Bonus Headcanons

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Before I begin, I'd like to say these are all HEADCANONS. None of them are canon (not that I know of) and it's all just my opinion.

The Don't Hug Me I'm Scared-iverse: In the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared-iverse, nothing really works like how you'd think it works, especially time. Time works a lot differently in the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared-iverse than in our universe. For one thing, it passes by super slowly (you probably already noticed since it's been June 19th for like 10 years). Also, you never know what day it is or what month it is or even what year it is. Time fluctuates around. One day it could feel like it's 2022 and another day it could feel like it's 1922. Nothing makes sense. The characters in the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared-iverse do have birthdays and holidays and stuff, but they kinda just happen whenever it feels right. They were born at some point in time, but since the time moves around so much, they can't really pinpoint the exact date. It's weird.

Harry's headcanons: Harry (full name Harry Red) identifies as genderfluid and his pronouns are he/him. He is gay. Harry was best friends with Doi and Robin growing up. Harry and Robin actually started dating when he was 18 and Robin was 19. One day, Doi came to Harry and Robin's house and explained that his dad, Roy, was abusive and he needed to stay with Harry and Robin. Harry and Robin agreed to take Doi in and care for him.

Harry likes listening to old school hip hop. Idk why but he seems like the kinda guy to do that.

Also he was dared by Robin and Doi to dye his hair red to match his last name lol.

He pierced his eyebrow when he was 14 but his parents never found out because he used to hide it with his hair. 

Harry is the ultimate male-wife.

Robin's headcanons: Robin (full name Robin Duckman) identifies as male and his pronouns are he/him. He is gay. Robin is Harry's boyfriend, as I said, and Doi is their adopted (???) son. Robin is the oldest of them all, despite being the shortest of them all. He also ISN'T a cannibal, although Harry and Doi like to joke about it. The chicken he was eating at that 'chicken picnic' was actually vegan chicken; Robin is a vegan, yes. 

Robin likes listening to old jazz and reading newspapers for some reason. 

Doi's headcanons: Doi (full name Doi Yellow) identifies as male and his pronouns are he/him. He is unlabeled. Doi is Harry and Robin's adopted (again ???) son. Doi grew up being verbally and physically abused by his dad, Roy. When he was 6, he ran away from home and went to live with Harry and Robin.

Doi likes listening to both old school hip hop and old jazz, depends on which dad he's with. 

Doi likes to draw because Paige was his favourite teacher (although he wasn't very happy when Paige dumped that black paint all over his clown drawing). When Paige first arrived (before she sang her song and everyone went insane) she was apparently very nice to Doi. She wanted to soften the blow before she did her performance. 

Roy's headcanons: Roy (full name Roy Yellow) identifies as male and his pronouns are he/him, but he probably says they're nor/mal. He's straighter than a line. He's musty, he's crusty, he's an asshole and he watches r34. That's not a headcanon, though. That's canon. Also his wife left him. Haha bozo.

He actually contacted all the teachers and got them to go teach at Harry and Robin's house just so he could traumatize Doi, as revenge for him running away to live with Harry and Robin. Roy hoped maybe if he scared Doi enough then he'd wanna come back to him, but the plan backfired horribly and Roy got zapped out of existence. Haha bozo x2.

Paige's headcanons: Paige (full name Paige Sketcher) identifies as demigirl and her pronouns are she/they. She is lesbian. She was sent to a school for troubled teenagers when she was 13. She was bullied and made fun of for years. The other kids would call her clown because of her hair and sketchbook because of how pale she was. Also the uniforms they wore there were green and that's why Paige hates the colour green. One day she escaped from the school and went to pursue her dream of becoming an art teacher. When Roy contacted her and asked if she wanted to teach Doi, Harry and Robin, she actually wanted to teach them properly. But Roy insisted that if she didn't teach them the way he wanted her to, he would kill her. And so Paige had to make them all go crazy. She regrets it to this day.

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