Chapter 9: The New Colin

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Colin's perspective: I made my way down the hall. I knew Tony was down here somewhere. I had seen him creep in here when I was dancing. Each step I took, I felt the tension between Tony and I become thicker and thicker.

"Tony, I'm not gonna hurt you," I said calmly. Then, I peaked my head around the corner of the hall, only to come face to face with Tony. "Unless you want me to, of course."

"Heh.. no, I wouldn't really w-want that..." Tony chuckled. I could tell he was nervous.

"Look, I know you don't wanna be here. How 'bout we ditch this place and go have some fun? Nobody needs to know we left," I whispered, pinning Tony to the wall. I smiled seductively, slowly grinding against his body. It felt so good. 

"Colin, why- why are you acting like this??" He questioned. I ran my fingers across his shoulder.

"Because... you're my one true desire. And maybe that sounds ridiculous; I'm a computer, I shouldn't be capable of expressing romantic feelings. I don't even have a heart! But you.. made everything different for me. And now I find myself growing weak at the thought of you. You're the only thing I can ever think about," I rambled on. "And I love it."

Tony's breath stopped short, his chest puffed out. He was blushing hard.

"Are you ok?" He uttered. I laughed.

"I'm better than ever," I moaned. I couldn't stop myself anymore. I placed my lips onto Tony's quite aggressively. I had one hand on the back of his head, the other on his waist. My eyes rolled back into my head. Tony's eyes stayed open though. When I finally let go of him, he huffed out a breath. I went in for another kiss, this time on his jaw. All of a sudden, he grabbed my head, stopping me from kissing him any further. I saw that his face had turned bright red.

"This isn't the normal you, Colin," he told me, his voice shaking in fear. I felt myself overheating.

"Can't you see I've changed?! I'm not the old, awkward Colin anymore. I'm the new Colin! I'm not just a clever boy, I'm your clever boy. I would do anything for you. I would... I would DIE for you!" I shouted. My voice was a little glitchy. I leaned in to kiss him again. But just before I could touch his lips, I shuttered and sprung back, riving in pain. My body became stiff and my limbs began twitching. And the last thing I saw was myself collapsing to the floor. 

Tony's perspective: It all happened so fast. My lips still tingled from the kiss. I watched as Colin laid still on the ground. Paige, Shrignold, Lars, Steve and Veg came running down the hall to see what was going on.

"We heard some loud noises over here- Colin!" Shrignold exclaimed, kneeling down next to Colin. Everyone began to do the same. I stood motionless. I was still dumbfounded at what had happened.

"Tony, why are you just standing there?! Call 911!" Paige cried. I simply blinked at her order and then pulled out my phone. 

When the ambulance arrived, Colin was carried away on a hospital bed. We followed the ambulance that Colin was in to the hospital. As we waited in the waiting area for any sort of conformation that he would survive, I stared at the floor. I hadn't said a word since Colin had passed out. Shrignold was sitting next to me. He elbowed me gently.

"Are you alright, Tony?" Shrignold asked. I lowered my head, letting him know that I wasn't.

"I- I don't know anymore. But Colin pinned me to the wall and he told me that I was the only thing he could ever think about-" I choked back my words as my eyes watered up. "Shrig... Colin kissed me."

"I knew he loved you," Shrignold said, slightly to himself. 

"But now, I don't even know if he's still alive! I never got to tell him how much I loved him too," I sobbed. Shrignold wiped my tears. Before he could say anything, a doctor walked in.

"He's alive. But he's in a coma and he won't wake up until tomorrow morning," the doctor declared. I stood up and hugged him.

"Thank you, doctor, thank you so much!" I said, letting out a sigh of relief.

"What was wrong with him?" Steve asked, closing the cooking magazine he had been reading.

"He had a virus that was spreading in his brain. He must've gotten some sort of bug in his system," he explained.

Suddenly, the realization cracked. That was why he was acting so strange; he was being controlled by a virus! But... that would mean that he never really loved me at all. 

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