-"This is so sappy"-

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    -(Hey hey, sorry for the long wait, I've been dealin with some mental problems lately and I've been sortin them out, anywho I hope you enjoy this chapter :D - Ghost)-

  Gumball was tapping his foot as he waited for Soda to knock on the window. It was almost midnight and his brothers were fast asleep. The room was slightly visible due to Custard's stupid night light, the teen hated that thing. 

  He nabbed his mismatched shoes and lazily tied them, already knowing he was going to trip later but he didn't care.

  He was about to text the other when he heard light tapping, snapping him out of a trance. His golden eyes brightened as he saw Soda and he went over to open the window. 

  "What took you so long? I almost thought you got caught" Gumball whispered as he unlocked the hatch holding it closed. "Nah, my mom just had company over so it took me awhile" the blunette explained.

  "At this hour?" Gumball questioned but Soda rolled his eyes and grinned "yeah I know, now hurry up before you wake up one of the iPad kids" he coaxed. 

  The pinkette smiled and held out his arms for the other cookie to grab. Soda giggled, he helped him through the window and set him on the grass. He slowly closed it, having done this time and again. 

  Once they closed the window, Soda laced his fingers in between Gumball's and they took off into the night. Both were giggling uncontrollably while trying to not wake up their neighbors. 


  They arrived at the beach out of breath as they almost toppled over. Soda heaved the bag on the sand and grabbed a big blue blanket, laying it across the ground. 

  Gumball set up their speakers, his phone making a small beep to signify that it had connected. He clicked on his and Soda's shared playlist, the music playing almost immediately.

  The blunette sat down beside him and hummed along to the melody. He glanced at the other and laughed, getting an idea while making his "best friend" confused. He excitedly helped Gumball to his feet and skipped to the next song on the playlist, already knowing which one it is.

  Gumball was about to question him but stopped himself when he heard the song. He couldn't stop himself from smiling upon hearing the tune of 'Hidden in the Sand'. Soda just smiled back at him as he slowly laced their fingers together. Their hands sat comfortably in one another's, having held hands all the time since they are almost glued to the hip.

  Soda set his other hand on Gumball's waist, pulling him closer in the action. The shorter quickly understood what he was doing and giddily placed his hand on the taller's shoulder. Soda smiled softly down at Gumball and slowly started to sway the both of them side to side. Stepping left, then right.

  "When you had to bid adieuuu~, said you'd never love a neww~" Soda sang along. "I wondered if I could hold it and fall in love with it tooo" Gumball jumped in. 

  "You told me to buy a pony but all I wanted was youuu~" Soda finished and pulled Gumball so that there was no space between them as they stepped. He gazed at the golden eyes in front of him as they seemed to almost gleam in the moonlight. 

  The blunette hummed contently, he gently rested his forehead against the others as Gumball giggled. Cookies always seem to describe this feeling with time slowing or coming to a complete stop, but it didn't feel like that at all. It was peaceful hearing the tide rush out as the sound blended stupidly with the music. Why make time slow when you could just hyper-focus on the present and take in as much as possible.

  Gumball unraveled his fingers from Soda's and rewrapped his arm around his neck to help him place a peck to Soda's lips. The blunette kissed his cheek sweetly and chuckled "you know, it's hard to be all romantic and stuff when I look down at you and all I'm able to notice is the fact that your shirt says Fortnite Legend" he joked.

  Gumball playfully rolled his eyes "my shirt can say whatever it wants and today.. it speaks the truth". Soda brought Gumball's hand above his head so he could do a small spin but the teen isn't very graceful. The blunette quickly rewraps his arm around the other's waist to catch him so he wouldn't crash into the sand. 

   "I think I deserve a thank you for saving your ass from falling, you klutz" Soda said proudly. Gumball hummed "I don't know, do you?" He booped Soda's nose. Soda didn't answer, he replied by peppering small kisses to his boyfriend's face. The boy burst out into a giggling fit as Soda paused to admire him and ruffle his hair. The taller one slowly brought him out of the dip and pulled him to sit back down on the blanket.

  Gumball caught his breath back and gazed at Soda, his eyes trailing down to look at the freckles across his chest. The longer he stared, the more Soda would notice how he was now intensely staring at his chest. The placement of them looked familiar as he kept glancing to the glittering sky and back at the freckles.

  "Wait a minute, how have I never realized this until now?" Gumball balled up his fist to hit his forehead a couple times but Soda calmly grabbed his wrist and brought it down. He huffed.

  He snatched a pen out of his pajama pants, clicking it open he quickly started tracing and connecting the dots. Soda was flustered at this point, Gumball was drawing on his chest and he didn't know why. The pinkette looked back at the sky and down at Soda's chest, now feeling satisfied.

  Soda cleared his throat, gaining Gumball's attention "you, uh, wanna tell me what just happened?" He asked as he watched the teen's golden eyes light up along with his cheeks. Gumball pulled out his phone and pulled up a picture of the constellation Orion, showing it to the other.

  "Your freckles form a full-on constellation, dude, I couldn't help it" he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. Soda just stared in awe, he could feel his face start to warm up. His focus shifted to Gumball "you really are something, you know that" he said barely above a whisper. A goofy smile had found its way onto Gumball's face as he was now a bright red.

  "Brooo, stooop, why are you bein sweet?'' he whined as he hid his face. Soda giggled, he uncovered his face as he pulled Gumball to his chest and kissed his forehead. "I can hear your heartbeat speed up" the pinkette teased him causing the other to blush and laugh it off.

  They cuddled there as they listened to the music play. Gumball would listen to Soda sing some lyrics every now and then.

  "Hey, hey, Gumball, guess what," the boy hummed and looked up at Soda's face, resting his chin on his chest. Soda tried to not laugh "are you an enderman because I wanna look at your eyes". Gumball's face got red again "bruuhhh, your mean".


  Soda was taking Gumball back home cause they had school in the morning and didn't want to stay out too late. Gumball was about to open the window after saying his goodbyes but Soda hugged him from behind so he couldn't leave. 

  "Dude, I have to go, stop bein clingyy" Soda ignored him and buried his face in Gumball's hair. Gumball huffed and turned around kissing Soda's cheek "I can't help it though" the blunette complained.

  Gumball smiled and shook his head "I'll meet you at the bus stop in the mornin, I love youu" he hugged him. Soda tossed his eyes and lifted his boyfriend so he could get back through the window. "I love you too" the tall teen gleamed at him and began walking off.

  The pinkette sighed, he jumped from his sitting position and closed the window. Before he even got to turn around he heard Custard clear his throat, making him slump down "hello mister Fortnite pajamas, I think you know what I want" the child said evilly. Gumball groaned, already tired of the boy "fiiine, you can use my Fortnite account for a day, just go to bed and don't tell dad".

  Custard's smile widened as he laid back down "thAnk you". Gumball threw his shoes to the corner of the room and flopped down on his bed, almost falling asleep immediately.

  -(1421 words)-

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