-"Dude, GO TO SLEEP"-

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Gumball was sitting on the floor of one of the many hallways in the church. He was drawing and ignoring the 10 pages of missing work he had at school, acting like it didn't exist. The pinkette was about to grab his pen to start inking the page but his phone started ringing.

Gumball answered the phone to his homie Soda, "Ayo Dude, you should like, come over and binge watch The Walking Dead with me" Gumball laughed, "ok bet, I'll be over in a sec, lemme go tell Milk".

He hung up, putting his phone in his pocket and shoving his sketchbook in his bag. Gumball ran down the white halls, sliding with his socks into the main room to tell Milk he was going to Soda's for the night. The teen almost ran into the older cookie and then cringed when he saw that the adult was cleaning up one of his angry outbursts of paint...again.

"Hey, uh, I'm headin to Soda's for the night. '' Gumball fidgeted with the cuffs of his sleeves. Milk glanced at his eyebags and sighed, he decided to not bother him about his missing assignments today, "have fun, please try and not get in trouble this time"

Gumball smiled and clumsily hopped around to put his shoes on. "Can't promise I won't" he shouted as he ran out the door and down the street. "What am I going to do with him?" Milk hummed, he shook his head displeasingly and got back to work.


You see Soda was smarter than he led on, he was probably one of the smartest cookies in his class. When Gumball arrives, he was gonna slowly force him to sleep by cuddling because his friend is very clingy and he might not notice. Soda was setting his can on the table in his room when he heard the very rapid knocking of his homie.

Soda ran to answer the door so his mom wouldn't have to. The last time they were out, Soda's hands were full so he asked Gumball to answer his phone for him and ended up cursing his mom. It sucked.

He opened the door and Gumball immediately tackled him. They had seen eachother at school yesterday but since they were besties it felt like weeks. Soda stood up and dragged Gumball across the wooden floor by his leg, shutting the front door.

The shorter threw his bag in the corner and grabbed a shirt and a pair of shorts then went into the bathroom. Soda changed as well, sleeping in swim trunks wasn't the most comfortable. Once he slipped on the shirt and shorts, he put up his homework so Gumball didn't steal it. The pinkette came out and tossed his suit at his bag, not really intending on putting it up.

Soda came up behind Gumball and picked him up, burying his face in the messy pink rats nest that he called hair. Gumball tried going limp to make Soda fall from his dead weight but he stayed standing. His eyebrows furrowed, "DUDE, it's been a DAY since you picked me up, how are you stronger?!" Gumball shouted as Soda laughed at his rage, "I went surfing today".

The shorter gasped, "And you didn't invite me, how DARE you" he giggled. Soda snickered and dropped him on the couch, flopping next to the arm rest. He grabbed the remote and turned to Netflix, finding the show under favorites.

He clicked on a random episode and pressed play as he sat back, tossing the remote on the table. Gumball nabbed a soda off the coffee table and cracked it open, he quickly sipped the top before it spilled over.


This was taking longer than Soda thought it would. They were several episodes in and Gumball was still wide awake. Soda huffed and pulled him onto his chest to pet his hair. Gumball fell on him like he was a ragdoll and patted Soda's cheek to bother him but he didn't mind.

"I swear Soda, if you did this just so you can start saying minecraft pick up lines again, I'll have you know that I made more so I don't lose!" Gumball argued. Soda shook his head and giggled, "I didn't, I can't believe you think I'd do that!" He defended himself and ruffled his hair.

"I'm just checking, I never know what's going on behind those soulless eyes of yours" Gumball laughed, Soda gasped and laughed with him "you bitch! And to think I could trust youu!"

Gumball was caught in a laughing fit by this and hugged the taller's waist as he buried his face further into his friend's chest. Soda wiped the tears from his eyes and shook his head, making his hair fizz slightly.

After the laughter died down, the pinkette just laid there while the blunette turned the tv down so his mom wouldn't yell at him. He was getting tired, not sleeping for two days will do that to you.

Gumball yawned, "you gettin tired?" Soda teased. "Mmm, shut up, not my fault you're warm" he mumbled against his shirt. "Dude, just go to sleep! I'm not like you, you won't wake up with dicks drawn on your face" Soda promised.

"Bro you're mean, that was only cause Sharky was being an ass and I didn't wanna leave you out" Gumball said in a matter of fact way. "Ya, ok" Soda snorted and pulled a blanket over them as they went back to watching The Walking Dead.

Gumball hummed contently as his golden eyes started lazily falling shut. Before he knew it he was out like a light, comforted by his friend's embrace. You would've thought someone wacked him in the back of the head with his easel with how fast he fell asleep.

The boy let out soft snores, telling Soda that he accomplished his little mission to get his friend to sleep. The soft drink cookie smiled. Not bothering to pause the episode he too dozed off, using the other as a teddy bear.

Soda's mom came in to turn off the TV at one point and saw the two boys clinging to one another. She awed, smiling warmly as she flicked off the light and slowly closed the door.

-(1045 words)-

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