Bonus Oneshot: Babysitting Veg

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Shrignold's perspective: Me, Lars and Veg were all sitting in the backyard, thinking of what to do.

"Veg, what do you and Steve normally do for fun?" I asked.

"We like murdering people!" Veg exclaimed with a smile. 

"No, no, no, we can't do that. Lars, got any ideas?"

"How about we play a game called: beat up Shrignold! I'll set a timer and we'll see how long it takes for Shrig to beg for mercy!" Lars cried. I slapped Lars in the arm.

"Lars, no! I'm gonna die!"

"No, you won't. The kid doesn't even have any weapons on him! Wait.. you don't have any weapons on you, right?"

"Nope! But I am a black belt in karate," he said with an evil smirk. I looked over at Lars.

"Don't you think we should think this through, Lars?"

"You'll be fine, Shrig. Now go!" He shouted, pushing me towards Veg. We began to take hits at each other. All of a sudden, Veg jumped onto me and tackled me to the ground.

"Let's go, Veggie! Kick his ass!" Lars hollered as he watched us fight. 

I was now laying on the ground. Veg, who wasn't holding back at all, was punching me in the face over and over again. 

"Alright, guys, time out," Lars declared. Veg stood up. I tried to stand up, but failed, so I just stayed sitting there.

"Great job, Veggie!" He said, ruffling Veg's hair. 

"Hehe, I don't know why Steve doesn't like me hanging out with you," Veg giggled.

"Oh, Steve's just a moron, don't listen to him. Besides, we're a lot cooler than he is. We're like you're cool gay uncles!" Lars told him, putting an arm around me.

"I'm not gay," I whispered.

"Just go with it," he whispered back. "Anyways, whatcha wanna do now, kiddo?"

"Let's rob the neighbours house!"

"No!" I screamed. "No, let's- let's not do that. Let's play something else... like hide and seek! That can't end up with a nosebleed or a broken bone, right?"

"The way I play it, you do," Veg snickered. 

Oh no.

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