Chapter 14: Nobody Can Say No To Christmas

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Colin's perspective: Days had passed. I was sitting on the couch, reading my book. Tony hadn't come out of his room since we last spoke. I wondered if he was ok. I wanted to check up on him so bad. I wanted to apologize for all the dumb mistakes I'd made. I wanted to tell him that I... loved him. 

I knew he couldn't trust me after the virus. He probably thought I was just pitying him. But I wasn't. I would never do that. Especially not to Tony. There had to be some way to get a hold of him. Some way to let him know that I'm not lying this time. This is the actual me.

While I was occupied with devising another plan over Tony, I was also occupied with Christmas. The gang was going all out for Christmas. The house looked like the north pole at this point. But I wasn't one to complain; I was always a fan of Christmas decorations. 

"Colin, where should I hang this mistletoe?" Shrignold asked. I looked up from the book I was reading.

"Uh, how about in the entrance to the hallway?" I suggested, pointing to the light on the ceiling almost directly over where the hall started. Shrignold nodded and fluttered up to hang the mistletoe on the light. 

"Next time Lars walks down the hall, he'll be in for a treat," Shrignold whispered, rubbing his hands together as if he were a villain. I raised an eyebrow.


"Heh, wh-what do you mean? I didn't say anything! Hehehe..." 


"Anyways, heh.. have you talked to Tony recently?" Shrignold asked, subtly changing the subject.

"No, he hasn't come out of his room in two days. I'm kinda starting to worry about him," I explained. Shrignold sat down next to me, a small frown upon his face.

"Oh, Colin," he said in a very condescending voice. "If only you knew."

"Tony told me everything, Shrig," I said blankly.

"He did? Oh. So I suppose you know about the touching and the kiss and whatnot." 

"Yeah. I can't believe a measly little virus made me do that stuff." 

"I was surprised as well. But it was fun while it lasted."


"The whole thing played out like a romance movie. At first, it was just you two flirting with each other and then you gave him those tulips and then you scratched under his chin... and soon enough, you had your first kiss! Mmm. So corny, but so good."

"Do you think Tony actually loved me back?"

"Oh, trust me, he was over the moon for you. He sure was heartbroken when he found out none of it was real."

I felt the guilt in me beginning to rise once again. 

"I-I have a secret."

"What is it?"

"I think I do love Tony. For real this time," I sighed. Shrignold was staring at me, mouth agape. "But I don't know how or when to tell him. I need your help, Shrig."

He stared at me a little more before he gave his answer.

"Well, why not tell him on Christmas?" He asked.

"Depends on if he actually comes out of his room for Christmas," I pointed out.

"C'mon, do you really think he's gonna be in his room for that long?" 

"It wouldn't be too farfetched. He once stayed in his room for three weeks because Lars broke one of his clocks. Everyone thought he was dead."

"Yes, but it's Christmas! Nobody can say no to Christmas, right, Colin?"

"I'll figure out something myself. Hopefully I don't mess things up any further," I sighed. I got up and went to my room.

Tony's perspective: I tried my hardest to steer clear of everyone. I knew I wasn't ready to leave my room just yet. I did need to leave every once in a while to use the bathroom, shower, get snacks and all that. It wasn't too bad, being stuck inside my room. The sudden surge of emotions I had experienced during the argument with Colin had rendered me tearless, so I gave up on crying myself to sleep every night. All I needed was a little bit of space and I'd be back to normal in no time.

In my free time- also known as all the time- I would play games on my Switch and read the book Colin had given to me. I also worked on Christmas cards for everyone, since Christmas was gonna be here before I even knew it. I had all the cards stuffed under my bed, ready for me to give them out on Christmas Day. That was when I planned to come out of my room, because I wouldn't want to miss the holidays. 

Every time I heard Colin's voice outside my room, I would cringe. It was like a hammer to the skull, except the hammer is kind and whimsy and handsome as hell... no, I need to move on. Colin doesn't love me and he never did. It was nothing but a hoax. But I couldn't shake the feeling of his warm, gentle lips on mine. The feeling of him grinding up on me... dammit, Tony, get your priorities straight! Why did I have to end things between us? What if Colin really did love me all along and I was too stupid to see it??

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