Chapter 7: Party Tickets

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Colin's perspective: A few days had passed. I was walking back from the postal office, a bag full of mail slung over my shoulder. I could tell winter was coming. The air was cool and sharp, with a hint of frost in the wind. I was freezing; it's time like these that I wish I wasn't afraid of driving. 

I finally arrived at the apartment and I stepped inside with a shiver. I climbed up through the stairwell and opened the door to our living room. Of course, Shrignold and Lars were on the couch, watching their show. Steve was in the kitchen, cleaning dishes. Paige and Veg were laying on the floor, drawing with each other. The only one who wasn't in the room was Tony. 

"Hi, Colin," Veg said, looking up from his drawing. I waved back at him. I sat down on the couch with Shrignold and Lars. I took the bag off my shoulder, dumped out the mail on the coffee table and looked through it all. Bills, bills, coupons, more bills. A letter from Gilbert, Fridge and BB every once in a while. But something struck my attention. 7 tickets for a party.

"Did someone order tickets for a party?" I asked. Everyone looked over at me and shook their heads. Then, Tony walked in. 

"Hey, Tony, did you order tickets for a party?" Lars asked. Without saying a word, he scurried over to the pile of mail I had laid out on the coffee table. He picked up the tickets.

"Actually, I did. I heard about this huge party happening at Blenheim Palace on the weekend and luckily enough, I was able to get tickets for it. Surprise!" Tony exclaimed. 

"Blenheim Palace?! How the hell did you get tickets for a party at Blenheim Palace?!?!" Paige asked, standing up and marching over to Tony.

"Er... I went to their website and ordered tickets. And you better be grateful because I blew all my money on this," he said. Well that explains why he only had ten dollars at the video game store.

"Why would you do that for us, Tony?" Lars asked.

"Because you guys are my friends! Plus, we never do anything interesting anymore. Ever since Roy disappeared and we were all put out of the job, we've had nothing to do but sit around in this tiny apartment. It'll be a nice change of pace." 

The room went quiet for a second or two. I decided to speak up.

"Tony's right. We don't have much to do around here. This should be fun!" I said, getting up and standing by his side. Tony showed a little smile, head tilted towards the floor, as if to show that he were proud of himself. I found it cute.

Tony's perspective: It was Friday night and I was picking out an outfit to wear to the party. I went through loads of suits until I finally found something that looked nice on me. A navy blue suit with a slightly lighter coloured bow tie. I walked out of my bedroom, only to be trampled by Shrignold. 

"Tony, Tony, Tony!!" He chanted. I got up off the ground and dusted myself off.

"What do you want, Shrig?" I asked bitterly. 

"What are you gonna wear to the party tomorrow?"

"Why is that important to you??"

"Your outfit needs to be perfect. I mean, not only are we gonna be there with a bunch of rich, judgy people but also.. you need to look good for Colin," Shrignold whispered. I went back into my room and he followed me in.

"This," I said, holding up my suit. "This is what I'm wearing."

"I like it! Colin will definitely like it," he simpered.

"You really think so?"

"Of course!"

Shrignold left my room and I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a black hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. In less than 24 hours I'd be all dressed up, walking around Blenheim Palace with my friends. It seemed impossible. 

I could hardly sleep that night. I ended up staying on my phone for hours before I actually went to bed. I fell asleep around 3 in the morning. I woke up the next morning feeling groggy. I rubbed my eyes and I sat upright. I checked the time. It was 12:30! I jumped out of bed, grabbed a shirt to slip on and ran out to the living room. 

I walked into the living room. Nobody there. Where did they all go? Did they leave without me? Suddenly, Paige and Shrignold walked in. They had their outfits for the party on. Paige was wearing a long, lavender coloured dress. Her hair was done up in a big ponytail and she wore fancy blue boots. Shrignold was wearing a yellow suit with little pink hearts on all the pockets. I was surprised that he actually took off his priest robe for once.

"Uh.. Tony, is that what you're wearing to the party? A t-shirt and boxers?" Paige asked. I groaned.

"No. I didn't know we were supposed to be ready by now," I told her. 

"Well, the party starts at 5 and it'll take us roughly 3 hours to drive to Oxford," Paige explained.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"They left. Lars said he wanted to leave early so he could go buy drinks to bring to the party. Colin, Steve and Veg just decided to go with him," Shrignold said. I sighed.

"I guess I'll go get dressed then," I said.

I went back to my room and put my suit on. I took one last look in the mirror before leaving. I felt good. I strutted down the hall and into the living room. Paige and Shrignold, who were sitting on the couch, looked up at me. 

"Tony, oh my gosh! You look absolutely fantastic! Colin is gonna be speechless when he sees you!" Shrignold exclaimed, circling around me. Paige looked at us in confusion. 

"Oh yeah, Tony has a big crush on Col-" 

I quickly put my hand over his mouth.

"Nothing!" I said nervously.

"You like Colin?? That explains a lot," Paige laughed. "Now, c'mon, we gotta get going!"

We all climbed into Shrignold's minivan and put on our seatbelts. Shrignold drove, Paige sat next to him and I sat in the back by myself. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. It was all going by so fast. And soon enough, I'd see Colin. Who knows what would happen then.

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