-"Whoops, didn't mean to wake you up"-

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  A light buzz from a phone went off at an ungodly hour in the night. Soda's dark blue eyes groggily opened and started adjusting to the dark as he blinked a couple of times. He ignored the weight on his chest and lazily grabbed his phone, quickly unlocking it. He clicked on the alarm, realizing it was his school alarm set to the wrong time. Again.

  The boy turned it off since it was Saturday and tried to go back to sleep. After many failed attempts though he figured he would go take a walk. He tried to get up but was stopped as he felt movement, he kinda forgot he was staying the night at Gumball's house. Soda looked down at the teen that was sprawled across his chest, he looked so peaceful that he didn't want to wake him. 

  So he tried to move slower but the sleeping cookie stirred in his sleep. Golden eyes fluttered open as he glanced at Soda to question what he was doing. It was kinda funny, his hair was everywhere and his eyes were droopy like a sad puppy.  The blunette ruffled his hair, the other closing his eyes at the action. Soda kissed his forehead "sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, Gum".

  "Where ya goin?" Gumball sleepily mumbled. Soda shook his head and smiled sheepishly, "I was going to take a walk, I might stop by the gas station and grab a drink". The pinkette rubbed his eyes and sat up, smiling stupidly at Soda. "I'll come withh" he said as Soda stretched. 

  Gumball slid off of the other to stand but collapsed due to his sleep meds. He took them because of his insomnia and they hadn't worn off yet. Soda quietly chuckled as he crouched down to help his sleepy boyfriend up, "maybe you should stay here".

  The artist groaned and hugged Soda "dudee I'm finee, just a bit tired but I'll make itt" he pinched his fingers to put to scale how not tired he was. Soda shook his head "alright, c'mon then" they both grabbed their shoes and slid them on, making sure to not wake the iPad kids up.

  They slipped out the front door, Soda closed it quietly so they wouldn't get caught. Soda looked down at Gumball's shoes and squinted at him "can you try tying your shoes, every time you don't you fall face-first on the ground" he said unamused. 

  Sleepy Gumball though was a bit stubborn, he thought for a moment before responding "mmm no, I'm a big man and I never fall". Soda just chuckled "if you say so". The blunette helped him down the stairs because they're the pinkette's worst enemy. 

  The artist grabbed the surfer's hand as they walked in silence. The crickets were noisy around them and Gumball looked as if he was planning to fight them. His gaze was as focused as a sleep-deprived person's thought process could get. Soda nervously smiled, he was gonna have to stop him later.


  "Why did you think trying to fight the crickets was a good idea?" Soda was now carrying Gumball so he couldn't do anything. The pinkette brought his face into a small pout "look, they were gettin on my nerves" he said with a yawn.

  The small action didn't get past Soda "why didn't you stay at your house, I would've brought you back something". The tired artist shook his head and rested his chin on the other's shoulder. It was a pretty night outside, the surfer enjoyed the stars sprinkled across the dark sky.

  He refocused his gaze as the gas station came into view. Soda sped up his pace, he was gonna get that slushie tonight if it was the last thing he'd do. On their way over, Gumball was absentmindedly counting each individual bead on the blunette's necklace to keep himself awake. Well, he was trying his best in his current state.

  Soda propped the door open with his blue slide and swiftly passed through, prevailing careful of Gumball on his back. He wandered towards the back of the cramped building until he found his precious slushie machine. He lightly patted Gumball's thigh, signaling him to get down. "Yeah yeah I know" he complied, sliding his shoes onto the sticky tiled floor. 

  Soda grabbed a cup and placed a lid atop it. He glanced over at Gumball to see him fumbling with it, he smiled softly and helped him attach it. The blunette got his mix of blue raspberry and wild cherry while the pinkette got a simple orange. Gumball stumbled over and grabbed them both straws, giving one to Soda. He thanked him, appreciative of the small gesture.

  Soda grabbed both of the freezing drinks and headed to the counter to pay, the artist following close behind. The cashier seemed tired of Soda coming in constantly but he wasn't in a place to complain about it, just wanting to go home already. They quickly paid and were kicked out the door for closing.

  Once back outside, the surfer happily drank his slushie as his best friend leaned his head against his shoulder while they walked. Soda watched the sky, getting an idea since they were already out. He dragged Gumball over to the fence line on a hill, urging him to come with. Gumball obliged as he slid his back down against the chain link next to Soda.

  The teen then instructed him to lay down. They both fell back onto the soft grass, the smooth green becoming comforting to Gumball as he looked over at the other. His eyes lightened as he saw the pure joy displayed on Soda's face. His smile lines were crinkled around his eyes and his mouth formed a gentle grin. He started pointing at random groups of stars in the sky and explaining the backstory of each one.

  Gumball smiled, he knew every one of them and Soda knew that but he let him talk. He liked when he would explain things to him when he was tired, it made him feel loved in a weird way. He just watched Soda's face as he talked so calmly. Gumball took a sip from his citrus slush, residue getting on his hands due to the warm night air.

  The teen stared at the boy as his eyes started to drift off into a gentle sleep. It took Soda a few constellation stories to notice the teen had fallen asleep, his snores becoming more noticeable. He chuckled and scooped Gumball into his arms, his head falling onto his chest as he nestled into it.

  The blunette grabbed the empty cups and tossed them into a nearby garbage can. He started walking back to Gumball's house, continuing his one-sided conversation about the stars littering the sky. Even though Gumball wasn't awake he knew he was listening. His calm sleep told him so.

  -(1154 words)-

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