Bonus Oneshot: First Date

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Tony's perspective: I slipped on a black jumper and a pair of jeans. I slicked my hair back and looked in the mirror. Tonight was going to be special. Tonight was my first date with Colin. I walked out of my bedroom to see Colin standing there, waiting for me. He was wearing a blue turtleneck sweater and some ripped jeans. 

"Hiya, Tony! You look... hhhot," Colin said awkwardly. Even after all the craziness he had gone through, he was still the same old Colin; cringeworthy, but lovable. 

"Really? Hot? I was just going for a chill vibe but-"

"My bad. I didn't mean hot. I mean, not that you aren't- I mean, you aren't hot hot, but-"

"It's alright, Colin," I laughed. "You look hot too."

Colin blushed.

"Nobody's ever called me hot before," he said.

"Well, I'll be the first one then," I smiled, taking his hand. We walked down the stairs, out the door and got into Shrignold's minivan. I drove and Colin sat next to me.

"Where are we going again?" Colin asked.

"That coffee shop you like. I remember you brought it up in a conversation once," I said. Colin gasped.

"You remembered?? Oh, thank you, Tony!"

"No problem. Why do you even like the place anyways? You know you'll die if you drink coffee, right?"

"I know, silly. I just like those pumpkin spice biscuits they make. Have you ever tried them? It's like heaven in a biscuit! Man, they should make that their slogan. Heaven in a biscuit. If I saw that on a billboard I would-"

"Good lord, Colin."

"Hehe, sorry."

We arrived at the coffee shop. Colin and I got out of the minivan and walked inside. While Colin ordered our food, I sat in one of the booths. Colin came over and sat down with me.

"One caramel cappuccino for you," he said, placing it in front of me. Then he laid a small brown paper bag down on the table. "And four pumpkin spice biscuits for me!"

"Can I, erm.. try one?" I asked.

"Yes, yes, you can. Here you go," Colin grinned, taking one of the biscuits out of the paper bag and handing it to me. I bit into it. It was soft and chewy and warm. I loved it!

"Mmmm... you were right, Colin. This is like heaven in a biscuit," I said as I chewed. Colin laughed. 

Colin finished his food and I finished my cappuccino. We walked out of the coffee shop. It was pouring rain outside. I took off my jacket and held it over Colin's head like an umbrella. We ran to the car as fast as we could. We both jumped into the seats and slammed the doors.

"Woo! That's a lot of rain," Colin panted. After we both caught our breath, we both stared at each other. 

"Is it just me or do you look so goddamn sexy with wet hair?" Colin asked. I blushed and tried to fix my hair. He took my hands before I could fix it. 

"No, keep it that way. It's kinda turning me on," Colin whispered. I blushed even harder. He leaned in and kissed me. We kissed for at least a minute before Colin started moving his lips down to my neck. He would giggle at all my little mews and moans as he nibbled at my skin. He gripped my thigh with one hand while he held the back of my neck with the other.

"Colin, that's enough!" I laughed. Colin looked at me with slinky eyes.

"That was... hot," he murmured. 

"Yeah. It was."

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