Chapter 2: The Bar

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Tony's perspective: I was in my room getting ready for the date out to the bar. I had put on my suit and a pair of trousers, all I needed was a bow tie to complete the look. After trying on multiple different bow ties, I finally took one last look in the mirror to straighten myself out. I don't know why I was trying so hard to look good. I mean, I was only going out with my friends after all. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in," I said. Shrignold opened the door and fluttered into my room.

"Ooh, someone's dressed to impress!" He sang. I pretended to ignore him as I fixed my bow tie once again.

"Not gonna talk, huh? Mkay. Oh, look, it's Colin!"

"What, where?!" I asked, my head shooting up swiftly. Shrignold slapped his knee and busted into laughter. I glared at him angrily.

"You're so desperate!!" He giggled.

"Desperate for what?"

"Desperate for Colin! It's so obvious that you like him! Look, take it from a love expert aka me: you definitely have a crush on-"

"NO, I DON'T!! GET OUT OF MY ROOM, DINGBAT!" I yelled, pushing him out the door and slamming it in his face. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"Come on, Tony, you can do this. Don't let that stupid butterfly ruin your night," I whispered to myself. I opened the door and walked out. Shrignold was still hovering there outside my room.

"Oh, by the way, everyone already left sooo... you get to drive with me!" He smiled. I face-palmed myself and sighed.

"Whatever. Let's go."

Colin's perspective: Me, Lars, Paige, Steve and Veg had just arrived at the bar. We just had to wait for Shrignold and Tony to get here and we would all walk in together.

"Colin, you look nervous. Are you alright?" Paige asked.

"I'm fine, Paige, you don't have to worry about me," I reassured her. I knew deep inside I wasn't actually fine. If anything, I was petrified. But I had to try my best to keep it cool.

"Ok, Veg, remember what I told you: no drinking. I don't want you to turn out like Lars when you grow up," Steve told Veg. Lars looked over his shoulder, offended.

"Hey! What's so bad about being like me?"


"Now, c'mon, that's not very nice-"

"Would you two zip it??" Paige blurted out. Steve and Lars both went quiet.

I watched as Shrignold's minivan pulled into the parking spot beside ours. I could tell it was Shrignold's because it was bright yellow, had a dent in the headlight and there was a sign on the back that said "JOIN MALCOLM". Shrignold rolled down his window and winked at us.

"Hey, friends," he said as he got out of the car. Tony came around the other end of the minivan, an unamused look on his face. The moment he noticed me, he smiled and waved hello. I felt butterflies fill up my stomach.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get going!!" Paige hollered. The two of us followed the group inside.

Tony's perspective: I looked over at Colin as we walked inside. He looked really nice. I gathered up all my courage and began to speak.

"Y-you look good tonight, Colin," I stuttered. Colin blushed and side-eyed me.

"You look good, too!" He told me. Before I could say another word, Lars swung the door open and stared at us.

"Hurry up and get in here, weirdos, you're missing out on all the fun!" He shouted. Me and Colin picked up our paces and entered the bar. The bright lights on the ceiling which shone down on us were blinding; I had to shield my eyes from them. I looked over at the table my friends were sitting at. Colin had already begun walking towards them, but I stayed in place. I needed a moment to adjust my vision.

I watched as Colin turned around in his seat and gestured for me to come over, so I walked to the table. I took a seat across from Colin, just to keep my distance.

"I'm gonna go get the drinks, what does everybody want?" Paige asked, taking out her wallet.

"I'll just get a beer," I said, leaning my head on my fist.

"I won't get anything," Colin added. Colin can't drink anything anyways, being a computer. 

"I'll get the cranberry cocktail, it looks delicious!" Lars grinned, pointing at his menu.

"I guess I'll have a beer as well, but make sure to order a water for Veg," Steve said. Veg looked up with a frown on his face.

"Dude, I'm not a baby anymore! I can have alcohol!" Veg cried. His eyes started tearing up and Steve patted his head.

"How 'bout I let you have a sip of my beer, Veggie?" Steve said in a gentle voice. Veg looked up at Steve and wiped his tears away, smiling. Paige soon returned with the drinks. She slid them across the table to each person.

"Lars, please don't drink too much, I don't want you to go into cardiac arrest," Paige said before she hesitantly slid his drink over to him.

"Relax, Paige. I don't drink that much," Lars said as he took a gulp of his drink.

"Don't lie to yourself," Shrignold told him with a chuckle. Lars shrugged and took another big sip of his drink.

"I'm gonna head to the bathroom for a second," I said, standing up and pushing my chair in. I speed-walked to the bathroom and quickly locked myself in a stall. I sucked in the air and let it out with a sigh. Everything was normal, yet I still felt like I was embarrassing myself. I shook my head and prepared myself to go back out there. That's when I heard the bathroom door open.

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