-"I'm so proud of you"-

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  *drawing done by me! It's of their family*
  The curtains were wide open in the living room as the warm light poured in, Sparkling was sitting on the couch reading the reviews of his bar on his phone. 

  Seriously, could vampire cookie stop leaving bad reviews every time I attempt to save him from alcohol poisoning. He looked into the garden to see herb teaching pancake how to water the vegetables properly and smiled.


  Suddenly, Gumball burst through the door and came in, running at full speed. The teen accidentally tripped on the rug and came tumbling in front of Sparkling but it didn't faze him, he was far too happy for that. 

  "Careful there buddy are you ok-" Gumball only cut him off by shoving his sketchbook in his face. Sparkling carefully took it from the boy's hands and looked at it closer. It was a detailed drawing of a comic book character, his best one yet by the looks of it. 

  He just smiled and playfully rolled his eyes, he gave the book back to Gumball as the child was practically shaking with excitement. "Do you like it! Do ya, do ya, I spent all night working on it !" He chuckled and nodded "It's wonderful, Gumball! I like how you did the lineart, it looks neat!" Gumball was ready to explode, it was one of his favorite compliments for the sole reason that most people didn't notice little things like that. Sparkling knew this.

  Gumball jumped up and pumped his fist in the air as he ran around in circles. The blond just smiled and laughed at the boy's excitement, "someone's awfully rowdy today", Gumball flopped on the couch "my art teacher wants me to enter into the town's art show!" His face lit up, "that's fantastic, squirt!" He ruffled the pink hair sticking out of the helmet as the boy giggled and ran outside to go show Herb his creation.

  A buzz was sent up Sparkling's leg. He huffed as he grabbed his phone and unlocked it to see a message from Mint Choco. He quirked his eyebrow and opened it, "did I forget something at work again?" he said, mumbling to himself. Reading over he quickly realized that he had left his coat at work again, "damn it". 

  "So you get to say it and I don't? I don't find that very fair" Sparkling stood up as Gumball closed the back door and wiped off his shoes. "Ya wanna head to the bar with me real quick, I gotta swing by and grab something and yes I do think it's very fair". He snatched his keys from the counter, heading towards the car as Gumball fumbled while putting his sketchbook in his gumball machine backpack. 

  Sparkling started the car as Gumball jumped in and almost slammed the door. He backed out the driveway and they headed off.


  They pulled into a parking spot and hopped out of the car. Sparkling grabbed the door handle and looked over at Gumball "behave, ok, and don't tell Herb I brought you here" Gumball looked up at him and nodded. Having got the approval, he opened the door. Sparkling walked in as Gumball followed closely behind him like a lost puppy. He came up to the counter as he was greeted by Vampire and Mint Choco, one clearly drunk and the other resting from his musical performance.

  "Aw Sparklingg, why'd you have to bring the little heathen with youu, he's just gonna destroy the barrr" Vampire complained. Gumball frowned, he was used to this from adults and most people his age. Sparkling shot the red head a glare and socked him in the arm "he's actually a great kid once you make an effort to get to know him".

  He glanced down at Gumball and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a smile asking if he's alright. He jumped as he was snapped back to reality and nodded, smiling back at the adult. "Here's your coat, I didn't want some random drunk trying to take it on their way out," Mint Choco laughed. "Ah thanks again, I need to stop forgetting to grab it on my way out" Sparkling looked back at Gumball as he was looking around and admiring the ceiling designs. 

  "Actually before I head out, you should see what this kid can do! He's like crazy good with the drawing thing, amazes me every time! Gumball you should get your sketchbook out and show Mint the drawing you showed me earlier". Gumball blushed and pulled his backpack around to grab his sketchbook. Swinging it back onto his back he flipped to the page and shyly showed Mint Choco the drawing. 

  Mint's eyes widened at the drawing as he started complimenting every part of what was originally just a doodle. Gumball was about as red as cherry gum, he didn't know how to respond so he just took off his helmet and hugged it. Sparkling chuckled and patted the boy's head "that's my boy, anyway we gotta get outta here before Herb finds out Gumball's at the bar and buries me in the flower bed" Mint gave the sketchbook back as Gumball put his helmet back on and zipped his bag. 

  They waved their goodbyes and headed back to the car. "Ey kid, you know I'm proud of you, right? Like super proud" Gumball smiled widely and gave his dad a suffocating hug as he buried his face in his chest. Sparkling laughed as he somehow escaped the inescapable hug and started the car. "Now let's get home before I get in trouble, you buttface" Gumball smirked,  regaining his playfulness, "And what if I tell on you". 

  Sparkling gasped back and grinned, putting a hand over his chest "you wouldn't dare". Gumball narrowed his eyes as his smile grew wider "Oh I would" he crossed his arms. Sparkling just tossed his coat over the boy's head and started the car. Gumball giggled as he scrambled to get it off, throwing it in the back after.

  Sparkling's was just glad he got lucky and was blessed with this talented child to be in his life.

-(1021 words)-

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