Bonus Oneshot: Coming Soon

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Shrignold's perspective: Lars and I, we've known each other for a long time. And sure, he has a drinking problem and his hair is always messy and we hardly got along when we first met.. but he's always been a good person at heart and I came to realize that over time. I've gotten used to him, especially since we live together now, but even now I barely spend time with him. Living with 7 people makes it hard to really talk to everyone. But whenever I get to talk to Lars, it's nice. Something about him just draws me in, something so inexplicable.

"Shrignold, my son." 

I looked up to see Malcolm standing in front of me. 

"Yes, father?"

"You haven't said a word at all during this meeting. Is everything alright?"

I looked around at everyone else. They were all staring at me. I looked back up at Malcolm.

"Yes, father. I just haven't been sleeping well lately."

"Well, Shrignold, if you're not sleeping well, it must mean there is something on your mind. Care to tell us?"

"N-no. There's nothing on my mind, father."

"Alright. Well, it's getting late. The meeting is over. Goodnight, my children. I will see you again next Saturday."

I sighed and stood up. As I walked back down the trail through the woods, I tried to avoid eye contact with anyone. I went out to the parking lot. Lars' purple van was waiting there for me. I got inside. 

"How'd it go, Shrig?" Lars asked, turning down his music.

"It was ok. Boring, as always," I told him. He frowned. "I'll probably just call in next week and tell Malcolm that I'm busy and won't be able to make it."

"You do that every week," Lars said.

"I know I do," I sighed, letting my head fall back. "Malcolm doesn't mind when I skip meetings. But I decided to go today, just so he knows I'm not dead or anything."

"Who is Malcolm anyway? You're always complaining about him," Lars asked, pulling out of the parking lot. 

"He's my father. Well... he's not my real father. I never met my real father. I grew up in an orphanage. One day, I was out playing in the woods and I met Malcolm. He told me he was starting a family. He taught me about love and how one day I would meet my special one.. and he filled me up with fantasies until I was too vulnerable to say no. I learned about his rules and beliefs but I was too young to understand that they were wrong. And I've been with him ever since. And now I have to go to these stupid fucking meetings where we all sit around in the forest and-"

"Sounds like a cult," Lars butted in. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course it does. It is a cult. But it's not like I can leave."

"Why not?"

"I don't have the nerve to do that."

"You said his beliefs are... wrong? What do you mean by that?"

"Malcolm thinks being gay is wrong. And he also thinks that if you're under his rule, you can't find your own special one. He chooses one for you or whatever. It sucks. I wish I could just go back in time and tell my kid-self that Malcolm is a childish, self-centered lunatic."

Lars looked at me, a glint of sympathy in his wide eyes. This was honestly the first time I had ever opened up about Malcolm. I didn't think anyone would understand. I wouldn't be surprised if Lars didn't understand. But he looked as if he actually did. He looked like he cared. We pulled into the apartment driveway. We climbed up through the stairwell.

"Shrig.. I had no idea your life was so messy. You never talk about this kind of stuff," Lars pointed out. I looked at the ground. 

"Well, I don't prefer to talk about it. But I suppose I could tell you; you're a good listener when you're somewhat sober," I said quietly. 

"If you ever need to talk, I'm always available," Lars smiled, giving me a tight hug. I blushed and looked to the side, hoping he wouldn't notice. That was... strange. Lars is usually a pretty lively person, so why was I only feeling this way now? I opened the door and we walked into the living room. Tony was sitting on the couch, playing video games. Lars left the room and I sat down with Tony. 

"First meeting in... what, three weeks?" Tony asked, not taking his eyes off the game. 

"Mhm," I groaned. I planted my face in the palms of my hands. 

"You ok?" Tony asked, putting his controller down beside him. 

"Tony, I have a bit of a dilemma," I said, looking up at him. "I think..."

I tried to finish the sentence but I stopped myself. Tony stared at me, patiently waiting for me to go on.

"I- I think I like Lars."

And that's how it all started.

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