Chapter 3: Checking On Tony

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Colin's perspective: I pushed the door open as discreetly as possible and walked in. I saw one stall closed and I knew it was Tony. I didn't want to seem like I was in there solely to check on him so I looked in the mirror and pretended to fix my suit. I watched as Tony walked out of the stall behind me. I turned around to face him.

"Oh, hey Colin! Didn't expect t-to see you in h-h-here..." Tony said.

"Hi, Tony... are you ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I just needed to er... have a breather. But I'm perfectly fine, you can leave now... unless you weren't in here for me... then you can carry on."

"No, I was only in here for you... I just wanted to check up on you," I smiled. Tony's face turned red and he looked at the ground.

"So, heh... I should probably go back to the table. Nice talk, bye!" Tony said in a rush before darting out of the bathroom. I turned back around and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Had I said something I wasn't supposed to? Is that why Tony left? I didn't have time to ponder the question too much so I went back out to the table.

I sat down and sighed.

"What happened in there, Colin?" Steve whispered to me.

"Oh, nothing. I was just... throwing up," I lied. Steve wasn't so convinced.

"You were throwing up?? You didn't even have a drink!" He exclaimed.

"Uh... yeah, I was... pretty drunk-"

"Is it even possible for computers to throw up?!"

"Ok, ok... I'm lying, I didn't throw up. I just went in there to have a break from all the chaos and whatnot. And yeah, you're correct, it is impossible for computers to throw up," I confessed. He slammed his fat hand on my back, startling me. I'm sure he was meaning to comfort me but that didn't really work

"You'll be ok, bud. Just keep breathing."

Yeah. I'll try.

Tony's perspective: By the end of the night, Lars had already been on top of the table, singing and dancing like an idiot. Shrignold joined him on the table as well and the two sang Love is An Open Door together.

As Colin and the rest of his carpool headed towards their ride, Lars took the keys out of his pocket and shook them in the air.

"I'm driving!" He announced in his shaky, drunk voice. Paige snatched the keys from him.

"No, you're not. I am, since I'm the only sober one in the car," Paige explained.

"Fine. I call shotgun!"

As for me and Shrignold's way home, I was in charge of driving, since Shrignold was clearly drunk out of his mind. The whole way home he sang Sweet Home Alabama over and over for no comprehensible reason. When we finally arrived back at the apartment, Shrignold insisted that I carry him inside. I guess I didn't really have a choice; I couldn't just leave him outside in the cold car all night, it didn't even have heating. So I picked him up, threw him onto my back and lugged him inside.

I walked into the living room and tossed Shrignold off my back and onto the couch. I turned around to see Colin, watching me in confusion.

"I'm guessing Shrignold passed out."

"Yeah," I said with a simper. I slipped a pillow underneath Shrignold's head and Colin and I walked to the kitchen.

"Boy, tonight was crazy," Colin laughed.

"It sure was. Er... by the way... I'm really sorry about the whole bathroom thing. I wasn't trying to be rude, I just didn't want to make things uncomfortable," I confessed. Colin smiled kindly.

"It's ok, Tony. I knew you didn't mean any harm," he said. He walked over to the kitchen doorway to take a look at Shrignold, who was sleeping peacefully on the couch.

"I should probably get some sleep as well," Colin decided. "See you in the morning!"

"Goodnight!" I grinned. I also went over to look at Shrignold. All of a sudden, Shrignold leaped up off the couch and into the air.

"AH!! I thought you were asleep!" I shrieked.

"First off, you scream like a little girl. Second, I could hear you and Colin talking that entire time."

"So, you were eavesdropping on us?"

"I suppose. More importantly, when are you gonna admit your feelings for Colin?"

"I don't have feelings for Colin, Shrig! And I know for a bloody fact that Colin doesn't have feelings for me either!" I said sternly. 

"Alright, Tony, have it your way," Shrignold sighed. I trudged off to my room to go to sleep.

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