the drawing. ''Who's that?'' Yunhee quietly asked you. You shrugged. ''I don't think that he goes to this school.'' she then said. You nodded your head in agreement. ''Y/n and Yunhee, pay attention or you'd have to run 10 laps around the school.'' the teacher suddenly said.

You looked out the window and saw the guy again. You really wanted to thank him for saving you. You tried to pay attention to the guy and to what the teacher was teaching.

POV Jisung
The bell rang. School was over now. What if Y/N can still see. She was looking at me earlier. Or was she just looking outside? I saw her walking out of the school so I quickly flew to the roof.

You walked outside and looked around. The guy was just here, where did he go? ''Are you coming or not?'' Yunhee asked you when you were done. ''Yeah, I'm coming.'' you said and quickly walked to her.

''And have you seen the mv of Fever from Enhypen? They looked so handsome.'' Yunhee said to out classmate. ''Yeah, it was so good.'' she answered. You didn't really care about what they were saying. You looked around and saw the guy again. You saw a car going his way. It was going pretty fast.

You left your friends and ran to him, in the hope that you could save him from a terrible inciddent.

POV Jisung
I saw Y/n running towards me. She was yelling something about a car. I looked to the left and saw a car driving really fast towards me. She was close to you and so was the car. Y/n grabbed my shoulders and pushed me off the road. I quickly covered her with my wings.

''ARE YOU H- Oh my....'' you said. You were surprised by what you saw. ''Where am I?'' you asked the guy. ''On the clouds, or in the clouds. Whatever you prefer.'' he said. ''Funny joke.'' you said as you walked towards the edge.

Your eyes widened. ''I wasn't joking.'' he said. You couldn't say anything. ''You know, it was fun to see that a human would try to save me from something that can't hurt me but play time is over.'' the guy said. ''Play time. I- I'm not even gonna say it.'' you said a little bit annoyed.

''Anyways. I need to send you back. It was nice meeting you. Oh and let's keep this a secret between us, shall we.'' he said. Suddenly we were back where we were. He was about to fly up into the sky. ''Wait!'' you yelled which made him stop in the air. ''Can I at least have your name?'' you asked. ''Han Jisung.'' he said. ''Well thank you for saving me earlier Jisung.'' you said.

''Don't mention it.'' he said and smiled at you. ''By the way don't do such reckless things again. If you need someone to save you just say my name while looking at the clouds. I'll be there waiting for you to call me.'' he said. You nodded and then he went up to the clouds.

You were still processing the moments that just happened. ''So there is something on the clouds after all.'' you said to yourself and smiled while looking up.



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