-"This is why you don't jump on the couch!"-

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  "Pancake, that's not what she's supposed to wear", Custard informed him. The boys were playing with barbies and action figures in their room. Rolling his purple eyes, Pancake crossed his arms "I know, but she's in disguise, remember, so she can take down Iron Man".

  "Oh right! Sorry I forgot" he apologized and Pancake accepted it. Custard grabbed Iron Man and was about to make him lose to Barbie in their battle but the door was slammed open. They turned to see who was interrupting their epic fight.

  Gumball was standing in the doorway with a big grin on his face. Soda appeared behind him, mouthing a quick sorry to the two. Custard squinted at Soda, not happy to see him here again "what do YOU want, we're busy!"

  "We were gonna have a movie marathon but dad said that y'all have to watch too, so here we are" he sighed dramatically, leaning on the door frame. Pancake excitedly jumped up from his spot, "Barbie, Barbie!" Gumball huffed "Fiiiine, we'll watch stupid Barbie" he complained. 

  Soda laughed at him, "Dude it's Barbie, how could you hate Barbie?" He teased, the pinkette grumbled at him and whispered a quick 'I don't'. The blunette lightly grinned at him in an amused manner but the other ignored him.

  "Get your stuff and come to the couch" Gumball instructed and ran out, pulling Soda with him. Pancake rushed to put his and Custard's stuff up, grabbing his blanket when the room was clean. Custard sluggishly got up and dragged his blanket across the floor, stomping into the living room to sit down. He settled on the couch, Pancake jumping onto the spot right next to him.

  "Where's dads?" Custard questioned. Pancake just looked at him stupidly, "They're having a date night, remember?" The blonde 'oh's at the answer and yells at Gumball to get his attention. "WAT?" He shouted back, Custard giggled and looked at Pancake "Can we ask Crepe if they can come over?"

  Gumball shrugged and tossed his phone over to Custard to call them. "Thank you!" The pinkette just gave him a thumbs up and continued to gather things. Custard scrolled through the contacts and landed on Crepe's, calling them. They picked up slightly annoyed but the blonde just told them that they were having a movie night and to get their butt over there.

  They watched as Soda helped Gumball gather the DVDs and popped a random one into the console. Soda sat back down as Gumball crashed into him and covered him with a blanket. "We have to wait for Crepe first" Custard bossed, so they waited.

  Not long after, quiet knocks were placed on the door. Custard bounced up and ran to the door, letting the kid in. "Why do you always insist on calling so late at night?" Crepe complained and dropped their bag next to the couch. Custard just dragged them around the dark green sofa "becausee, why not" they both flopped back on the sofa.

  Pancake looked to Soda "did you play the one that goes like.." he paused and put on the deepest voice he could "deeliciOus". The teen laughed at the younger's impression, "no, sorry, but we can watch that one next", Pancake nodded excitedly.

  Soda then grabbed the remote and set it up, making the room illuminate with colour. Gumball lifted his head to look at the others, "are y'all good?" He asked. They all nodded and he laid back down.

  He set the remote on the floor and laid back as Gumball lay on his chest. The blonde was about to use Crepe as a teddy bear but realized something and looked Soda dead in the eyes, "why are you wearing a shirt all of the sudden, Soda? You're being weird" he asked, slightly disturbed. Soda perked up, "because Herb scares me and I don't want to make him uncomfortable when he comes back" he shuddered at the thought of upsetting the man.

  Custard snickered at him for this but before he could say anything else Pancake shushed them "stop talking, a good part is coming"


  "I'm gonna go get my Furby, he wants to watch too" Pancake exclaimed, quickly jumping off the couch as Soda paused the movie. Gumball's eyes widened "can you like, nOt bring that thing in here" he shouted but grumbled when he heard his brother deny his request. 

  Soda snickered and pet his head, realizing how knotted his hair was. "Bro, your hair is tangled as hell, lemme grab my brush because I know you won't take care of it" he reached over into his bag and pulled out a small purple brush, making the pink haired teen whine again. The other sat up properly, much to Gumball's dismay "oh hush, it might take your mind off the "scary Furby" now sit up".

  Gumball huffed and sat up in Soda's lap so the other boy could work through the knots. Crepe, on the other hand, was trying to get Toaster to come sit in their lap. The black cat was in a less sassy mood today, they guessed because she ungracefully climbed on the couch. She plopped herself down and laid across Crepe's legs, making them smile.

  Custard just looked at Toaster then Crepe and pouted. The kid glanced at him and continued petting the cat "she beat you to it and you're not moving her". He just slumped further into the couch and wrapped himself in Crepe's cloak that he had stolen earlier. Pancake ran back into the room with the purple-spotted Furby in his small grubby hands. Custard let out a screech of fear and he saw his life flash before his eyes as Pancake got ready to jump back on the couch.

  This caused a hold chain reaction as Custard pushed his way onto Crepe, making Toaster scratch the pink-haired boy. Then Pancake was pushed into Gumball and he shoved him off the couch too, but before he fell off he grabbed onto Soda's arm to catch himself. Which failed and he ended up pulling everyone onto the floor with him. 

  A loud thud was heard. One second everyone was sitting peacefully and the next they were all dogpiled on the hardwood floor. Crepe poked their head up "oOW what was THAT for!" They snapped. Pancake just shrugged and picked his furby backup to give it a small hug. Gumball's head spun as he laid there, just staring at the ceiling.

  At that moment that heard the front door being unlocked and in came Sparkling and Herb. "We're hommee~" Sparkling announced and walked over to the living room, not prepared for the monstrosity that just happened. He rounded the sofa and his face went blank then he quickly pulled his phone out to snap a couple of pictures. "OHH Seafairy and Red Velvet would sooo want these!" he exclaimed as Herb came to see what he was talking about. 

  He was greeted by a bunch of dazed pouty kids in a jumbled mess. He had to try his best not to laugh as Gumball gave him the stink eye, Soda stopping him by covering his eyes. "You kids ok? You look like you had quite the fall there" the leaf-haired man joked. Custard crossed his arms and huffed louder than a normal cookie did "Pancake wanted his dumb Furby!".

  Sparkling chuckled and pocketed his phone, he clapped his hands together "well get up, it's pretty late, you guys hungry?" He asked. They all nodded and scrambled to their feet as the husbands led the way to make them a snack.

  -(1270 wordz)-

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