-"Watch where you're going next time!"-

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  The skatepark was empty this afternoon as two chaotic teenagers occupied it. Soda was sitting in the grass just watching Gumball do all sorts of tricks and making sure he didn't do anything stupid. The boy kept skating by, making dumb faces at his boyfriend. Both were having a blast as usual, with no interruptions or authority figures around to intervene.

  Soda was about to call Gumball over to show him a meme he found until a small redheaded figure caught his eye in the distance. The blunette squinted his eyes to get a better look, Devil was flying over to them. Soda leaned back onto the grass as the younger kid floated just above the ground, a troubling smirk painted on his face "what do you want this time, dude?" He questioned, unsure of their intentions.

  They glanced over at Gumball then to the rock in their hand "oh nothing~ just wanted to cause some trouble around here, you seemed too peaceful today" they snickered. The surfer saw the rock and his sapphire eyes widened "you wouldn't dare". His hair started to fizz at the roots, making soft little popping sounds as he glared. But Devil gave a little spin in the air, feeling more weightless at Soda's tone "oh. oh, I soo would".

  They stared at each other, the redhead breaking eye contact and suddenly looking nervous. But before Soda could do anything Devil ran off. He quirked an eyebrow at the odd interaction until he saw it. 

  One of the ramps had a board slightly sticking out of it. 

  Gumball didn't notice though, he was in his own little world as the wind cooled him off on the hot day. His heart started to race as the pinkette quickly skated down the ramp and it was too late. 

  The artist looked down and it was like the world went into slow motion and immediately sped up in times ten-speed again. His pupils turned almost nonexistent as he dove into the ground, bashing the back of his head into the sidewalk. His skateboard made a scratchy sound as it came to a slow stop next to him. He barely even had time to blink before he saw his vision start to slowly coat itself in a red liquid. 

  As he started to pass out he heard a blood-curdling scream and heard scattered footsteps getting closer at a heavy pace. "GUMBALL, YOU KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN, GOD DAMN IT" he could hear the fear Soda's voice as he tried getting to his best friend. That was the last thing he heard before blacking out.


  Soda had called 911 when Gumball blacked out, he was surprised the operator could make out what he was saying through all the crying. Now he was pacing around the waiting room at the hospital with Herb and Sparkling seated in the metal chairs. He felt as if his heart was going to tear through his chest. It was beating so hard. He wouldn't be surprised if he found a bruise there later.

  Sparkling looked up when he heard a couple of splats sound against the white tile. He wanted to be upset but he had noticed that it was Soda's fizz starting to drop to the floor. He sighed "k-kiddo, he's gonna be ok, the doctor said you called them just in time that they could just stitch him up". He tried sounding reassuring but it came out more on the shaky side.

  This made the teen's voice crack and Sparkling noticed his lip quiver ever so slightly, he wouldn't have noticed it if he wasn't studying his face for the exact emotion. His fatherly instincts were about to kick in but a doctor had come back in. His shoes came to a stop in front of the three with a smile on his face, Soda giving a hopeful look as he stopped pacing.

  "Gumball is all good Mr.Sparkling, although we suggest he stays in bed for a while and you limit his activity, God knows that child as well as I do that if you take your eye off him he'll need to be restitched" he attempted humor to calm the tense air. Sparkling and Herb finally exhaled, feeling released. The doctor met Soda's expectant eyes, waiting for him to give the signal that he could see the boy.

  The doctor just sighed, he nodded and was almost taken off his feet as the surfer ran past him and into the room. He shook his head and walked up to the two dads to talk about stitches care.

  Soda ran into the room right as Gumball started to awake from the medicine. He rushed over and paused to bring him into a soft embrace, being overly gentle to not mess anything up. He was about to cry, yet Gumball had the audacity to laugh at the current situation. 

  He let go of him and grabbed the pinkette's face "You're such an idiot, you scared me! Watch where you're going next time!" Gumball avoided eye contact as Soda lectured him. The artist huffed and turned his head only to turn it right back, muttering a quick 'ow'. "I did lookk" he argued but stopped when the other stared at him with a blank face. "Ok, maybe I didn't-" "I know you didn't,'' Soda interrupted.

  He cleared his throat and hugged him again ", but that doesn't matter, you're still ok" Soda moved the hair on his forehead to place a small kiss. Gumball gave a wobbly smile and hugged him back. He started to feel the stickiness on Soda's back from the nervous fizz he just had but he couldn't care less at the moment. 

  The doctor came back with Sparkling and Herb "I don't suggest healing it for it could mess up the stitches, but after we remove them you're all good to fix it" he instructed. He ran a couple of tests, wrapped his neck and the back of his head, and said they were good to leave.


  After they left, Gumball's feet hadn't touched the ground once. Soda had carried him to and from the car and he wouldn't take no for an answer when he tried walking for himself. The pinkette wanted to argue but couldn't find it in himself to since he knew the other just wanted to take care of him.

  They were in Gumball's room, laying on his bed while the dads were retrieving Pancake and Custard from Crepe's house. Gumball was lying face down on Soda's chest, face planting being the only way he could lay down without his stitches hurting or getting itchy. 

  The artist sat up "I'm kinda thirsty, I'll be right back-" Soda interrupted him by wrapping his arms around his torso and hoisting him up. 

Gumball quickly wrapped his legs around Sodas waist so he wouldn't fall. "I'll help you" "Soda, my head is injured, not my leg!" Soda made eye contact with him "yeah I know, but I don't care now do I?" He said smugly. Gumball only huffed and laid his head on the other shoulder. He let him do his thing as he was carried to the kitchen like a koala.

  He set him down on the counter and went to the fridge "What do you want". Gumball was about to answer but decided that it was his chance to actually walk. As he slowly slid off the counter, he had been too quiet and Soda turned to see what he was doing. His sapphire eyes widened and he rushed to scoop Gumball back up "why can't you let me care for youu" Soda whined.

  "Because it's dumb and I wanna walkk" Gumball whined back, knowing he's not gonna get his way as Soda walked them back to bed. Soda flopped back and Gumball readjusted, both back where they were before.

  Right as they laid back down they heard the front door open, in came two children as they burst into the room to make sure their brother was alright. Pancake and Custard jumped onto Gumball's race car-themed bed, scrambling to get to him "GUMBALL ARE YOU OK?!?" Pancake questioned. 

  Custard quickly realized who was holding his brother and jumped off the bed, acting as if he had just got burned by the sun "EW, I juSt tOucheD SOda" he screamed. 

  Gumball shook his head "bro I almost died today and you're worried about that?" He paused "disappointing," he said, still face-planted. Herb stepped into the room and stared at Soda holding his son. The planter exhaled "thank you Soda, for keeping him in one place…I appreciate it" Soda smiled. 

  "That doesn't excuse the fact that you kiss my son" Herb put it bluntly, the blunette nervously looked away again. Gumball sighed as it was gonna be a long couple of weeks.

  -(1478 wordz)-

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