Chapter 6: Is This Love?

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Colin's perspective: I was at the grocery store later on that day with Steve and Veg. Veg was complaining that he wanted cupcakes but Steve wouldn't let him get them. Their bickering was starting to get on my nerves.

"Hey, uh... I'm just gonna, y'know, go find the uh.. toilet paper. 'Kay, bye!" I said in a rush before splitting up from the group. I sped down the aisle and around the corner, only to be confronted by a small puppy. I loved dogs, so I bent down to pet him. Out of nowhere, the puppy started yapping and growling at me. Startled, I retracted my hand and ran the other way. The dog chased me down the aisle until finally, a little girl picked him up and snuggled him in her arms. 

"There you are, Georgie!" She chirped, carrying him back to her family.

"Wow, Colin," Steve said sarcastically from behind me. I jumped around to face him. 

"Hehe.. let's get out of here," I panted.

Steve and Veg followed me out the door and we got back in the car. Veg and I sat in the back together while Steve drove. As I stared out the window, my mind raced with thoughts. Not because of the grocery store, but because of Tony. Every time I'm around him, I feel so faint. It's like when you hold your breath for so long and you get all light-headed and you feel like you're gonna explode. It's that feeling. And then I just have no control over what I say or do. I just let words fly out of my mouth whenever they please. 

When we got home, Tony was laying on the couch, reading the book I lended to him. When Steve and Veg left the room to go eat their lunch, I rested my head on the edge of the couch and stared at Tony. He looked up from the book with an eyebrow raised.

"Er, Colin?"

"Hiya, Tony!" I grinned. "How are you on this lovely evening?"

"I'm.. fine..."

"Great! I see you're reading the book I gave you."

"Oh, yeah, it's actually really interesting-"

"I knew you'd love it! You have the best taste in books," I mused, tilting in a little closer to him. "Did you know that people who read are 90% more attractive than people who don't?" 

"Huh... didn't know that."

"I know, I just made that up," I smirked. I leaned in even closer to him, leaving half my body dangling over the edge of the couch. Tony's face reddened. 

"What's going on?" Paige asked, entering the room. I stood up straight and acted like nothing happened.

"Tony and I were just... talking about the hockey game that happened last night!" I fibbed. I looked over at Tony, eyes widened. "Isn't that right, Tony?"

Tony nodded slowly. I looked back at Paige.

"I didn't know either of you liked hockey," Paige said.

"Yeah, erm.. I love hockey!" He said, his voice trembling off at the end.

"Hm. Well, I'll leave you guys to that, I guess," Paige shrugged. She spun around and went back to her room. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks for backing me up there, Tony," I said, sitting down on the couch next to him.

"Colin... are you feeling alright?" He asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" I replied.

"I don't know, I've just been worried about you lately." 

I gently placed my hand on his face. His skin turned pale within seconds.

"Oh, Tony, don't you worry your pretty little head about me," I said softly, moving my hand down from his face and towards his chin. I scratched underneath his chin and his whole body went as stiff as a rock. 

"See ya," I purred before leaving the room.

Tony's perspective: Did Colin just touch me?! I've known the man for almost 11 years and I've lived with him for almost 6, and not once has he touched anybody; for heavens sake, he doesn't even like being touched himself! He even told me once that he finds physical contact revolting.

Then Shrignold walked in and sat on the couch with me. I didn't notice him, I was zoned out.

"Tony? Hello?" He asked, waving his hand in front of me. I snapped out of my trance. 

"Oh, erm... hi," I sighed. 

"What's wrong?"

"I- I don't know-"

"Wait, I just saw Colin leave the room- did something happen with you two??" Shrignold asked. His eyes lit up with intrigue. 

"Give it a rest, Shrig! Nothing happened with us. But I will admit that Colin was acting very odd. He's been so up close with me ever since this morning. He.. he even touched me," I explained.

"Colin wouldn't touch anyone, even if his life depended on it," Shrignold said in refusal. 

"But he did! Shrig, you have to believe me. You know I would never lie to you," I pleaded.

"Yeah? What about that time when you took my Malcolm flyer and said you would think about joining the organization, and the next morning I saw it crumpled up in the garbage?" 

"Ok, so maybe I did lie once, but I'm not lying this time!" I cried. "I swear."

"Well.. if your so insistent about it then I suppose there must be something going on. Tell me, how did Colin touch you?" Shrignold asked, pulling a small but thick book out of his pocket. The title was Malcolm's Guide To Love. He flipped through at least 50 pages before he stopped. 

"He put his hand on my face first and then he put his hand under my chin and started scratching there." I said. He scanned the page he was on for a second before letting out a big gasp.

"Sweet Malcolm! Tony, do you know what this means?!" He asked, gripping my arm tightly.

"Erm, no?"

"Colin LOVES you!!"

"He.. does?"

"Yes! Face touching, chin scratching; Colin is down BAD for you!" He said excitedly. I looked down and processed the information. Was it true? Was Colin really in love with me??

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