-"Ur Mom"-

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The kids were all sitting in their shared room as they talked. Gumball was lazily lying halfway off his bed upside down while Pancake and Custard sat on the floor in front of him. They kept poking his cheek because he was amusing them and would make a weird face.

"Custard, you look weird upside down" Gumball laughed as the blonde huffed at him and hit his shoulder. "Well you're ugly and mean" Gumball looked to Pancake and snickered, he had an idea.

"That's not what your mom said last night" the pinkette said as the other giggled. Custard was confused, they didn't have a mom, they had two dads. "That doesn't make any sense! What's that supposed to mean?!" He whined, already frustrated with his idiot of a brother.

Pancake squinted seriously, "your mom" and busted out laughing. Custard glared at him, they were making fun of him. AGAIN.

Gumball slid off the bed and onto the carpeted floor. "You know you guys aren't funny, right?!" Gumball grinned and Custard wanted to smack it off his dumb face. Little did he know he walked right into his trap.

"Your mom thinks I am!" He exclaimed. Pancake was dying, this was hilarious. Custard thought otherwise.

"StOOOPP IIT! I'm gonna tell!" He started to hyperventilate, the same way he did everytime Gumball got on his nerves. This only made him laugh more, "That's fine, me and Pancake are just gonna play a game without you then".

"Like. What." The blonde said angrily.

Pancake spoke up, "Your mom".

Custard screeched with an anger that only his brothers could unleash. He kicked Gumball in the side and stomped out of the room. The taller one pulled Pancake to his feet and chased after the angry ipad kid.


Sparkling was calmly eating his breakfast and scrolling on his phone in the kitchen. He could hear the boys yelling in their room but it didn't faze him, they were loud kids. He took a sip of his coffee.

Custard came stomping in the kitchen screaming, causing him to accidentally spit his coffee.


"What did they do this time?" Sparkling sighed and grabbed a napkin to clean the table.

"THEY KEEP SAYING 'yOuR mOm' EVEN THOUGH WE DON'T HAVE ONE!" He continued to hyperventilate and balled his fists. 'Didn't we litterally JUST have this problem' Sparkling thought.

The two troublemakers ran in still giggling and stumbling over each other.

He rubbed his temples and looked at the angry child that was still yelling at them to quit it. He kneeled down to his level "Custard, they're messing with you".


Gumball stuck his tounge out at the child. He was about to fight him but Sparkling pulled him back.

"I get that, I'll talk to them" he explained to him.

Custard grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest aggressively. Sparkling shook his his head and directed his attention to the giggling heathens that he calls his children.

"Gumball, Pancake, please stop saying 'your mom' to everything he says"

"I thought I told to stop messing with your brother.....yesterday... about the same thing" he face palmed and pointed to Custard, hinting that they should apologize to the ipad kid.

"We're sorryyy~ Custard" they said in unison, "we won't do it againn" they hugged him.

Sparkling sat back down, 'mmmm it's too early for this' he thought. The two snickered and ran off to their bedroom again, pulling Custard with them.

Gumball picked Pancake up and threw him in the air, helping him glide around the room. "Y'all weren't lying when you said that right!?" He shouted, still aggravated.

Gumball just leaned over with the most shit eating grin as Pancake landed on the other side of Custard, smiling ever so innocently.




"Your mom"

Custard just opened the door and pushed them into the hallway, slaming the door in their faces.

They rolled into the livingroom laughing at Custard's tantrum. Sparkling looked over at them, grabbing their school bags. He pulled out Gumball's missing and Pancake's homework, setting it on the table. He pointed at it and they sighed.

They slid their feet across the floor and sat down at the kitchen table. "I don't wanna see you out of these spots until all this is done, am I clear" they nodded as their dad walked in the livingroom to watch a movie.

Pancake leaned over and wrote something on Gumball's math worksheet. He looked down and read it, trying to hold in his giggles.

"Ur mom"

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