Chapter 8: The Most Pretentious Place

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Colin's perspective: It's 4:30. We had only just gotten to Oxford so we had some time to kill before the party. Lars had stopped at the liquor store on the way to get drinks, which were all stashed away underneath his seat. Him and Steve were sitting up front while Veg and I sat in the back. The whole way there we talked about memes. 

"Alright, guys. Shrig, Paige and Tony should be here any minute now," Lars told everyone. We were sitting in the car, staring at Blenheim Palace. It was so much bigger in person. I had only ever seen pictures of it.

We waited a half an hour. They weren't showing up. 

"We can just head inside now. We'll text them and let them know that we're already in the palace," Lars decided. We all got out of the car. 

When we walked in, it felt like entering a different world. It was nostalgic to me. Before the accident, I went to these kinds of parties all the time. In fact, the night I got in the accident, I was on my way to one of them. After I became a half computer, things changed for me. I stopped going to those parties. I had become insecure. Being at this party brought me back to when I was 20. A young, rich, overconfident man whose life was ruined.

"Whoa, this is coolest place I've ever seen! I feel like I'm at Hogwarts!" Veg gasped. Those three went off to explore the place while I strayed off on my own.

It had been 20 minutes. Tony, Shrignold and Paige were still not here. I was starting to panic. I went to go find Steve, Veg and Lars.

"Guys, where are the others??" I asked.

"I'll call them," Steve said, taking his phone out of his pocket. I leaned against the wall, tapping one foot frantically. 

"They're probably just in some traffic, Colin," Lars reassured me. I ignored him until Steve got back.

"None of them are answering," Steve said with a frown. I got even more stressed. Suddenly, the doors opened and in came Tony, followed by Shrignold and Paige, who I didn't even notice because I was too busy staring at Tony. He was stunning. He was everything I'd dreamed he'd be.

"Heyyyy!" I sung as they all walked in. Now, the party was really starting.  

Tony's perspective: My lord, this has got to be the most pretentious place I've ever been to. Everywhere I looked, I saw posh Brits wearing fancy clothes and sipping on fancy drinks. 

Then I saw Lars. And Steve and Veg and... Colin. He had his half-lidded eyes fixated on me. His top lip curled up as he showed a sly grin. I gulped back my saliva and quickly looked the other way to avoid anymore eye contact. The four of them approached me, Paige and Shrignold.

"Well, it took you long enough! Why didn't you guys pick up when we tried calling you?" Steve asked.

"Give us a break! We needed to stop to get some gas and then dumbass Shrig over here went into the gas station to use the bathroom," Paige explained. 

"What's wrong with using the bathroom?" Veg questioned.

"I dropped my phone in the toilet," Shrignold sighed. "I had to get one of the employees to fish it out because I didn't wanna risk getting my suit dirty."

"Speaking of that suit, it looks great on you," Lars led on. Shrignold blushed.

"Stop, you're flattering me," he giggled. We all looked at the two in confusion

"Anyways.. what are we doing just standing around? Let's go party!" Colin exclaimed.

I watched as everyone dispatched. But I stood still. I noticed a large table not too far away with rows of drinks on it. I grabbed one and drank it down. Every once in a while, I would glance over at Colin and he would glance back at me. It really bothered me, much more than it should've.

I saw Colin had gathered a bunch of people around to watch him dance. Of course he had; he had always claimed that he was the "digital dancing champion".

While he was distracted, I snuck past the drink table, down a little hall and around the corner. I pressed my back against the wall, sweat dripping down my face. I'd only been here for about 10 minutes and I'm already freaking out. What the hell is wrong with me?

Just as I was about to leave the hall, I heard a voice. And that voice belonged to none other than Colin.

"Oh, Toooooooonnnnyyyyyy~

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