Chapter 10: A Lie

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Colin's perspective: I woke up feeling dizzy. I couldn't remember a thing, no matter how hard I tried. When I finally opened my eyes fully, I saw a man, examining my face. I screamed and leaped out of the bed. 

"Calm down, calm down. I'm Dr. Bon," he said.

"Why am I here?" I asked cautiously.

"You were rushed to the hospital after you passed out at Blenheim Palace last night, sometime around 7. We took a look at you and found a virus that had been growing in your brain."

"Passed out? Blenheim Palace?? I don't remember any of that!" I exclaimed. 

"Huh.. it seems you've lost your memory. Tell me, what's the last thing you can remember?" He asked. I thought for a moment.

"I can remember going to the bar with my friends," I said quietly. Then, Tony sprinted into the room. 

"I'll give you two some alone time," Dr. Bon said. As soon as he left the room, Tony wrapped his arms around me. The feeling made me glitch and overheat.

"T-Tony, don't touch me!!" I yelled, shoving him away. He stared at me, a heartbroken look in his eyes. 

"What do you mean? I thought you-"

"Please, Tony, don't talk to me right now," I told him. Tony backed away slowly. He ran out of the room. I stumbled back onto the bed. Why did Tony touch me? He knew how I felt about being touched. Was this a dream? Was I gonna wake up and be back in the apartment? I sighed and dozed off.

Hours had passed like seconds. I woke up once again, this time in my bedroom. I shifted over on my side to escape the uncomfortable position I had been laying in. The window was dark. It was nighttime. That would explain why the apartment was so silent. But in the distance, I heard the faintest little sniffle. The sniffle of someone who was crying. I immediately stood up and went to find out who it was. 

I checked in mostly everyone's room but they were all asleep. I only had Tony's room left to check in. I peaked inside the crack in the door. Tony was sitting on the floor, his bloodshot eyes streaming with tears. He was looking at a little glass vase with tulips in it that was placed on the floor in front of him. The tulips looked just like the ones outside our apartment. I watched him for about a minute before he got off the floor and carefully put the vase on his dresser. He crawled into his bed, turned off his lamp and went to sleep.

I went back to my room and sat down on my bed. Why was Tony crying? And where did he get those tulips? The ones by our apartment were all dead because of the cold weather so he had to have gotten them a while ago.

Tony's perspective: I cried myself to sleep that night. It was hard to believe that Colin couldn't remember his love for me. And I didn't even get to confess my love for him. All I had left as proof of him loving me was the flowers. That was it. 

The next morning, I went out to the living room. It was the same as always. Steve was cooking breakfast, Veg was colouring with Paige, Shrignold and Lars were watching their show. And Colin was sitting at the table, reading one of his books. Upon closer inspection, I realized he wasn't actually reading, just staring at the page he was on. He looked distraught. His eyebrows were furrowed, as if he were trying to solve a mystery. 

I sat down next to Shrignold.

"Erm.. Shrig, can we please talk in private?" I asked in a hushed tone. Shrignold looked at me worriedly and nodded. I grabbed his wrist and the two of us walked out to the stairwell.

"What's going on, Tony?" Shrignold asked.

"Colin doesn't remember," I said.

"Colin doesn't remember what?"

"Anything! I talked to Dr. Bon and he told me that Colin lost his memory. He can't remember the party or... loving me," I explained. "And just when I thought that maybe Colin and I had something special, I found out it was just a virus controlling his brain."

I paused. I felt myself beginning to cry again.

"It was all a lie. The love he had for me, it was all a bloody fucking lie. I thought we were destined to be together. I thought it was fate. But I was wrong. And I don't know what to do now."

A single tear rolled down my face. Shrignold pulled me in for a hug.

"Tony, I'm so sorry for making you think Colin loved you. How could I have been so blind?? I don't deserve to be the Prince of Love. I'm a failure," he sighed.

"No, Shrig, you're not a failure," I told him sympathetically. "You were only trying to help me."

"You're not mad at me?" Shrignold asked.

"Not at all," I smiled. He smiled back and hugged me again. 

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