-"It's ok to ask for help"-

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*hey hey this fic contains mentions of vomiting, bullying, and neurodivergent break downs*

  It was about 12 at night, the highway was nearly empty as rain pattered down his windshield. Sparkling was driving home after just closing up the bar and somehow managed to shoo Vampire Cookie out the door. The car screeched as he came to a slow stop, the traffic light flashing orange then red across his face in the dark car.

  The rain was nice and comforting to Sparkling, reminding him about his husband and how calm he was towards their sons. Even though he wasn't one of his legal sons, he worried for Gumball, the kid had some serious issues with no one to help him through them. He hummed as he watched the red lit streams slide down the glass, listening to the soft tapping as if it were the classical music from the bar. Blinking back to reality when a green light flicker on, he moved his heel to the gas and pressed.


  Sparkling pulled into the driveway, parking the car and grabbing his small umbrella that Pancake and Custard gave him for Christmas the year before. Snatching his keys, he stepped out and onto the porch. He fumbled with the keys a little until he finally got the door open. 

  He walked in the dark house and closed the heavy door as he toed his shoes off, knowing that if they weren't by the door Herb would throw a fit. He hummed a small tune as he walked to the kitchen to set his coat and umbrella down on the counter. Sparkling was about to grab something until he heard a noise. He jumped as it spooked him, "was Herb up, was he too loud when coming in the door that was way too squeaky" he thought.

  He shrugged and stumbled toward the sound, the tv seemed to be on but it was accompanied by whimpering. Sparkling raised an eyebrow, was someone crying? His eyes landed on Gumball as he was bawling but not too loudly as if he was trying to keep his struggling a secret. Sparkling frowned as he locked eyes with the boy, Gumball's eyes looked irritated from the tears rolling down his reddened cheeks. He frowned as the pinkette tried to wipe his startled champagne coloured eyes quickly to hide his sadness. A child shouldn't have to feel as if their emotions are a burden and hide them. 

  Sparkling sighed as he shuffled over the carpet to the couch that Gumball was curled up on. He grabbed the child's blanket from the shelf and sat down. Sparkling looked at him with kind eyes, "does anyone else know you're here?" Gumball shook his head and looked down, already knowing the lecture Milk might give him in the morning. He glanced at the tv, "whatcha watching", the teen just shrugged as he was slowly turning red from trying not to cry. Sparkling sighed as hooked his hands under Gumball's arms and dragged the limp teen next to him. He wrapped the neon coloured blanket around the kid and draped his arm around his shoulders. 

  Gumball suddenly couldn't take it anymore as he let out a choked sob followed by more crys.

  Sparkling just pat his back as waterfalls ran from the teens eyes, "They j-just wouldn't sto-op, the kids at school wouldn't cUt iT OuTt!" The blond hugged him as the teen clung to his shirt, gripping the fabric tightly in his shaky hands. The boy trembled as he talked, "They pushed me d-down the blEacheRs and forced me into a sensoryy overload toDa-Ay", Gumball squeezed him harder as he bawled. Sparkling held his head and combed his hair back, "Shhh, it's gonna be ok, how long has this been happening at school?", he whispered very calmly in an attempt to calm the boy down. "A couple we-weekss, I didn't tell you because I didn't wanna bother y-you" Gumball admitted as he sniffled.

  "You know you don't have to hide your emotions from me right?"

  "You can cry anytime and I'll help you through it, don't feel the need to bottle up your emotions to the point of cracking and breaking open on accident" Sparkling hugged the boy closer and the pinkette cried harder, he'd never felt this cared for from an adult before. The feeling was becoming overwhelming, he felt his stomach start to bubble and quickly rise up his throat, he was gonna vomit. He was becoming overrun with a strong emotions and he was gonna vomit. 

  Gumball quickly jumped off the couch and ran to the sink, for he knew he wouldn't make it to the bathroom in time. Sparkling's eyes widened, realizing what was happening and ran after him. He got to the kitchen to see Gumball gaging into drain, attempting to try and not make a big mess. Sparkling sighed and rubbed circles into his back, "I'm sorry squirt, I forget you have these sorts of problems sometimes...just let it out and I'll fetch ya something to eat" he just nodded back, wiping his eyes and mouth.

  Gumball turned on the sink, filled a cup, and shakily washed his mouth from the horrid taste. He shook his head to semi regain his balance and lached back on to the father figure. Sparkling grabbed a pack of lunch meat and a juice as he guided Gumball back to the couch. His blanket was tightly rewrapped around him as he lightly grabbed at the food. Sparkling pulled him over to him again and pet his hair to calm the kid down as he switched the tv to a movie.

  He glanced back at Gumball and noticed his heavy eyebags, how long has it been since he slept decently? He wasn't sure. He remembered Milk telling him his concerns about the kids sleep schedule and saying that he was probably just drawing comics past his bedtime. The livingroom was only lit by the tv, flickering colours over the boy's face as he was focused on the movie.

  Gumball stretched his arms out as he yawned, trying to blink the sleep out of his tired bloodshot eyes. Sparkling hummed, he set down his juice on the coffee table and leaned back.

  "Just rest bud, you deserve it after today", Gumball just sleepily nodded and layed his head down on the blondes lap. Sparkling continued to comb his fingers throught the pink strands of hair until the teen faintly spoke.

  "I love you,"

  "Dad", then he desended into a heavy sleep.

  Now Sparkling was about to cry but instead he just smiled warmly,"I love you too Squirt, now get some sleep". He leaned down and pressed a small kiss onto the boys head. 

  Then with the chatter from the tv and the soft pattering of the rain on the roof, he was comfortable. So Sparkling closed his eyes as he too fell asleep in the warm atmosphere of the room.

-(1154 words)-

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