Chapter 16: Christmas Day

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Colin's perspective: I woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning. I didn't think everybody would be up yet, but I could hear the bustle of them all in the living room. I assumed Veg had ran into their rooms and jumped on them to wake them up because he did that every year. He knew to stay away from me though. I don't like being touched and I especially don't like being woken up while it's still dark out. 

I got up and walked down the hall. Everyone was there. Everyone except Tony. The happiness upon my face fell into a look of disappointment. But I knew I couldn't mope on Christmas Day. Who wants to do that? I sat down on the couch with Shrignold and Lars, who for once weren't watching their stupid show. 

"Merry Christmas, Colin!" Shrignold exclaimed. 

"Are we... are we waiting for Tony to come out before we open our presents?" I asked. 

"No, I don't think he's coming out," Paige told me. 

"But-" I started. I stopped myself. I wasn't gonna hope for something hopeless. "Oh well. Heh... his loss."

I bent down and picked up a present that was under the tree. I looked at the label. 

"To Colin, from Lars," I read aloud. I ripped the wrapping paper off and saw a portable charger.

"See? Now you can charge yourself anywhere at any time!" Lars giggled. 

"I'm not a phone, Lars. I don't need to charge," I said. He folded his arms.

"Well I would've liked a 'thank you' but that works too," he said harshly. Just as I was about to pick up the next present, someone walked into the room. I looked up, eyes wide.

"Hi," Tony said with a grin.

"Tony!" Everyone cried. They all stood up and closed in for a group hug. I stayed out of it. Once everyone was sitting down again, I got up and walked over to Tony.

"You finally decided to come out of your room, I see," I chuckled. He nodded.

"Yeah, well, I wouldn't want to miss the holidays, would I?" He asked. We both laughed and then stared deeply into each other's eyes. I could tell he was actually glad to be here. But as I stared at him longer, I saw a change upon his face. The pure intentions he once had were gone and now he was staring at me through lustful eyes. I could feel myself overheating, so I swiftly sat down in my seat again. 

For an hour, we passed around presents. When it was time for me to give Tony his present, I gulped and stood up.

"Here you go, Tony," I said, grinning awkwardly. I handed him the box and he tore the wrapping paper off and looked inside.

"Oh, socks. Thanks, Colin," he said. I knew he was only humoring me; even I knew it was a crappy gift. He grabbed a card from out of his hoodie pocket and gave it to me.

"Merry Christmas Colin, I hope it's as awesome as you are," I read. I looked back up at him with an eyebrow raised. Now he was the awkward one.

"Sorry, I ran out of clever jokes to write," he said. I shrugged. I couldn't wait to show him what I was really giving him.

Tony's perspective: The day went by fast. I was sitting on the couch, wearing the socks Colin had gotten me. The floor was littered with wrapping paper. Colin sat down next to me.

"So, uh... how was Christmas for you, Tony?" Colin asked. 

"It was alright. What about you?"

"Pretty good. I can't believe you actually came out of your room! I didn't think my speech would work," he laughed.

"No, it worked. It was about time I came out of there. It was very boring."

"Heh, I can imagine. Do you wanna go on a walk with me?"

"Y-yeah, sure."

We went down the stairwell, bundled up in our winter clothes. I looked over at Colin as we descended down the stairs. His head was tilted towards the ground, but I saw there was an impish look on his face. I was so confused. What was up with him now?

"Colin, are you ok?"

"Me?? Yes, yes, I am. I'm just thinking," he told me. But that mischievous look never went away. When we got outside, it was like a winter wonderland. The branches of the trees were iced over. The snow on the ground was light and fluffy. A few flurries were still falling as we walked down the street. It was starting to get dark around this time and all the Christmas lights were starting to turn on, house by house.  We walked by each house, pointing and awing at all the beautiful lights. 

"These houses are gorgeous, don't you think?" I asked. 

"They can't compare to you, Tony," he said. I felt my face go red.

"Pardon me?" I asked. He looked at me smugly.

"You heard what I said," he whispered. Before I could say anything else, he grabbed a hold of my hand. I flinched at his touch. What the bloody hell was happening? He turned me around to face him.

"Uhh... Colin?" 

"I have another present for you, Tony. I hope you like it."

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