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  The afternoon was passing by exceptionally slow. Gumball and Soda were lying on the blunette's bed, staring up at the blank copper coloured ceiling. Both boys were bored out of their minds as they waited for something to happen. 

  Everything just seemed so unappealing to them at the moment, so they opted to lay down and contemplate why they were there. Eventually, the tune to Barbie Girl started playing and Gumball groaned. He rolled over onto his stomach and slid off the bed. Once on the ground he picked up his phone and answered, ignoring Soda laughing at his ring tone.

  "Yesss?" he said boredly into the speaker. "Gumball can you come help me at the church for a moment? There are some signs all over the walls and some boxes I need put away" Milk replied on the other end. Gumball huffed "suree I'll be right ov-" he was interrupted by a loud fake moan from behind him. The pinkette's eye twitched, Soda did NOT just do that to him. 

  The other line went silent, you could practically hear crickets on the other end "Gumball, what was that?" Milk questioned. "It's nothin' just-" Soda let out another long fake moan "Ahhh~ harderr~".

  Gumball stood and spun around on his heel to glare at the surfer, who was trying not to laugh. "Is everything alright over there, do I need to come get you?" He asked, blind to what was actually happening. The blunette snickered and dramatically fell back on his bed "Ohh~ HARDERR~ AHHHH~". He was being stupid on purpose.

  Gumball covered the speaker on his phone "Soda! shut up!" He whisper shouted and all he got for an answer was another moan. He exhaled angrily and uncovered the speaker "No it's fine! We'll be over in a sec" he then hung up and looked Soda dead in the eye.

  He just blinked at him with a blank stare that made everyone uncomfortable. He's at least glad that Soda was blinking this time, if the son of a bitch is in a certain mood he'll hold his eyes open for minutes at a time. It's weirder than he's doing justice.

  "You're an ass" Gumball pocketed his phone and crossed his arms, lightly glaring at the other. Soda snickered and jumped down from his bed "C'monn it was funny" he defended. The pinkette rolled his eyes as he pulled his shoes on "well hurry up, you're comin with me, all because you did that".

  "Whatt. Whyy" Soda rested his chin on Gumball's shoulder as he hugged him from behind. Gumball released a bothered huff "You were moanin while I was on call with Milk, I could've gotten in trouble again". The blunette laughed to himself and kissed the back of the teen's head. He unwrapped his arms from around him, slipping on his slides with ease.


  The boys arrived at the church, the white exterior blinding them in the sunlight. Soda had to blink a handful of times to properly look at the place "is it always this bright?" Gumball shrugged "we've been inside all day, our visions all wonky".

  Gumball grabbed the handle and motioned for the other to walk in "since you decided to moan on call earlier, ladies firstt~" he declared with a mocking grin on his face. I guess you could say he was a tad bit salty that he hadn't thought of doing that to Soda before. Hell, he was too stubborn to let it go on the walk to the church that he was going to get back at his boyfriend.

  Soda walked in without a thought but he was so going to put Gumball in a chokehold later just to mess with him for being pissy. The artist followed behind him, the door falling back into place by the wind outside. Milk ran up to them almost instantly, boxes stuffed under his arms "hello Gumball, Soda" he nodded to both, acknowledging them as he handed each a box. 

  "Can you guys please place these under the benches, I still have to take down the 'penis signs' that you thought were a good idea to put up" he pointed to the pink hair boy accusingly. Said boy pushed his hand away and smiled awkwardly.

  "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, I have to pee" Milk just grimaced "remember Gumball, it's nice to keep some things in your head sometimes". Milk sighed when he got no response and started ripping the signs off the walls. Soda didn't mind putting stuff up, he'd been bored out of his mind the entire day. The only fun he got was from messing with his "best friend".

  He hoisted the box up and marched over to the benches, setting it down on the tiled floor. Soda started to take out what looked like bibles and place them under the seats. It was a nice rhythm.

  A loud high pitched moan echoed its way across the main hall, making both cookies stop what they were doing. Milk closed his eyes and exhaled, trying not to beat a child since it was outside of his morals. Soda's nose scrunched up as he figured out what Gumball was doing. Revenge.

  He ignored it but another anime-esque moan echoed out "AHH~ ZADDYYY~" Oh God. The white-haired man turned to the surfer kneeling on the floor "Soda, I understand you may think this is funny, but I will not hesitate to inform your mother of your behavior in a church".

  The blunette hastily jumped up and waved his hands in front of him "I didn't do that sir", "OH GOLLYY~ HARDER ZADDYY~~". He was cringing so bad.

  Milk shook his head and stuffed a few more papers with crudely drawn penises into a trash bag "look, just cut it out, I don't have time for this today". 

  And almost timed perfectly, Yam had walked in "Who the FUCK is that". The Christian man ignored the language for a moment "Soda thinks it's funny making sexual jokes in the church". Soda blushed out of embarrassment, his cheeks started to burn. Yam's hot pink eyes darted over at the teen as he cracked his knuckles "you think that's FUNNY, Milk's just trying to do his JOB. And you're BOTHERING him".

  He was about to go onto a tangent on how Milk doesn't deserve this until he heard another and Soda's mouth didn't move. "ZADDYY-" A smack sounded through and childish laughter was heard. Yam stomped over to find who the culprit was only to be met with the last child he wanted to see. Gumball.

  He was holding his stomach and kicking the floor, cackling at this oh so funny game. He locked eyes with Yam and scrambled to his feet, dashing around the big man. He ran towards Soda and grabbed his wrist, pulling him out of the church before the shouty man could catch up. They heard him fall down the stairs as they rounded a corner.

  Crouching down behind the bar, they watched the man run past. Gumball let out a giggle as he flopped back, leaning his back against the wall. "You were right, that was fun! You should've seen your face!" He cackled. 

  Soda tried to be mad but he couldn't, he did, in fact, deserve it and his ass was saved in the end so he couldn't complain. "You're such a dork" he laughed and pushed Gumball's shoulder. The pinkette sat back up and grabbed his arm "you started it" he blamed as his laughter died down.

  They sat there as they gathered their breath from all the running and cackling. That was enough for today. Although Gumball had to get one more in "Ah Zaddyy~", "Dude stOp" Soda laughed.

  -(1294 wordss)-

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