Chapter 17: There's Something Happening

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Colin's perspective: I had Tony. He was in my grasp now. It was the perfect setup for a kiss. But as I stared into Tony's shocked eyes, my mind went completely blank. What was I doing?! I can't kiss him! I can't kiss anyone! I can't love anyone! Computers can't love people! I closed my eyes tight and imagined the party. I imagined pinning Tony to the wall. Telling him he was the only thing I could ever think about. I imagined kissing him. And without thinking, I put my other hand on his face and placed my lips onto his mouth.

I did it! I kissed him! I melted into the kiss. We stood there on the sidewalk, the small snowflakes delicately falling around us. And in that moment, I felt like we were the center of the universe. I felt like time had stopped just for us. I felt Tony's hand make it's way to the back of my head and his fingers played with my hair. I took my lips off of his.

"Did you like the present?" I asked. 

"It was the best present I've ever gotten, Colin," he sighed. 

"I was so afraid that you'd never want to talk to me again. I thought you hated me for life," I explained. Tony chuckled.

"No, of course not. Believe me, I was just as worried as you were."

"So.. does this mean we're... dating now?"

"Yes. Absolutely."

We began to walk back home, arms wrapped around each other. It felt like a dream. I felt like I would wake up any second now. But I knew it wasn't a dream. This was real. Realer than anything.

Tony's perspective: My heart fluttered with joy. When we got back to the apartment, Shrignold immediately caught on.

"Sooo... how'd things go?" Shrignold asked, a simper on his face.

"Great, Shrig," I said. 

"What about you and Lars? Did you get him with that mistletoe?" Colin asked. Lars walked over and leaned his head on Shrignold's shoulder.

"Oh, he did. Isn't that right, my little lovebug?" Lars teased, patting Shrignold's head. Me and Colin looked at each other, irked.

That night, as I settled into bed, Colin came into my room. He sat down next to me.

"Today was quite the rollercoaster," he chuckled.

"Yeah," I smiled. Colin leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I felt like the happiest man alive. I was the happiest man alive. I knew it would all work out in the end. I knew Colin and I would have our happily ever after.

There's something happening. And I know it.

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